
Posted 4M ago by @TidyTigerpear

Happy Monday #GregGang 🌱 I hope everyone had a great wee...

Happy Monday #GregGang 🌱
I hope everyone had a great weekend, & start of the week. Today I visited a new nursery, in Apex. I’ve never been there but I was so amazed by the variety of plants for indoor and out! It was hard not to go crazy, but I only walked out with two plants! πŸ™€πŸ˜‚
1. painter’s palette (anthurium andraeanum) 🎨
2. Andromischus cooperi (similar to calico hearts, just a different leaf shape)
3. Echeveria from my haul a couple weeks ago. It was starting to etoliate at the store, it’s already looking better, I’m slowly introducing it to more light. If anyone knows what type of echeveria this is, please comment! #PlantID #identify #PlantInfo #echeveria
4. Another repot, graptopetalum β€˜ghosty’, they all have babies growing!
5. Green pearl echeveria got a repot as well. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #Succulents #Graptopetalum #Anthurium #Andromischus #SucculentSquad #Succulent repotting">#repotting #NewPlants
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
The andromischus cooperi is one of many plants on my wishlist! They're so unique and interesting looking 😻

Your pearl echeveria is gorgeous! Love the colors starting to peek through. I'm relocating several of my echeverias so they'll get more direct sun, and hopefully more colors πŸ˜›

The echeveria in your 3rd pic almost looks more like an aeonium...but I'm far from an expert and have struggled in the past to differentiate between the two lol ☺️
@stephonicle I do agree it looks similar to an Aeonium, but I’m almost sure it’s an echeveria. It was beginning to stretch for light, which may be why it looks different. Aeonium usually have serrated edges. It also had a flower stalk, that looked like an echeveria flower. It doesn’t have the flower anymore, which would help with identification. οΏΌEcheveria can be hard to identify there are so many varieties, many that are similar to each other.
@TidyTigerpear Your mystery Echeveria is a Blue Atoll. They get absolutely huge!