Silky Lamb's Ear 8.0" pot No drainage View @ice's Oasis #Stachys Discussion What plant is this? Stress?? Within like an hour! I have a feeling this #lambsear is going to be a drama queen! Rescued this baby from my old high schools lawn π₯° she was just a-growing in such a hostile environment! How do I save this little baby Is there any way to save this plant???? I water him regularly but he just falls down within 12 hours. No roots on Lambs Ear Drama Queen Come Back TLDR: pictures tell the full story Shortly after its initial purchase this Lamby had been a full blown drama queen. Then I though I had finally gotten the trick and she was doing well. But she said nope: One day I noticed she was getting sun scorched. Moved her direct afternoon light to bright indirect. At first she was okay and then from one day to the next it seemed, she tried to fully die. She was given to me by my best friend and was my first non succulent house plant so I was determined that she had to live. And here we are, thriving. Not back to her full size but come one tell me this isnβt an impressive comeback. Wonder what sheβll throw at me next? #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #ComebackStories #NotSoHappyPlants #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #PLANTMAFIA Drama queen dyingβ¦ again Sun scorched or diseased? Similar Plants in the Community Fred Fuzzy Learn more about Lamb's Ear π» Annual π Benefits πΊ Best Pot π Black Spots on Leaves π Brown Spots on Leaves π Bugs ποΈ Care Outdoors π₯ Companion Plants π Direct Sunlight π½οΈ Edible π© Fertilizing πΈ Flower π₯ Flower Problems π Hardiness Zone π¦ How Often to Water π How to Grow π How to Grow π§βπΎ How to Plant π¨ Humidity π‘ Landscaping Ideas π Leaves Curling π Leaves Drooping π Leaves Dropping π Leaves Falling Over π Lifecycle π Lifecycle π€οΈ Light Requirements π³ Perennial π Pollination π€ Problems π§ͺ Propagating βοΈ Pruning πͺ΄ Repotting π€ Root Rot π« Roots π Size πͺ΄ Soil π‘οΈ Temperature πΈ Toxicity to Cats πΆ Toxicity to Dogs πΆ Toxicity to Humans π± Varieties π Weeds π What Eats ποΈ When to Plant π Where to Plant π Wilting π₯Ά Winter π₯Ά Winter π Yellow Leaves