
Posted 4M ago by @LaSiguanaba

This plant was damaged when I received it a couple of mon...

This plant was damaged when I received it a couple of months ago, and I honestly had doubts that it would survive. After not much happening for 2 months, Phoenix has finally produced a pitcher and it’s a real beauty!!! I just love the colors and the pattern on the hoodβ€”what a great way to finish up the growing season!!! 😍 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #GregGang #cpclubthursday #CPbandWagon #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub #Sarracenia #PitcherPlant #LaSiguanaba
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 days ago
@LaSiguanaba I’d be blowing my Torricelli's trumpet 🎺 if I had a sarracenia with such a lovely color and pattern l. But I will leave it for others to comment. @Merranda comes to mind immediately.
It's stunning, we'll done
@LaSiguanaba You certainly have a green thumb . Gabriel is beautiful 😍
wow! 🀩
This is gorgeous πŸ₯°
Fantastic! You’ll have more of those for sure at this rate. Recovery successful!
Wow this is so beautiful HAPPY GROWING @LaSiguanaba
@Seymour I’m just happy this plant finally grew a pitcher! 😁
@Isaflora Thanks!
@ILoveMyPlants Thank you!
@ehery Thanks!
@Ninabeena Thank you!
@PlantLord I’m so pleased! I didn’t think I’d get a pitcher this season. 😁
@YammieOf3 Thanks! I’m happy to see new growth at last!
Wow. That's a pitcher plant I can get on board with. Absolutely stunning.
@MusicalRedmint Thanks Susann!
WOW!! That's one absolutely stunning & beautiful Sarracenia!! It's definitely come a long way! The pink on it is just absolutely gorgeous! What type of Sarracenia is this?
@Merranda The vendor identified it as a β€œSarracenia Leucophylla”, and I just realized I never entered this plant into Gregβ€”so this is not actually β€˜Gabriel’ πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I’ll have to come up with a name!
@LaSiguanaba That's awesome ! I love Sarracenia Leucophylla, they're regarded by many as being the "most beautiful Sarracenia." Makes sense that it's putting out stunning pitchers right now though, since Leucophylla are a late season Sarracenia 😁 They're just so beautiful!
@Merranda it really is a beautiful plant 😍