
Posted 1Y ago by @vvvelo

Murasaki thinks it's a tree 🌳🀣

My Murasaki thinks that he is a tree 🌳🀣🀣 #Murasaki #Graptopetalum #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents
6ft to light, direct
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
@SucculentPig yeah! 🀣 He intentionally dropped off bottom leaves and grows tall… I guess he forgot that he has to be a compact succulent πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
Lol, maybe he’s jealous of the jade bonsai that people make. He’s like β€œI can be a tree too!” πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
@ESylvanus I guess he was saying: β€œDid you get new grow light? πŸ€“Let me see it closer…” and this is when he stared growing towards growlights lol.
@vvvelo I have a few that think they are trees too... 🀭🀭🀭
@FirstCanna yeah, some succulents act weird under my growlights.
I love him so much. πŸ₯ΊπŸ’š
@LaneYlemElhaz yeah he is a cutie! I’ve got him from Home Depot.
@vvvelo I’m new to succulents and grow lights but is it better to use the red/blue or the full white color setting?
@PlantmomminTN full sun spectrum works the best for succulents. Example: LED Day light 5000K, 1600 Lumens.
@PlantmomminTN this is from the internet: β€œTo support your succulents’ growth, ensure proper color temperature. The right color temperature for them is 6500K i.e. bright blue light. If you wish that your succulent blooms, a yellow-white light or 3000K color temperature is good.” But they do not meant you have to use Blue lamp.
@vvvelo thank you so much! That’s very helpful and I’ll be fixing them up tonight!