
Philodendron 'Red Congo'

5.5" pot
pot-drainage No drainage

Posts About Luna

What are these brown spots?

#Philodendron Discussion

PLANT MEME MONDAY for SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 #plantmememonday ENTREE #seymour Hope you have your best plant memes ready (or stolen somebody else's LOL). Here's a little always click on the photo to see the full joke! πŸ˜€ πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ Viewers discretion is ALWAYS advised, particularly if they are funny memes or even not so funny and a little β€œinappropriate” So we are STILL growing and just reached over 180 Members and aiming STILL adding more members ! So let’s celebrate with some memes and fun and laughs πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ If you click on the hash tag #plantmememonday it takes you to the group page and then there is a β€œjoin” button on the top right hand side, click it until it says β€œjoined” and you will get notified of future posts that used that hashtag Why not add some memes or funnies below πŸ‘‡ #plantmememonday #seymour #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #plantmafia #greggang #happyplants #plantjokes #theamigos #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #Seymour #theamigos #PlantTherapy

A ROJO CONGO! Found this plant on clearance and a bit of a rescue πŸ›Ÿ plant so it doesn’t look it’s best but certainly an intriguing Philodendron. Does anyone else have one of these and can they share photos so I can see how they can look when in a healthier state. It’s a Philodendron tatei ssp melanonchlorum #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #Philodendron #PhiloFlock #rojocongo #GregGang #theamigos #Seymour #PhilodendronPinkPrincess #PLANTMAFIA

Consuela wanted to say Good Morn on this #freshleaffriday. Have a Fantabulous Friday, #greggang 🌿 #greggers #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantmom #philodendron #planttherapy #nurturingnature #redcongo #plantaddict #newgrowth #plantlove #plantmoms

Hummm..... not what i was expecting.

So after i repotted my rojo congo i freaked out cuz i thought i over watered it after putting new fresh soil in. Come to find out it was the right amount. Look at her grow! She likes the kitchen and next to the indirect light of the window ... this makes me happy. #happyplants #philodendron #redcongophilodendron

Opinion please!

i just got this guy on clearance for only $14! i repotted it this morning to find out it was VERY root bound and got two plants out of the one pot. it’s pretty beat up, but has new growth on both the plants.. i love philodendrons but don’t know much about this one, any tips? #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #Philodendron


Went to my local grocery store and found this beauty. Meet Phil the Philodendron Congo rojo. I couldn't believe it when I saw her for the low price of 10.99. He has unfurled a new leaf already. It's beautiful!

Hi guys!! I’m new to Greg and the one thing that drew me to it was the friendly community. I’m not a great β€œgreen” thumb but because of my love of all things green (and other colors) I have always loved plants (and killed more than my share!) So I’m trying this thing once more….trying to grow a new batch of plant babies and not only keep them alive but keep them thriving. I’ve already learned a ton of information just from reading your posts. I’m already loving this app. Please feel free to friend me as currently I have none. I live in North Texas, I have a wonderful husband and 3 big dogs and I would love to be a part of this fun community. I only have one question…. Where can I buy a Greg coffee cup? I feel like I need this in my life!