
Phalaenopsis Orchid

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
sunlight-hours 3-6 hrs light
window-orientation East
7.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Orchid_bark
outdoor-plant Outdoor

#PhalaenopsisOrchid Discussion

Orchids growing pains?

#phalaenopsis #orchidroots #orchidpots So I have only just started trying to grow orchids and only genes phalaenopsis. I have just gotten brave enough to trim off the brownish roots. And now just the other day I noticed this root growing outside the pot.

I am new to orchids. Please help!

Is My Orchid Dead?

I did I thingπŸ€­πŸ™ˆ

Is There Any Hope?

I am long overdue my #HelpMeNameMyPlant update, having taken a few days out for my mental health and then another few days to feel sad for the loss of one of my orchids (RIP Sunshine) - I had a case of stem rot 😒. Most likely due to my own carelessness but valuable lesson learnt! Anyway! I got some great suggestions for names for my lot luck orchid and I’ve tried many of them on but one seems to fit particularly well. So…meet Britannia! This was @Seymour’s suggestion and it fits perfectly! To me, Britannia has regal and strong qualities and this plant has shown no signs of distress despite over 24 hours in transit when she was couriered to me. Phals tend to lose their flower spikes or blooms when stressed or getting used to a new environment, but not Britannia. Her flower spike has grown so much in two weeks and she merrily continued growing new roots too. I’m hoping this means she is strong and healthy and robust! I’ve also spotted a plant ID on the pot - Phalaenopsis Montreux - so I have a suspicion that’s what she is. If so, she’ll have deep red blooms and this fits very well with Britannia too as it reminds me of royalty. Only time will tell of course, but the flower spike appears to be going a darker colour which would fit with a plant with red/pink/purple blooms. First photo is the flower spike today (I don’t keep them in that bright light as they preferred filtered light, it was just to take the picture), second is how tiny the spike was when she arrived and third is what she may look like if the pot is correct!

To much light

OMG I found a green orchid at Lowes and it only has one flower but it is so pretty! #orchid #plantaddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy

I’m so excited. This plant came off a failing plant. When I removed her she only has one root. She finally has a new leaf and two new little roots!