
Posted 2M ago by @JesssJungle

I cannot believe how many new leaves Quill has given me s...

I cannot believe how many new leaves Quill has given me since I moved him under a grow light and near a north facing window. I found his happy spot, FOR SURE! Just take a look at his newest HUGE leaf! My hand for scale. 🌿

#neverneverctenanthe #neverneverplant #ctenanthe #newleafalert #newgrowth #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #jesssjungle #theamigos
3ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Oh wow! Beautiful 😍😍😍
@JesssJungle Beautiful first time seeing this variety. Nice job
@HayleyQ it's been so fun watching this leaf unfurl.
@ILoveMyPlants thank you! I believe they are fairly closely related to Calatheas. 😊
Impressive leaves Jess! ☺️
Isn't it just the best feeling finding their happy spot? That's defo a "thank you mom!" leaf πŸ₯°
@LaSiguanaba thanks, Rose!! :) @CactusAdjacent yes totally the best feeling!! 😌 I'm finding that supplementing with even a little bit of grow lights helps leaf growth tremendously.