Hi, guys, I was wondering what it could be in my ctenanth...
Hi, guys, I was wondering what it could be in my ctenanthe setosa, I bought a ctenanthe setosa, and I noticed they have something sticky, like sugar grains under their leaves, but I don't see any signs of mealybugs or any signs or any other bug.

Last watered 4 months ago
Two things I'm seeing here.
The red circle: Tiny black spots, could be thrips
The green circle: That white fuzzy thing? Either a mealy or something fungal
I can't say for sure, so I can't provide treatment. Maybe some communities might help #PestControl #planthelp #PrayerPlant
The red circle: Tiny black spots, could be thrips
The green circle: That white fuzzy thing? Either a mealy or something fungal
I can't say for sure, so I can't provide treatment. Maybe some communities might help #PestControl #planthelp #PrayerPlant