
Posted 2M ago by @elisenavidad

OMG YOU GUYS!!! I got this HUGE package delivered last ni...

OMG YOU GUYS!!! I got this HUGE package delivered last night & I was so confused bc it had my name on it and I had no memory of ordering anything this large! So I’m calling my mom and texting people asking if they sent me something from IKEA with no

Then my boyfriend reminded me that I won the #GregGivesBackGiveaway & it all started making sense!!

I’m so beyond grateful to everyone who pitches in for these giveaways & provided me with such a gorgeous PLANT SHELF!!! This is seriously so freaking nice. Thank you #GregGang for the #PlantyBoxofGoodies 🤍

The shelf is still being arranged and filled, and I just need to add some grow lights and we’ll be set 🤩🤩🤩
Best Answer
Yay!! The #GregGivesBackGiveawaySquad is so pleased you like your #PlantyBoxofGoodies . Thank you so much for participating in the #GregGivesBackGiveaway and congrats on being a #GregGivesBackGiveawayWinner !!


So there are ways to make it "enclosed" so it can be a humidity cabinet for you. Here are some suggestions.

Clear rust proof spray for metal:

To "enclose" mesh sides:

Lights I use on bookshelves:

Command strips for the lights (velcro):
I use these on all lights I put on the wall or ceiling as well!

You can even accessorize with custom leaf handles, clear acrylic shelving, or even a pegboard in the back. Just google ikea baggebo plant cabinet for endless possibilities!

That’s really nice ! #greggivesback gives BIG! That will be some #HappyPlants going in there! Maybe you’ll even have room for a few #PropagationStation plants 🙌
Ahhh that’s so lovely ❤️❤️❤️ what a great surprise 🍃
@TheConservator ISNT IT?? Like how did I get so lucky??

&& Ikr, I’m so excited to fill it!!
@KinderPlants I’ll say!? I’m very blessed 🤍
Omg that’s beautiful!!! Let us know how you like it! Btw love your rope window covering! 😍😍 And your colorful walls!
@MariansOasis awww Marian you are too nice!! I really love my macrame / hippie stuff 😂 Thank you so much 🤍

I LOVE the shelf, like I feel like the luckiest person ever right now 😂 I never win raffles and stuff like this so I’m very excited. Thank you all 🤍
@sarahsalith OH GOSH DONT TELL ME THAT 🤣🤣 but okay, if you insist 🤷🏼‍♀️

Hmmm where to start 🤔😏
What an Amazing gift! Greggers are the best! Every time you look at that beauty and all of the babies inside you will feel joy. Thank you for sharing! 🥰🌱🥰🌱 #GreggersSupportingGreggers
@AwesomePlants holy crap I had no idea there was so many possibilities!? People are so creative, wow! Thank you SO much for sharing this, I’m definately gonna geek out over these ideas & I’ll keep everyone updated 😂🤍
@teacher12 I thought so!? The #GregGang is the best!!
WHOA that’s an AMAZING prize!!!!!
@LauraLynne I THINK SO TOO!? I’m very lucky!!
Congratulations @elisenavidad , that is an amazing gift!
Nice! Congratulations 🎉
That is beautiful. You’re a lucky woman. I haven’t been able to even get in the store yet.
@LaSiguanaba thank you so much rose! I’m very blessed ☺️
@SuperbRaspfern thank you
@clairsheart thank you!! & awww no!! Do you have an android or iPhone?
This app and community are so great!!
@FairyFly dude, I couldn’t agree more! Getting on the app is definately one of my fave parts of every day!
For sure @elisenavidad! All the beautiful plants, helpful people, maybe even help someone else if you can ya know?! I'm glad I found it.