
Snake Plant

window-distance 2.0ft to light
window-orientation South
3.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Terracotta
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Dracaena Discussion

Plant was shipped to me upside down and I cut off all the broken leaves. Will it survive?

My cats are snacking on my Spider and Snake

There is a white film covering part of the soil in the pot. Could this be a fungus or a mold? What might cause it and how do I care for it?

My plant is over 30 yrs old and has only flowered 2x - how to get to flower?

Why is this happening to my baby?

Why is my Snake plant leaves yellowing

When should I pot in soil again?

Every couple of weeks one of the leaves will be totally prone with the base (soil-level) very mushy. When I pull on them they come off with no resistance. I'm hoping whatever is going on can be prevented from spreading to what few leaves remain #help

Hello!! Can anyone please help me to know what’s wrong with my plant😞😞😞😞

#SnakePlant #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy Hi everyone. I am in need of some help. I noticed this morning that my snake plant has a large black spot in one of his leaves. I only found this one spot on this leaf. They are nowhere else. The plant has not been overwatered and I haven’t fertilized yet because I’ve only had him a month or so. I was keeping him under a grow light with my Aglaonema because that room doesn’t get enough sun (see photo for idea of where he was placed) I’ve moved him from the shelf now. Do you think having it too close to a grow light could have burnt it like this or should I be worried I have a bigger problem? There are no visible signs of pests and the other leaves are firm to the touch. Thanks