Plant Care Pothos N' Joy

Pothos N' Joy

4.8 out of 5 (65 experiences)

Pothos N' Joy has a Fast grower plant personality Fast grower
Pothos N' Joy has a Easy to propagate plant personality Easy to propagate

About Pothos N' Joy

Created in 2002, the N'Joy pothos hsa quickly risen in popularity due to its unique variegation. Feng shui experts say placing pothos in sharp corners or angles in your home can reduce anxiety and stress. 😌

A NASA/ALCA study on the use of common plants for indoor air purification also labeled golden pothos—along with Philodendron and spider plants—as the most effective in removing formaldehyde from the air. 💨


Epipremnum aureum 'N Joy'

How to care for Pothos N' Joy

💦 Water

How often to water your Pothos N' Joy

Water needs for Pothos N' Joy
0.5 cups
every 9

Pothos N' Joy needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.

Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.

Calculate water needs of Pothos N' Joy

Water 0.5 cups every

Does your plant get direct sunlight?

Select the pot size

☀️ Light

Finding light for Pothos N' Joy in your home

Light needs and placement for plant Pothos N' Joy: 6ft from a window
6ft or less from
a window

Pothos N' Joy can tolerate being far from a window and light source.

Place it less than 6 feet from a south-facing window to ensure it receives enough light to survive 💪.

Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Pothos N' Joy in your home 🏡.

🪴 Nutrients

How to fertilize Pothos N' Joy

Nutrient, fertilizer, and repotting needs for Pothos N' Joy: repot after 2X growth

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.

By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.

To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Pothos N' Joy after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.

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💡 FAQs
⭐ Difficulty Level

Pothos N' Joy is generally considered an easy-to-care-for plant and makes a great choice for beginners!

Benefits of Growing Pothos N' Joy →

Common Pothos N' Joy Problems →

💦 Water Needs

Pothos N' Joy prefers for the soil to dry out between waterings and should be watered regularly. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.

Pothos N' Joy Water Frequency →

Pothos N' Joy Root Rot →

☀️ Sunlight Needs

Pothos N' Joy can tolerate being far from a window and light source. Place it less than 6 feet from a south-facing window to ensure it receives enough light to survive 💪. Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement in your home 🏡.

Pothos N' Joy Light Requirements →

Pothos N' Joy Direct Sunlight Needs & Tolerance →

🐶 🐈 👶 Toxicity

Pothos N' Joy is not safe to consume. If you, a family member, or a pet has ingested any amount of plant material contact Poison Control, US (800) 222-1222, or your veterinarian. If you have children, cats, or dogs in the home, we suggest keeping this plant out of reach.

Pothos N' Joy Toxicity to Cats →

Pothos N' Joy Toxicity to Dogs →

Pothos N' Joy Toxicity to Humans →

💨 Humidity

Pothos N' Joy doesn’t require additional humidity. Plants absorb most water through their root system rather than their leaves, so the best way to provide humidity for your plants is through watering the soil.

Pothos N' Joy Humidity Needs →

🪴 Soil

Pothos N' Joy does best in well-draining soil. A good soil will contain lots of organic matter such as coco coir as well as perlite or vermiculite to help with drainage. Adding a handful of perlite to regular store-bought potting soil should do the trick!

Best Soil Mix for Pothos N' Joy →

When and How to Successfully Repot Pothos N' Joy →

💩 Fertilizer

Pothos N' Joy should be repotted after it doubles in size or once a year, whichever comes first. Fresh potting soil has all the nutrients your plant needs, so as long as it’s refreshed yearly, you shouldn’t need to use fertilizer. Remember, plants get their energy from sunlight, not fertilizer!

How Much and When to Fertilize Pothos N' Joy →

❄️ Dormancy

It’s common for Pothos N' Joy to go dormant in the wintertime and you may notice their growth slow down. Waterings should be spaced out more during this time.

🌎 Native Region

Pothos N' Joy is native to tropical China through Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.

🌸 Flowers

Pothos N' Joy does not flower.

Pothos N' Joy Flowers →

⬆️ ⬇️ Growth Pattern

Pothos N' Joy is a naturally climbing plant and can be trained to climb indoors if you provide a moss pole or trellis. The newest growth will emerge from the end of the stems.

How and When to Prune Pothos N' Joy →

🌦️ Growing Outdoors

USDA Hardiness Zone
Pothos N' Joy can be grown outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 10a-12a. Find your local hardiness zone here.

Pothos N' Joy Temperature Tolerance →

🌱 Propagation

Pothos N' Joy can be propagated by the stem method. To propagate:

  • Make a cut just above the node. The node is the break in the stem where the leaf emerges.
  • To get the cutting to root, you can either:
    • Place the cutting in water until roots emerge and are ~2” long and then transplant into well-draining soil, or
    • Place the cutting directly into well-draining soil and water when dry.

How to Propagate Pothos N' Joy →

🍂 Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves aren’t always a reason to panic, and can be a normal part of a plant’s life cycle. Unless brand new leaves are turning yellow or all the leaves change color at once, it’s likely just your plant shedding old leaves.

Overwatering and root rot are the most likely cause of problems in Pothos N' Joy, since they are sensitive to wet soil. The leaves may also appear to be curling or drooping. Less often, yellow leaves are caused by underwatering, nutrient deficiencies, or pests.

Replace soggy soil with fresh, dry soil and download Greg to make sure your plant never gets overwatered again!

🧐 Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting a sad-looking houseplant, start by checking for signs of distress in its leaves, such as yellowing, browning, or drooping, which can indicate overwatering or nutrient deficiencies.

Inspect the soil moisture; too dry or too wet soil can cause problems.

Ensure the plant is getting the right amount of light, as too much or too little can stress it.

Finally, consider environmental factors like temperature and humidity, and adjust care routines accordingly to revive your plant.

Care Summary for Pothos N' Joy

Pothos N' Joy

Pothos N' Joy

Greg recommends:


0.5 cups every 9 days


< 6ft from a window


Repot after 2x growth

Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

What other plant parents say

Pothos N' Joy has a Fast grower plant personality Fast grower 44
Pothos N' Joy has a Easy to propagate plant personality Easy to propagate 43
Pothos N' Joy has a Survivor plant personality Survivor 37
Pothos N' Joy has a Large, lush leaves plant personality Large, lush leaves 15
Pothos N' Joy has a Browns easily plant personality Browns easily 6
Pothos N' Joy has a Pest magnet plant personality Pest magnet 3
@maxined avatar
leaf-1 8 Plants
xp 1,022 XP
globe Los Angeles, CA

This was my first real plant purchase I made when starting my green thumb journey! Very easy to take care of, and incredibly fun to watch grow 🌱

Definitely bottom water, because sometimes the leaves can be sensitive to excess water droplets sitting around.

Fast grower Fast grower
Survivor Survivor
Browns easily Browns easily
@FallenCitrus avatar
leaf-1 11 Plants
xp 2,776 XP
globe Phoenix, AZ

A Pothos plant is your aquarium’s best friend! After thoroughly rinsing the roots of as much soil as possible, set them up so that the roots are in the water but the plant itself is out of the water. Best way to pull nitrates out of your fish tank and grow your Pothos at the same time! Roots quickly convert to underwater growth and plenty of new leaves within a matter of a couple weeks. Fish tank waste equals nutrients for plant, plus fish tank light meant for growing aquatic plants equals BIG GROWTH!!

Fast grower Fast grower
Easy to propagate Easy to propagate
Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
Survivor Survivor
@ifonlyfloramoment avatar
leaf-1 18 Plants
xp 1,171 XP
globe Baltimore, MD

Love potros because they grow so fast. Watch out for little bugs though, they attract little nats. I’ve kept the nats at bay with spritzes of neem oil.

Easy to propagate Easy to propagate
Fast grower Fast grower
Pest magnet Pest magnet
@Esthersjungle avatar
leaf-1 29 Plants
xp 1,310 XP

Bright and sunny, cheers up a place.

@xxjazzxxpazz avatar
leaf-1 18 Plants
xp 966 XP

I love him

Fast grower Fast grower
Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
@Cashizzle69 avatar
leaf-1 5 Plants
xp 246 XP
globe Bardstown, KY

Beautiful lil plant, hard to mess up

Fast grower Fast grower
Easy to propagate Easy to propagate
@Kylie15 avatar
leaf-1 13 Plants
xp 193 XP
globe Harrah, OK

Just got it so not sure how it will do but it’s so cute

Medhatter avatar
leaf-1 30 Plants
xp 1,688 XP

This plant loves bright and even moisture. The closer to the light the larger the leaves!

Fast grower Fast grower
Easy to propagate Easy to propagate
@growwithme avatar
leaf-1 36 Plants
xp 3,022 XP
globe San Francisco, CA

Careful to not overwater.

Fast grower Fast grower
Easy to propagate Easy to propagate
@komal avatar
leaf-1 3 Plants
xp 215 XP
globe Ampang Jaya, Selangor

Good starter plant! Super resilient, and very communicative! It's leaves let you know when it's watering time so you won't miss it!

Fast grower Fast grower
Survivor Survivor
@RedemptionWolf avatar
leaf-1 14 Plants
xp 2,542 XP
globe White Bear Lake, MN

Don’t try bringing it on a cross country road trip 🥺

Fast grower Fast grower
Easy to propagate Easy to propagate
Survivor Survivor
Pest magnet Pest magnet
@berry avatar
leaf-1 5 Plants
xp 125 XP

They do quite well in indirect light! I love the variegation, it’s a beautiful plant :)

Easy to propagate Easy to propagate
Fast grower Fast grower
@Agatha avatar
leaf-1 37 Plants
xp 1,147 XP

This beautiful little pothos came to me with many browned crispy edges.
I’ve been trying to correct that since.
Regardless, it’s a gorgeous and fun little plant. I can’t wait until it starts trailing and filling up.

Fast grower Fast grower
Browns easily Browns easily
Easy to propagate Easy to propagate

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