
Purple Shamrocks

window-orientation North
6.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-ac Near A/C unit
near-heater Near heater

#PurpleShamrocks Discussion

My plant is very dry!☹️ what should I do????? Can you guys give me suggestions please? That would help a lot , also sorry for writing so late

I live in Toronto where it is now winter. My Shamrock (purple Shamrock type but two coloured) started getting pale leaves, stopped putting out new growth (this was a very full flourishing plant) and I read online that I should pull back on watering, let it go dormant and put it somewhere darker rather than bright. First I’d appreciate any confirmation or correction on my steps. Second, the Greg app is telling me to put into more light and I’m wondering if the app refines instructions for the seasons where they live. If my Shamrock needs to go dormant your instructions are way off…pls advise so I know that the care instructions are accurate for location and season. Thanks.

Is there a way to save my purple shamrocks. I’ve had them since I was a child and I take care of them but they always look bad and I’m Irish and believe in having them for good luck in my house.

My shamrock plant has white spots on the leaves, does anyone know what this is from?

How do I beef this plant up

My sister gave me some of her clover plant about 3weeks ago and for the past 2 weeks it is now drooping. Why?

Help! Why is she so droopy!

My plant says it’s called a swan tail and is more green than purple, is it the same plant

Please help. What does my little plant need? The leaves are starting to brown on the ends.

Why is my purple shamrocks stems starting to droop?