Plant Care Directory for Veronica

Abyssinian Speedwell Adams' Speedwell Alaska Speedwell Alpine Speedwell Alpine Speedwell Alpine Speedwell 'Alba' American Alpine Speedwell American Alpine Speedwell American Alpine Speedwell American Alpine Speedwell American Alpine Speedwell American Brooklime Amplexicaulis Speedwell Anderson's Veronica Andrashovsky Speedwell Andrasovszky's Speedwell Antalya Speedwell Aragon Speedwell Archbold's Speedwell Armenian Speedwell Atomic Blue Veronica Atomic Violet Veronica Austrian Speedwell Austrian Speedwell Austrian Speedwell Austrian Speedwell Austrian Speedwell Austrian Speedwell 'Blue Blazer' Austrian Speedwell 'Ionian Skies' Austrian Speedwell 'Konigsblau' Austrian Speedwell 'Lapis Lazuli' Austrian Speedwell 'Trehane' Avroman Speedwell Aznavour's Speedwell Aztec Gold Speedwell Azure Speedwell Baby Boomer Blue Veronica Bachofen's Speedwell Balansa Speedwell Balfour's Speedwell Banks Peninsula Hebe Barker's Speedwell Barker's Speedwell Barnett's Speedwell Barrelier's Speedwell Bastard Speedwell Bastard Speedwell Baumgarten's Speedwell Bayly's Speedwell Bentham's Speedwell Bidwill's Speedwell Bidwill's Speedwell Biggar Speedwell Bird's-Eye Speedwell Bird's-eye Speedwell Birdeye Speedwell Birley's Speedwell Black-Stemmed Speedwell Blakely's Speedwell Blattloser Ehrenpreis Block's Speedwell Blue Bomb Veronica Blue Fountain Speedwell Blue Plume Blue Shamrock Blue Speedwell Blue Sprite Speedwell Blue Water-Speedwell Blue Woolly Speedwell Bogos Veronica Bolkardagh Speedwell Bollons' Speedwell Bonarota Speedwell Bonarota Speedwell Borisova's Speedwell Boscawen's Speedwell Boughton Silver Speedwell Bozakman's Speedwell Brass's Speedwell Brightblue Speedwell Broadleaf Speedwell Broadleaf Speedwell Brockie's Speedwell Bronze Glow Veronica Brooklime Buchanan's Speedwell Buchanan's Speedwell Buchanan's Speedwell Buchanan's Speedwell Buchanan's Speedwell Bukhara Speedwell Bunge's Speedwell Buttercup Speedwell Calcareous Speedwell California Speedwell Candela Hot Pink Veronica Carmine Speedwell Caucasus Speedwell Chatham Island Speedwell Cheeseman's Speedwell Cockayne's Speedwell Colenso's Speedwell Common Speedwell Common Speedwell Common Speedwell Copeland's Speedwell Coral Hebe Corn Speedwell Corn Toadflax Corrigan's Speedwell Crater Lake Blue Speedwell Creeping Speedwell Creeping Speedwell Creeping Speedwell Creeping Speedwell 'Rosea' Creeping Speedwell 'Sunshine' Crested Speedwell Crested Veronica Cretan Speedwell Cushion Speedwell Cusick's Speedwell Cutleaf Speedwell Cypress Hebe Dabney's Speedwell Daghestan Speedwell Daisy-leaved Speedwell Dalmatian Speedwell Daranica Speedwell Dark Blue Speedwell Davis' Speedwell Decorative Speedwell Delight Speedwell Dense Speedwell Dense Speedwell Derwent Speedwell Derwent Speedwell Derwent Speedwell Dieffenbach's Speedwell Dillen's Speedwell Diosma Speedwell Diosma Speedwell Divergent Speedwell Don's Speedwell Donetsk Speedwell Dusty Speedwell Dwarf Silver Speedwell Dwarf Speedwell Elmali Speedwell Erect Speedwell Ethiopian Speedwell European Speedwell Eveline Speedwell Explosion Bicolor Speedwell Eyebright Speedwell Fairfield Speedwell False Ivy-Leaved Speedwell Farges' Speedwell Feathered Speedwell Fedtschenko's Speedwell Fergana Speedwell Finger Speedwell First Glory Speedwell Five-Lobed Speedwell Flax-leaved Speedwell Francis' Speedwell Fuhs' Speedwell Garden Speedwell Gauba's Speedwell Gentian Speedwell Gentian Speedwell Gentian Speedwell 'Alba' Gentian Speedwell 'Blue Streak' Gentian Speedwell 'Pallida' Gentian Speedwell 'Robusta' Georgia Blue Georgia Blue Speedwell Germander Speedwell Gibbs' Speedwell Glandular Speedwell Glaucous Speedwell Glaucous Speedwell Glossy Hebe Godron's Speedwell Golden Beauty Veronica Golden Halo Speedwell Golden Speedwell Gorbunov's Speedwell Grass-Leaf Speedwell Gray Field Speedwell Green Field Speedwell Green Speedwell Grey Speedwell Grisebach's Speedwell Haast's Speedwell Hairy Speedwell Hairy Speedwell Hairy Speedwell Hairy Speedwell Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe 'Egmont' Hebe 'Godefroyana' Hebe Stricta Hector's Hebe Heraud Speedwell Hillebrand's Speedwell Himalayan Speedwell Himalayan Speedwell Hispid Speedwell Hooker's Speedwell Hooker's Speedwell Hooker's Speedwell Hulke's Speedwell Hulke's Speedwell Hybrid Speedwell Hydrangea Idaho Speedwell Insular Speedwell Ionantha Speedwell Ivy-Leaved Speedwell James Stirling Hebe Japanese Speedwell Japanese Speedwell Javalambrensis Speedwell Kaiser's Speedwell Kashmir Speedwell Kea Speedwell Kellow's Speedwell Khorassan Speedwell Kindl's Speedwell Kittentail Kiusian Speedwell Kopetdag Speedwell Kotschy's Speedwell Kurdish Speedwell Lackschewitz's Speedwell Lanceleaf Speedwell Large Calyx Speedwell Large Speedwell Large-Flowered Speedwell Large-Stamen Speedwell Large-Toothed Speedwell Lavender Plume Lendenfeld's Speedwell Little Nell Speedwell Lobel's Speedwell Logania Speedwell Long-Stalked Speedwell Long-Stalked Speedwell Long-leaved Speedwell Longleaf Speedwell Longleaf Speedwell Longleaf Speedwell 'Blauriesin' Magic Show Ever After Spike Speedwell Magic Show Hocus Pocus Spike Speedwell Magic Show Pink Potion Veronica Magic Show Purple Illusion Veronica Magic Show® Ever After Veronica Magic Show® Pink Potion Veronica Magic Show® Purple Illusion Veronica Maiden's Speedwell Mammoth Speedwell Mampodre Speedwell Marlborough Rock Daisy Marsh Speedwell Mason's Speedwell Matthews' Speedwell Mauks' Speedwell Mazanderan Speedwell Miquel's Speedwell Miyabe's Speedwell Montbretia Speedwell Moody Blues Speedwell Moore's Speedwell Mount Dobson Hebe Mountain Speedwell Mountain Speedwell Mrs. Underwood Speedwell Naked Speedwell Narrow-Leaved Speedwell Narrow-Leaved Speedwell Neckweed Nettle-Leaf Speedwell New Holland Speedwell New Zealand Hebe New Zealand Speedwell New Zealand Speedwell New Zealand Speedwell New Zealand Speedwell Oblongleaf Speedwell Ogura Speedwell Ohau Speedwell Olt River Speedwell Oltenian Speedwell Onoe's Veronica Ornate Speedwell Paederota Speedwell Panormitan Speedwell Papuan Speedwell Pareora Speedwell Parnkalla Speedwell Payson's Speedwell Pennell's Speedwell Perfectly Picasso Veronica Petrie's Speedwell Pimelea Speedwell Pimeleoides Speedwell Pink Marshmallow Speedwell Pink Passion Speedwell Pink Speedwell Pink Speedwell Pink Water Speedwell Pink Water Speedwell Plantain Speedwell Polje Speedwell Pontic Speedwell Poppelwell's Speedwell Porphyry Speedwell Privet-Leaved Speedwell Prostrate Speedwell Prostrate Speedwell 'Alba' Prostrate Speedwell 'Mrs. Holt' Prostrate Speedwell 'Nestor' Prostrate Speedwell 'Trehane' Pure Silver Speedwell Purple Elegance Veronica Purple Leia Veronica Purple Quartz Veronica Pusan Speedwell Quezel's Speedwell Rakai Speedwell Rapensis Speedwell Rechinger's Speedwell Red Fox Speedwell Red Fox Speedwell Red Speedwell Red Speedwell Reverdatto's Speedwell Rhodope Speedwell Rigid Speedwell Ritter's Speedwell Robust Speedwell Rock Speedwell Rock Speedwell Rock Speedwell Rock Speedwell Rock Speedwell Rock Speedwell Rock Speedwell 'Rosea' RonicaTM Blue Speedwell Round-Leaved Speedwell Roundleaf Speedwell Royal Blue Speedwell Royal Blue Veronica Samuelsson's Speedwell Sand Speedwell Sapozhnikov's Speedwell Sartor's Speedwell Scardica Speedwell Schmakov's Speedwell Schmidt's Speedwell 'Nana' Seaside Veronica Sennen's Speedwell Sessile Speedwell Sharp-toothed Speedwell Showy Speedwell Showy Speedwell Showy Speedwell Showy Speedwell Showy Speedwell Shrubby Speedwell Shrubby Speedwell Siaret Speedwell Siberian Speedwell Siberian Speedwell Siebold's Speedwell Silver Speedwell Silver Speedwell Silver Speedwell Simmons' Speedwell Single-Flowered Speedwell Sky Blue Veronica SkylerTM Blue Veronica SkylerTM Pink Veronica SkylerTM Splash Blue Veronica SkylerTM Splash White Veronica Skyward Blue Veronica Skyward Lilac Veronica Skyward Pink Veronica SkywardTM Blue Veronica SkywardTM Lilac Veronica Slender Speedwell Slender Speedwell Slender Speedwell Slender Speedwell Slender Speedwell Slender Speedwell Slender Speedwell Small-Flowered Speedwell Small-Seeded Speedwell Smirnov's Speedwell Smooth Speedwell Smooth Veronica Smooth-Leaved Speedwell Snow Candles Veronica Snow Carpet Speedwell Snow Hebe Snow Hebe Snow Queen Speedwell Snow Speedwell Snow Veronica Society Speedwell Southcombe Dwarf Hebe Spatulate-leaved Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell Speedwell 'Alleva' Speedwell 'Alllord' Speedwell 'Aloha' Speedwell 'Amy' Speedwell 'Angela' Speedwell 'Aoira' Speedwell 'Arabella' Speedwell 'Atomic Silvery Pink Ray' Speedwell 'Avalon' Speedwell 'Barbara Sherwood' Speedwell 'Barfourtynine' Speedwell 'Blonde' Speedwell 'Blue Carpet' Speedwell 'Blue Elegance' Speedwell 'Buccleugh' Speedwell 'Buttercup' Speedwell 'Eveline' Speedwell 'Eveline' Speedwell 'Fiona' Speedwell 'Giles van Hees' Speedwell 'Giles van Hees' Speedwell 'Holywell' Speedwell 'Icicle White' Speedwell 'Joseph's Coat' Speedwell 'Maihimmel' Speedwell 'Minor' Speedwell 'Nana Blauteppich' Speedwell 'Nana' Speedwell 'Neil's Choice' Speedwell 'Noah Williams' Speedwell 'Picolino' Speedwell 'Rachel' Speedwell 'Reine Des Blanches' Speedwell 'SkywardTM Pink' Speedwell 'Snow' Speedwell 'Tina' Speedwell 'Total Eclipse' Speedwell 'Vera Cox' Speedwell 'Very Van Gogh' Speedwell 'Warley Pink' Speedwell 'Warley' Speedwell 'Waterperry Blue' Speedwell 'Wendy' Spike Speedwell Spike Speedwell Spike Speedwell 'Frijsel Blauw' Spike Speedwell 'Pink Candles' Spike Speedwell 'Tidal Pool' Spiked Speedwell Spiked Speedwell Spiked Speedwell Spiked Speedwell Spiked Speedwell Spiked Speedwell Spiked Speedwell Spiked Speedwell Spiked Speedwell 'Barcarolle' Spiked Speedwell 'Blauteppich' Spiked Speedwell 'Blue Candles' Spiked Speedwell 'Elaine' Spiked Speedwell 'Gina's Pale Blue' Spiked Speedwell 'Glory' Spiked Speedwell 'Heidekind' Spiked Speedwell 'Minuet' Spiked Speedwell 'Pavane' Spiked Speedwell 'Purplegum Candles' Spiked Speedwell 'Romiley Purple' Spiked Speedwell 'Rosenrot' Spiked Speedwell 'Rotfuchs' Spiked Speedwell 'Saraband' Spiked Speedwell 'Saraband' Spiked Speedwell 'Twilight' Spiked Speedwell 'Verswhite' Spiked Speedwell 'White' Spiked Speedwell 'Whitewater' Spreading Speedwell Spring Speedwell Stamatiada's Speedwell Stewart's Speedwell Strauchveronika Streambank Speedwell Stylophore Speedwell Subalpine Speedwell Sunny Border Blue Speedwell Sussex Carpet Speedwell Tauric Speedwell Thessalian Speedwell Thick-leaved Speedwell Thomson's Speedwell Thracian Speedwell Threadleaf Speedwell Threadstalk Speedwell Three-Lobed Speedwell Three-lobed Speedwell Thyme-Leaved Speedwell Thyme-Leaved Speedwell Thyme-Leaved Speedwell Thyme-Leaved Speedwell Thyme-leaved Speedwell Thyme-leaved Speedwell Tidal Pool Veronica Tikitiki Speedwell Tissington White Speedwell Townson's Speedwell Trailing Speedwell Treadwell's Speedwell Tufted Speedwell Tumadzhanov's Speedwell Turkish Speedwell Turrill's Speedwell Two-Lobed Speedwell Ulster Blue Dwarf Speedwell Utah Speedwell Variegated Gentian Speedwell Variegated Speedwell Venice Blue Speedwell Venustula Speedwell Vernique Shining Sea Veronica Veronica Veronica Veronica Veronica Veronica Veronica Veronica Veronica Veronica Veronica 'Akiri' Veronica 'Alicia Amherst' Veronica 'Alldiamond' Veronica 'Alldiana' Veronica 'Allila' Veronica 'Alltim' Veronica 'Amaia' Veronica 'Amanda Cook' Veronica 'Amethyst Mist' Veronica 'Amethyst Plume' Veronica 'Amethyst' Veronica 'Andersonii Aurea' Veronica 'Andersonii Compacta' Veronica 'Andressa' Veronica 'Anita' Veronica 'Anna Van Den Hoogen' Veronica 'Anne Pimm' Veronica 'Annie's Winter Wonder' Veronica 'Anniversary Blue' Veronica 'April Joy' Veronica 'Ariana' Veronica 'Armstrongii Yellow' Veronica 'Arthur' Veronica 'Aspire' Veronica 'Aspire' Veronica 'Atomic Amethyst Ray' Veronica 'Atomic Hot Pink Ray' Veronica 'Atomic Lavender' Veronica 'Atomic Lilac' Veronica 'Atomic Pink Ray' Veronica 'Atomic Pink' Veronica 'Atomic Red Ray' Veronica 'Atomic Sky Ray' Veronica 'Atomic Violet Ray' Veronica 'Atomic White Ray' Veronica 'Autumn Beauty' Veronica 'Autumn Blue' Veronica 'Autumn Blush' Veronica 'Autumn Glory' Veronica 'Autumn Joy' Veronica 'Autumn Queen' Veronica 'Aztec Gold' Veronica 'Baby Blue' Veronica 'Baby Blush' Veronica 'Baby Boo' Veronica 'Baby Doll' Veronica 'Baby Marie' Veronica 'Baby Pink' Veronica 'Bama' Veronica 'Barfourtyeight' Veronica 'Barfourtyseven' Veronica 'Barfourtysix' Veronica 'Beatrice' Veronica 'Bergen's Blue' Veronica 'Betty' Veronica 'Beverley Hills' Veronica 'Black Beauty' Veronica 'Black Knight' Veronica 'Black Panther' Veronica 'Blue Clouds' Veronica 'Blue Diamond' Veronica 'Blue Explosion' Veronica 'Blue Gem' Veronica 'Blue Haze' Veronica 'Blue Ice' Veronica 'Blue Indigo' Veronica 'Blue Skywalker' Veronica 'Blue Skywalker' Veronica 'Blue Spire' Veronica 'Blue Star' Veronica 'Blue Streak' Veronica 'Blue Wand' Veronica 'Bluebell' Veronica 'Blush Elegance' Veronica 'Blush Wand' Veronica 'Blushing Bride' Veronica 'Bouquet' Veronica 'Bowles' Variety Veronica 'Bracken Hill' Veronica 'Bracken Hills' Veronica 'Brian Kessell' Veronica 'Brian' Veronica 'Bronzy Baby' Veronica 'Buchananii Nana' Veronica 'Bullfinch' Veronica 'Burgundy Blush' Veronica 'Burgundy Blush' Veronica 'Caledonia' Veronica 'Champion' Veronica 'Cranleigh Gem' Veronica 'Crater Lake Blue' Veronica 'Emerald Gem' Veronica 'Emerald Green' Veronica 'Enchanted Indigo' Veronica 'Fairytale' Veronica 'First Kiss' Veronica 'First Love' Veronica 'Foxy Lady' Veronica 'Goldrush' Veronica 'Goodness Grows' Veronica 'Great Orme' Veronica 'Green Globe' Veronica 'Heida' Veronica 'Heidekind' Veronica 'Hocus Pocus' Veronica 'Icicle' Veronica 'Jacqueline' Veronica 'Kleiner Kapitan' Veronica 'Lilliputiana' Veronica 'Magic Show White Wands' Veronica 'Magic Show® White Wands' Veronica 'Magic Show® Wizard of Ahhs' Veronica 'Mann's Variety' Veronica 'Midnight' Veronica 'Midsummer Beauty' Veronica 'Missurica' Veronica 'Moody Blues' Veronica 'Oratia Beauty' Veronica 'Pascal' Veronica 'Pastel Elegance' Veronica 'Pershore Gold' Veronica 'Pewter Dome' Veronica 'Pink Candles' Veronica 'Pink Candy' Veronica 'Pink Goddess' Veronica 'Pink Panther' Veronica 'Pink Paradise' Veronica 'Pink Potion' Veronica 'Pink Potion' Veronica 'Primley Gem' Veronica 'Purple Paradise' Veronica 'Purple Pillow' Veronica 'Purpleicious' Veronica 'Purpleicious' Veronica 'Raven' Veronica 'Rawiri' Veronica 'Red Edge' Veronica 'Regina' Veronica 'Ronda' Veronica 'RonicaTM Fuchsia' Veronica 'Rosalinde' Veronica 'Royal Candles' Veronica 'Royal Pink' Veronica 'Ruddigore' Veronica 'Sandra Joy' Veronica 'Sapphire' Veronica 'Sarnia' Veronica 'Shiraz' Veronica 'Silver Anniversary' Veronica 'Silver Dollar' Veronica 'Silver Gilt' Veronica 'Silver Princess' Veronica 'Silver Swallow' Veronica 'Silver Wings' Veronica 'Simon Delaux' Veronica 'SkylerTM Splash Pink' Veronica 'SkylerTM White' Veronica 'Skyward White' Veronica 'Snow Candles' Veronica 'Snow Cover' Veronica 'Snow Mound' Veronica 'Snowmass' Veronica 'Southcombe Pink' Veronica 'Spender's Seedling' Veronica 'Spike' Veronica 'Starlight' Veronica 'Strawberries and Cream' Veronica 'Summer Breeze' Veronica 'Sunrise' Veronica 'Sunshine' Veronica 'Sunshine' Veronica 'Super Red' Veronica 'Sutherlandii' Veronica 'Sweet Dreams' Veronica 'Sweet Kim' Veronica 'Sweet Lullaby' Veronica 'Tairawhiti' Veronica 'Tidal Pool' Veronica 'Trenchant Rose' Veronica 'True Love' Veronica 'VENTURETM Blue' Veronica 'Venture Blue' Veronica 'VentureTM Blue' Veronica 'Vernique Blue' Veronica 'Vernique Dark Blue' Veronica 'Vernique Pink' Veronica 'Vernique Raspberry' Veronica 'Vernique Rose' Veronica 'Very Van Gogh' Veronica 'VespersTM Blue' Veronica 'Victorious' Veronica 'Vikki' Veronica 'Vinoa Purple' Veronica 'Violet Queen' Veronica 'Vogue' Veronica 'Wakehurst' Veronica 'Walter Buccleugh' Veronica 'White Diamond' Veronica 'White Gem' Veronica 'White Jolanda' Veronica 'White Knight' Veronica 'White Lady' Veronica 'White Paradise' Veronica 'White Quartz' Veronica 'White Spire' Veronica 'White Spires' Veronica 'White Spritzer' Veronica 'White Summer' Veronica 'White Torrent' Veronica 'White Wand' Veronica 'White Wings' Veronica 'Whitehall' Veronica 'Widecombe' Veronica 'Wild Romance' Veronica 'Wine Red' Veronica 'Winter Glow' Veronica 'Wiri Blush' Veronica 'Wiri Charm' Veronica 'Wiri Cloud' Veronica 'Wiri Dawn' Veronica 'Wiri Desire' Veronica 'Wiri Icing Sugar' Veronica 'Wiri Image' Veronica 'Wiri Joy' Veronica 'Wiri Mist' Veronica 'Wiri Prince' Veronica 'Wiri Splash' Veronica 'Wiri Vision' Veronica 'Wiri Vogue' Veronica 'Wizard of Ahhs' Veronica 'Wootten' Veronica 'Youngii' Veronica 'Zanta' Veronica 'Zita' Veronica Gibbsii Veronica Heureka Veronica Magic Show® Veronica Ronica Veronica Sidekicks Veronica VESPERSTM 'Blue' Veronica alatavica Veronica amoena subsp. amoena Veronica amplexicaulis Veronica anagalloides subsp. anagalloides Veronica arenosa Veronica austriaca subsp. austriaca Veronica austriaca subsp. dentata Veronica baranetzkii Veronica barrelieri subsp. barrelieri Veronica beccabunga Veronica bellidioides subsp. bellidioides Veronica bellidioides subsp. lilacina Veronica bombycina subsp. bombycina Veronica caespitosa subsp. caespitosa Veronica cana Veronica capillipes Veronica capitata Veronica cardiocarpa subsp. cardiocarpa Veronica catarractae Veronica catenata subsp. catenata Veronica chayuensis Veronica cheesemanii subsp. cheesemanii Veronica chinoalpina Veronica ciliata subsp. cephaloides Veronica ciliata subsp. ciliata Veronica ciliolata subsp. ciliolata Veronica cockayneana Veronica corymbosa Veronica cuneifolia subsp. cuneifolia Veronica cuneifolia subsp. isaurica Veronica czerniakowskiana Veronica dagestanica Veronica daurica Veronica deltigera Veronica derwentiana subsp. derwentiana Veronica ersin-yucelii Veronica ersinyucelii Veronica filipes Veronica fruticans subsp. fruticans Veronica galathica Veronica gandhii Veronica gentianoides subsp. gentianoides Veronica glandulosa Veronica glauca subsp. glauca Veronica gunae Veronica hectorii subsp. coarctata Veronica hectorii subsp. demissa Veronica hectorii subsp. hectorii Veronica henryi Veronica himalensis subsp. himalensis Veronica himalensis subsp. yunnanensis Veronica hispidula subsp. hispidula Veronica javanica Veronica jovellanoides Veronica kurdica subsp. kurdica Veronica lanuginosa Veronica laxa Veronica leiocarpa var. leiocarpa Veronica lendenfeldii var. lendenfeldii Veronica linariifolia subsp. linariifolia Veronica longifolia subsp. longifolia Veronica longipetiolata Veronica luetkeana Veronica lutea Veronica macrantha var. macrantha Veronica macrocalyx var. macrocalyx Veronica macrostachya subsp. macrostachya Veronica macrostachya subsp. sorgerae Veronica mannii Veronica michauxii Veronica missurica subsp. missurica Veronica morrisonicola Veronica muratae Veronica nevadensis var. nevadensis Veronica olgensis Veronica oligosperma Veronica orientalis subsp. orientalis Veronica ovata subsp. ovata Veronica panormitana subsp. panormitana Veronica pectinata var. pectinata Veronica petraea Veronica pimeleoides subsp. pimeleoides Veronica planopetiolata Veronica polita subsp. polita Veronica pubescens subsp. pubescens Veronica pusilla var. pusilla Veronica ramosissima Veronica repens Veronica reuteriana Veronica riae Veronica rigidula var. rigidula Veronica rockii subsp. rockii Veronica rockii subsp. stenocarpon Veronica rubrifolia Veronica rubrifolia subsp. rubrifolia Veronica sajanensis Veronica satureiifolia Veronica saturejoides subsp. kellereri Veronica saturejoides subsp. saturejoides Veronica scardica subsp. scardica Veronica schmidtiana Veronica schmidtiana var. schmidtiana Veronica serpyllifolia var. humifusa Veronica serpyllifolia var. repens Veronica serpyllifolia var. serpyllifolia Veronica shichengensis Veronica stenophylla var. stenophylla Veronica subsessilis var. subsessilis Veronica sutchuenensis Veronica szechuanica Veronica taiwanica Veronica teberdensis Veronica telephiifolia subsp. telephiifolia Veronica tenuifolia subsp. tenuifolia Veronica tetragona subsp. tetragona Veronica tibetica Veronica trichadena var. trichadena Veronica tsinglingensis Veronica umbelliformis Veronica undulata Veronica vandellioides Veronica wulingensis Veronica x Affinis Veronica x Altaica Veronica x Leiosala Veronica x Wallii Veronica yunnanensis Waldstein's Speedwell Wall Speedwell Wall Speedwell Wand Speedwell Wardiensis Speedwell Water Speedwell Water Speedwell Water Speedwell Water Speedwell Water Speedwell Waterperry Blue Veronica Wedgeleaf Speedwell Western Speedwell Wherry's Speedwell Whistleberry Sapphire Speedwell White Icicle Speedwell White Moody Blues Speedwell White Speedwell White Speedwell White Spreader Speedwell White Veronica White Veronica White Wands Speedwell White Wands Speedwell Whitley's Speedwell Wilhelmina Speedwell Wood Speedwell Woolly Speedwell Woolly Speedwell Woolly Speedwell Woolly Speedwell Woolly Speedwell Woolly Speedwell Woolly Speedwell Woolly Speedwell Woolly Speedwell 'Rosea' Wyoming Speedwell Yellow Speedwell Yildirim's Speedwell Younique Baby Blue Speedwell Younique Baby Red Speedwell