Plant Care Directory for Pseuderanthemum
Armit's False Eranthemum
Black Magic
Black Varnish Eranthemum
Black-Veined Eranthemum
Black-Veined Eranthemum
Blue Eyes
Blue Eyes
Bradtke's False Eranthemum
Carruthers' False Eranthemum
Carruthers' Falseface
Cat's Eye Dazzle Plant
Chaponense False Eranthemum
Chilianthum False Eranthemum
Chocolate Plant
Chocolate Plant
Compton's Pseuderanthemum
Dawe's False Eranthemum
Dwarf False Eranthemum
Eberhardt's False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
False Eranthemum
Golden Pseuderanthemum
Golden Pseuderanthemum
Golden Pseuderanthemum
Golden Pseuderanthemum
Golden Pseuderanthemum
Golden Pseuderanthemum
Green Flower False Eranthemum
Hoan Ngoc
Idrobo's False Eranthemum
Katanga False Eranthemum
Kewense False Eranthemum
King's False Eranthemum
Lance-Leaved False Eranthemum
Large-Flowered False Eranthemum
Large-Leaved False Eranthemum
Liesner's False Eranthemum
Long-Styled False Eranthemum
Louisiana False Eranthemum
Maguire's False Eranthemum
Mexican Shrimp Plant
Mexican Violet
Moore's False Eranthemum
Narrow Spike False Eranthemum
Narrow Spike False Eranthemum
Narrow-Tube False Eranthemum
Narrow-leaved False Eranthemum
Night and Afternoon
Night and Afternoon
Parish's False Eranthemum
Pelagic False Eranthemum
Pseuderanthemum 'Amethyst Stars'
Pseuderanthemum 'Black Varnish'
Pseuderanthemum 'Purple Dazzler'
Pseuderanthemum 'Rubrum'
Pseuderanthemum 'Yellow Edge'
Pseuderanthemum arunachalense
Pseuderanthemum bicolor
Pseuderanthemum campylosiphon
Pseuderanthemum coudercii
Pseuderanthemum detruncatum
Pseuderanthemum diantherum
Pseuderanthemum fasciculatum
Pseuderanthemum heterophyllum
Pseuderanthemum hildebrandtii
Pseuderanthemum hirtipistillum
Pseuderanthemum hooveri
Pseuderanthemum interruptum
Pseuderanthemum lanceolatum
Pseuderanthemum lanceophyllum
Pseuderanthemum latifolium
Pseuderanthemum leptanthum
Pseuderanthemum leptorhachis
Pseuderanthemum longifolium
Pseuderanthemum muelleri-fernandii
Pseuderanthemum palauense
Pseuderanthemum paniculatum
Pseuderanthemum pittieri
Pseuderanthemum poilanei
Pseuderanthemum polyanthum
Pseuderanthemum repandum
Pseuderanthemum repandum subsp. repandum
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum
Pseuderanthemum shweliense
Pseuderanthemum standleyi
Pseuderanthemum subauriculatum
Pseuderanthemum thailandicum
Pseuderanthemum thelothrix
Pseuderanthemum tunicatum var. tunicatum
Pseuderanthemum usambarense
Pseuderanthemum weberbaueri
Purple False Eranthemum
Purple False Eranthemum
Purple False Eranthemum
Selangor False Eranthemum
Short-Flowered False Eranthemum
Small-Flowered False Eranthemum
Small-Flowered False Eranthemum
Smooth False Eranthemum
Sorong False Eranthemum
Stainless Steel
Sumatran False Eranthemum
Teijsmann's False Eranthemum
Tonkin False Eranthemum
Tricolor False Eranthemum
Twilight Orchid
Variegated False Eranthemum
Variegated Purple Pseuderanthemum
Velvet False Eranthemum
Velvet Plant
Verapaz False Eranthemum
Watt's False Eranthemum
Wavy Leaf Pseuderanthemum
Wavy-Leafed Pseuderanthemum
White Candle
White Pseuderanthemum
White-Flowered False Eranthemum
White-Flowered False Eranthemum
White-Veined Eranthemum
Wild Pseuderanthemum
Yellow Varnish Leaf
Yellow Vejigante
Yellow Vejigante
Yellow-Vein Eranthemum
Yellow-Vein Eranthemum
Yellow-Vein Eranthemum
Yellow-Veined Eranthemum
Yellow-vein Eranthemum
Yellow-vein Eranthemum