Repotted Spider plant! If you guys looked at my previous...
Repotted Spider plant!
If you guys looked at my previous post, you would know that it was about my spider plant. She used to be in a closed terrarium with a Persian shield and a Fittonia ( or more commonly known as a Nerve plant) she wasn't doing so well, and had yellow and brown leaves. Beacause of the answers to my question, which I am super thankful for, I repotted her into her own pot. She seems to be doing really well, even though I only repotted her a couple days ago. Hope she's going to be able to spred her leaves out more and thrive! âĪïļ here are some pics...
There are also some pictures of my happy Persian shield and Fittonia! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantTherapy #repotted #RepotSeason #NewPlantMom #PlantCorner #PlantShelfie #BeforeAndAfter #PlantLove #BuyandSell #
If you guys looked at my previous post, you would know that it was about my spider plant. She used to be in a closed terrarium with a Persian shield and a Fittonia ( or more commonly known as a Nerve plant) she wasn't doing so well, and had yellow and brown leaves. Beacause of the answers to my question, which I am super thankful for, I repotted her into her own pot. She seems to be doing really well, even though I only repotted her a couple days ago. Hope she's going to be able to spred her leaves out more and thrive! âĪïļ here are some pics...
There are also some pictures of my happy Persian shield and Fittonia! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantTherapy #repotted #RepotSeason #NewPlantMom #PlantCorner #PlantShelfie #BeforeAndAfter #PlantLove #BuyandSell #

1ft to light, direct

4â pot without drainage

Last watered 2 months ago