Dolly Parton

Philodendron Birkin

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
grow-light Grow light
window-distance 2.5ft to light
sunlight-hours 1-3 hrs light
window-orientation SE
7.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-ac Near A/C unit
near-humidifier Near humidifier
near-heater Near heater

Posts About Dolly Parton

Philodendron Birkin

#Philodendron Discussion

What can I do? My leaves are getting yellow.

I thought Birkin was not a vining philodendron, but mine seems to want to vine. I would like it to grow straight with fullness at the bottom, but am nervous about pruning it. Would love any recommendations

The only Birkin I can afford šŸ’…šŸ‘œ #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #NewPlantMom #GregGang #PlantCorner #PlantShelfie #PhilodendronBirkin #TropicalPlants

Hi. This is my first time growing this plant along with several others. But what could be causing her to look like this in a weeks time? The leaf is soft to the touch. Iā€™m having a hard time with this cold GA weather since it snowed twice

I have one leaf that has gone limp is turning brown, I checked the soil and it is not too damp. I was wondering what else could cause this and if I should do anything with the leaf (i.e. remove it or support it)

My plant came waterlogged. Is it salvageable?

Got this from a friend, poorly cared for, what needs to be done to bring it back to life?

Progress of a new leaf on my philodendron! #Philodendron #NewGrowth #NewPlantMom #PlantAddict

In one month I am down to just two leaves. Some stems are yellow-brown. It was so beautiful

Ok you guys - this is crazy and so interesting to me!!! My birkin had a leaf that was taking FOREVER to pop out and then once it finally did, it was TWINS!!!!!! #yes, two new leaves shot out once it finally unfurled. Note the whiter one that is to the left who was squished beyond measure, and the straight up one. I have never heard of a plant with two new leaves on the same stalk at the same time. #FreshLeafFriday #FreshFeaturedFriday #birkin #twinleaf