
Confetti Syngonium

pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Syngonium Discussion

Added my Pink Syngonium 'Rue' to my Confetti Syngonium 'Brecken' they were both ready for a repot and upgraded from a 4" to a 6"......Voila! Everybody meet Brecken Rue! #repotseason #repotted #repot #syngoniumsquad #syngoniumconfetti #syngoniumpink #syngoniumset #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants

Crisp white snow, bright blue skies, and fresh new leaves make for a great #FreshLeafFriday πŸ’š Purple Passion #Alocasia two new leaves Latest #ThaiConstellationMonstera leaf, no fenestrations but oh so sweet Two new #syngonium Albo leaves 🌿🌿

I gave Eris a trellis and she seems to appreciate it! #syngonium #syngoniumsquad #syngoniummilkconfetti #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #jesssjungle

#FreshLeafFriday haven’t been on here in a while but that doesn’t mean stuffs not happening 🀩✨🌱 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #Philodendron #Syngonium #Monstera #Ficus #PothosPack

Just got one of my top #wishlistplant! #SyngoniumMilkConfetti πŸ˜©πŸŒΏπŸ’–πŸͺ΄πŸ€ I’ve been searching for months for one and this couldn’t have been the perfect beauty to take home 🫢🏽 I found it on FB marketplace and thankful to the person for selling it to me 😊 I believe it is a Milk Confetti (petioles have some white on them) and not a regular Confetti Syngonium, but anyone is free to weigh in or correct 😊 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewPlants #Syngonium #SyngoniumSquad #PlantTherapy #GregGang #Greggers #CentralTexasGang #kscapedream

Showing y’all my #NewGrowth for #FreshLeafFriday 🌿✨


Introducing Miley! I had sort of dragged my feet before getting one of these beauties and now have no idea why. This is your sign to get a #Syngonium confetti! 😍 Gorgeous plant as always from #plantproper…they never disappoint. #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #plantmail #SyngoniumSquad #ConfettiSyngonium #PlantAddict #lemrobslovesgreg

I just love my confetti Syngonium, anybody else have a favorite Syngonium in their collection I also looove my Syngonium albo. #syngoniumsquad #syngonimalbo #plantsmakepeoplehappy #happyplants #syngonium

#FreshLeafFriday The days almost over, so I figured I’d share some more of my #NewGrowth ! 1. Miss Seraphina (Calathea White Fusion) 2. Miss Astrid (Lemon Lime Prayer Plant) 3. Marv (Dwarf Umbrella Tree) - has one new sprout popping up between previous posted ones! 4. Miss Lenora (Syngonium Milk Confetti) #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantTherapy #PlantMoms #CalatheaCrew #LemonLimePrayerPlant #DwarfUmbrellaTree #Syngonium #SyngoniumSquad