Alara Celeste musk

Swiss Cheese Vine

window-distance 3.3ft to light
window-orientation East
7.87" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Monstera Discussion

πŸ§€ #SwissCheeseVine #MonsteraAdansonii I have been putting off buying one of these plants for a while now, I seen them in the Greg shop and at Home Depot. I kept telling myself I didn’t need it, I went to Walmart and seen them again and at that point it was a sign that I NEEDED IT! πŸ˜† So here’s Tom! 😊 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #Monstera

Overwatered Monstera Obliqua

#freshleaffriday My Brie Pea! She's been sprouting leaves nonstop since May! Also training her to climb a pole! Grow baby girl!!

Help! Small leaves!

help! I don’t know what’s up with Mr Cheese but this week he’s just started falling down, i feel like ive been giving him the proper amount of light and water but now none of hes leaves are up and i cant figure out why πŸ’”

#swisscheesevine Should I cut this leaf off? Is it the only one like this.

can anyone tell me how much water i’m supposed to give my lovely mr cheese when i water him? he’s my first plant and i can’t find the specifics of taking care of him :( πŸ’š

#FreshLeafFriday My office mates are a mixed bag of thriving and riding the struggle bus. #BirdOfParadise #SwissCheeseVine #MonkeyTailCactus #Begonia #ZebraPlant #batflower #LifesaverCactus #DevilsBackbone #Fig #Monstera #nanouk #ElephantBush

My #gregplantshop order got delivered today!!! I couldn't be happier πŸ˜­πŸ’— I did record a unboxing tiktok video if #gregteam would like it, I can send it over πŸ’— #greggang #newplants #monsteraadonsonii #monstera

Is my Monstera Obliqua ready to repot?