
Posted 1M ago by @VerdantFlora

Update on Penny the #Pothos! About a month ago Penny, m...

Update on Penny the #Pothos!

About a month ago Penny, my first leafy plant, received a haircut and went from 80s mullet to a pixie cut. And OH MY! She’s simply stunning!🀩 I’ll admit, she looked a lil awkward for a week or two. But she’s growing length again and all her #NewGrowth is coming in a delicious mix of green and yellow! Along with all of her trimmed vines having multiple offshoots growing in. Most of the #Cuttings I removed were just green and a darker green at that. Making me think maybe she wasn’t really a #GoldenPothos.

Almost all of the cuttings taken from her were able to be rooted. I used a mix of #SphagnumMoss and a perlitepropbox">#perlitepropbox. They have LONG roots, and new leaves growing. Even the wet sticks have multiple leaves growing. The cuttings aren’t as bright as Penny herself, but they’re brighter than before the trim. I haven’t potted them yet, it’s seems a daunting task (cleaning all the moss off the roots) and I have a lot going on recently, but soon.🀞🏼

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #PothosPack #GregGang #theamigos #VerdantFlora
4ft to light, indirect
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Yay for the lovely haircut on Penny. I will be doing this to my pothos and other climbers. I like them full and bushy instead of long vines.
@Ninabeena I think I might need to cut Aelin (another pothos) back soon, too. She’s starting to invade the personal space of other plants.
Did you put the cutting back in its own pot to propagate and make it more full or did the trimming itself make it more full? I have a philos I’ve propagated successfully a few times but she’s kinda gotten pale
@LiftLashPlant trimming it made it more full. That’s why I trimmed it so short, to make it bushier around the pot. The cuttings are currently in a prop box. I’m contemplating putting the cuttings back in the same pot. But I think they make their own 6” pot, there’s that many cuttings. So I’m not sure yet.
@VerdantFlora very cool. Philos and Pothos are so easy and fun to propagate. I have a few smalls one I started with a handful of water propagations. Thanks for sharing
Penny sure is pretty! Well done!!
@Shells_Garden thank you ! 😊
Wow, Penny is beautiful, you did a terrific job with her haircut! Her vines were so long! Glad you posted and updated, gives me information and advice on what to do with my Potho! Definitely love the String Of Pearls!!
@VerdantFlora πŸ˜‚ my satin pothos and philodendron brasil are doing the same thing. They are getting trimmed and propagated. My client wants cuttings of several of my babies.
@SweetAzurebluet thank you! ☺️
@VerdantFlora You’re welcome!
I had the same thing happen with my Pothos. I thought it might have been because I put a piece of a Dogwood tree bark resting on the soil. Like a decoration. Since I added that the plant took off! Leaves are enormous and many are beautifully verigated. Why?