travelcoupons Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @melodey · 2Y Finally added my wild giant Pothos to Greg! 😊😍 It's doing so good 😭....I also named it Yukon because it's a #goldenpothos and I'm born and raised Alaskan, seemed fitting! #pothospack #epipremnumaureum #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #newgrowth #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons #travelingplants 19 13 Comments @melodey · 2Y Finally potted my #wildpothos that I got in FL, stuck it on a wooden stake so it can climb and get big. 🤟🌱 #plantsmakepeoplehappy #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons #propagationstation #repotseason 14 9 Comments @melodey · 2Y So... I did a thing. ✂️ I got two more I air layered in 4" pots with Sphag Moss. These four will be put in water to prop. 😵 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #pinkprincessphilodendron #plantmafia #philoflock #ppp #propagationstation #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #rvplants #travelcoupons 21 4 Comments @melodey · 2Y @TJphilobsessed Did you receive your cutting? Did it make it? 🫣 #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons 1 1 Comments @melodey · 2Y This one isn't mine... This one's actually @TJphilobsessed that I'll be sending out Monday morning. I just checked it... Woah #newgrowth on this center cut of a wild #goldenpothos. 🤯😍 #freshleaffriday #rootporn #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons 11 14 Comments @melodey · 2Y Going back to Hagan Ace Hardware located in Hilliard, FL.... to try and convince them to sell me the rest of the Hoyas at a discounted price 🤣🤣 Might pick up the rest of the bird Nest Fern 'Crissie' they had there. They did have a Alocasia 'stingray' but it's big, and I don't have room for all that noise. #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #buyalltheplants #travelcoupons 3 6 Comments @melodey · 2Y How'd all y'all's day go? Did anyone get any new plants? I went shopping today...They didn't have much at the Ace Hardware where I'm at... It was already picked through, and Nantonio's Harmony Garden Nursery is closed till Friday. But I got a..... #hoyakhronianasupersilver And a #birdsnestfern Excited for my first #hoya! 🥰 🪴 #ontueswebuygreen #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons #hoyahangout #fernfriends #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict 19 29 Comments @melodey · 2Y Anyone in the JAX area I'm prepared to hit some plant shops this week 👀 🛍️🪴 #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons #travelinggreg #travelingplants #plantaddict #plantmafia 4 0 Comments
travelcoupons Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 19 13 Finally added my wild giant Pothos to Greg! 😊😍 It's doing so good 😭....I also named it Yukon because it's a #goldenpothos and I'm born and raised Alaskan, seemed fitting! #pothospack #epipremnumaureum #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #newgrowth #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons #travelingplants @melodey posted 2Y ago 14 9 Finally potted my #wildpothos that I got in FL, stuck it on a wooden stake so it can climb and get big. 🤟🌱 #plantsmakepeoplehappy #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons #propagationstation #repotseason @melodey posted 2Y ago 21 4 So... I did a thing. ✂️ I got two more I air layered in 4" pots with Sphag Moss. These four will be put in water to prop. 😵 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #pinkprincessphilodendron #plantmafia #philoflock #ppp #propagationstation #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #rvplants #travelcoupons @melodey posted 2Y ago 1 1 @TJphilobsessed Did you receive your cutting? Did it make it? 🫣 #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons @melodey posted 2Y ago 11 14 This one isn't mine... This one's actually @TJphilobsessed that I'll be sending out Monday morning. I just checked it... Woah #newgrowth on this center cut of a wild #goldenpothos. 🤯😍 #freshleaffriday #rootporn #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons @melodey posted 2Y ago 3 6 Going back to Hagan Ace Hardware located in Hilliard, FL.... to try and convince them to sell me the rest of the Hoyas at a discounted price 🤣🤣 Might pick up the rest of the bird Nest Fern 'Crissie' they had there. They did have a Alocasia 'stingray' but it's big, and I don't have room for all that noise. #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #buyalltheplants #travelcoupons @melodey posted 2Y ago 19 29 How'd all y'all's day go? Did anyone get any new plants? I went shopping today...They didn't have much at the Ace Hardware where I'm at... It was already picked through, and Nantonio's Harmony Garden Nursery is closed till Friday. But I got a..... #hoyakhronianasupersilver And a #birdsnestfern Excited for my first #hoya! 🥰 🪴 #ontueswebuygreen #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons #hoyahangout #fernfriends #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict @melodey posted 2Y ago 4 0 Anyone in the JAX area I'm prepared to hit some plant shops this week 👀 🛍️🪴 #sisterhoodofthetravelingplants #travelcoupons #travelinggreg #travelingplants #plantaddict #plantmafia @melodey posted 2Y ago