
Marble Queen Pothos

window-distance 5.0ft to light
window-orientation North
8.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#MarbleQueenPothos Discussion

Missed the boat on #FreshLeafFriday however look at my stunning marble queen! She’s need to be temporarily rehomed as her usual spot is now to dark. Hopefully she enjoys the kitchen just as much πŸ˜‚ #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #newspotwhodis #NewGrowth #MarbleQueenPothos #HangingPlants #climbingPlants

The variegation in my Marble Queen Pothos's newest leaves IS AMAZING! 😍 I always catch myself staring at them when I walk by. She's in an East facing window but also I put a grow light near her and she's been shooting out new gorgeous leaves ever since! #pothospack #pothos #marblequeenpothos #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #theamigos #jesssjungle

My Marble Pothos is struggling. Any advice?

what is this white fuzz/dots?

What are these brown dots on my pothos propagation stem? Noticed them after the cutting from original plant

Why is my plant turning yellow

How can I identify my plan

This vine is pretty bare on my Pothos. Should I cut it? I’ve never cut it before so I’m kind of nervous or would it grow more leaves?οΏΌ:)

Does anyone know what happened to my pothos?

Awesome Surprise! When I got home yesterday my sweet little neighbor (I say that because she has to be my son's age) surprised me with a plant in this gorgeous pot! She said, I see that you like plants! You're dedicated! 🀣 I guess I am! Lol She's a precious sweetheart so I named the plant after her! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #freshleaffriday #pothospack #marblequeenpothos