"Kueen" Katherine Neon Queen Pothos No drainage Regular Indoor View @gabecimby's Oasis #Epipremnum Discussion I found an old t-shirt and decided to try and make one of these cute hanging things and oh my day was it harder than I expected but it’s still cute as long as you don’t look to closely I’m just glad my pathos looks so beautiful in it and hides most of the uneven parts 😂 Just got this new plant.. any tips on keeping her healthy and to grow longer?? Look at this pothos leaf😍 it's huge! #newleafwhodis #FreshLeafFriday #PothosPack #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict My leaves are turning yellow, help! I’ve been watering it when the soil gets dry and it’s been doing great for months but all the sudden the leaves started turning yellow. Any ideas why? My once fully green pothos is now growing leaves that have some (admittedly beautiful) leaves with white I think this little leaf is almost fully white! Is there something I need to do? They are growing in like this! I thought I had a golden pothos but can someone tell me if it’s different? Can anyone offer any advice I bought this plant and 2 others I put them in my bathroom a week ago and I just noticed today almost all the leaves are dry and dying can anyone offer any advice on what is going on with them or if I can save them #NewPlantMom Hi my Teruno carnival new leaf is completely neon. It sits in bright indirect sunlight. Do I need to give less sunlight to get those green spots? please help!! What are these small raised things on my plant? Is it bad? I needed a full updated pic of Queen Elizabeth Frost.. sometimes you have NO IDEA how much a plant has grown until you compare photos. She has filled out beautifully in about 9 months!! You can see the old photo of when I got her as her profile pic. Just look at her now!! 😜 #happyplants #newgrowth #beforeandafter #marblequeenpothos #plantsmakepeoplehappy #pothos #pothospack #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantlove #jesssjungle Similar Plants in the Community Neon Queen Pothos Sanders Surya Girlfrond