socalcacti Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @WickedValkyrie 路 1Y Does acrylic paint affect the absorbency/moisture wicking capabilities of terracotta? #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #cactusclique #WickedValkyrie #socalgreg #socalsuccs #socalcacti 7 5 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 1Y I potted the arrangement backwards (oops 馃珷) but I finally repotted my friend's cactus! The pot she gave me was too big so I threw some other things in that can survive on a cactus watering schedule... #WickedValkyrie #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #cactusclique #succulentsquad #socalgreg #socalcacti #socalsuccs 16 7 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 2Y Scale or scarring? 馃 7 18 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 2Y Scale or scarring? 馃 6 6 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 2Y This is probably a stupid question but... 3 12 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 2Y Well, the Cactus Crew is officially in rehab... I definitely have my candidates for most and least likely to survive picked out... Lol Some of y'all might remember me posting about my #paperspinecactus suffering from rot. Well, I followed y'all's advice to the best of my ability with what I had on hand. (Some medical expenses came up so I wasn't able to buy *any* of the stuff y'all have told me to get recently... 馃槱) 馃I decided to separate a couple of the pads to increase my chances of still having a cactus when this is all over. 馃Then I put two in sterilized (dry) perlite with emotional support crystals at the bottom, and one is sitting on top of some river rocks/random rocks I found while living in Oklahoma (also with emotional support crystals ofc). 馃I will occasionally be misting the ones in perlite (instead of watering them) cuz it seems perlite actually absorbs water and I'm nervous about that. The river rocks will have filtered water in them, kept well below the bottom of the cactus. 馃 For now they're in a North facing window that gets pretty decent indirect sun all day and a tiny bit of direct sun in the mornings. I may move them to the plant room but haven't decided yet. Wish us luck! Bonus pic of River Song looking pretty covered in raindrops. (: #cactusclique #socalgreg #socalcacti #wickedvalkyrie #happyplants #notsohappyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict 8 5 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 2Y I'm new to zig zag/ric rac/fishbone cacti but I'm pretty sure I've got some new growth on the cuttings @Mrgncrch sent me for my bday! 馃樆馃枻 I also see the roots through the drainage holes so I think this boi is officially ready to get his own entry in my Oasis and a new spot in a sunny windowsill! #cactusclique #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #socalcacti #socalgreg #wickedvalkyrie #ricraccactus #zigzagcactus #fishbonecactus 21 5 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 2Y Thoughts/advice/opinions?? 7 40 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 2Y Also planted my #dragonfruit today! The roots were looking nice and juicy and what with the temps getting down into the 40s the last couple nights I figured Zym would be happier in soil rather than water... I know plastic isn't the best pot choice, but I don't have any terracotta atm so hopefully this upcycled Gatorade bottle will do for now... 馃檭 (Click for full image) #socalgreg #socalcacti #cactusclique #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #wickedvalkyrie #potsthatarenotpots 15 3 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 2Y My hubby brought in a white box from the mail today and said it was for "Kyera Gregger" and I instantly knew it was my dragon fruit cactus prop from @Colin and got way too excited! Lol It is now in #pothoswater on my back porch. 馃檭 Thanks again #plantfairy! #socalgreg #socalcacti #wickedvalkyrie #cactusclique 19 15 Comments @WickedValkyrie 路 2Y Y'all I am officially a member of the #cactusclique finally! My cacti from @EAS came in the #plantmail today! A couple pads fell off in transit, so I'm propping them... (: #wishlistplant: #angelwingscactus 鉁旓笍 #paperspinecactus 鉁旓笍 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #socalgreg #socalcacti #wickedvalkyrie #opuntia 31 16 Comments
socalcacti Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 7 5 Does acrylic paint affect the absorbency/moisture wicking capabilities of terracotta? #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #cactusclique #WickedValkyrie #socalgreg #socalsuccs #socalcacti @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 16 7 I potted the arrangement backwards (oops 馃珷) but I finally repotted my friend's cactus! The pot she gave me was too big so I threw some other things in that can survive on a cactus watering schedule... #WickedValkyrie #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #cactusclique #succulentsquad #socalgreg #socalcacti #socalsuccs @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 7 18 Scale or scarring? 馃 @WickedValkyrie asked 2Y ago 6 6 Scale or scarring? 馃 @WickedValkyrie asked 2Y ago 3 12 This is probably a stupid question but... @WickedValkyrie asked 2Y ago 8 5 Well, the Cactus Crew is officially in rehab... I definitely have my candidates for most and least likely to survive picked out... Lol Some of y'all might remember me posting about my #paperspinecactus suffering from rot. Well, I followed y'all's advice to the best of my ability with what I had on hand. (Some medical expenses came up so I wasn't able to buy *any* of the stuff y'all have told me to get recently... 馃槱) 馃I decided to separate a couple of the pads to increase my chances of still having a cactus when this is all over. 馃Then I put two in sterilized (dry) perlite with emotional support crystals at the bottom, and one is sitting on top of some river rocks/random rocks I found while living in Oklahoma (also with emotional support crystals ofc). 馃I will occasionally be misting the ones in perlite (instead of watering them) cuz it seems perlite actually absorbs water and I'm nervous about that. The river rocks will have filtered water in them, kept well below the bottom of the cactus. 馃 For now they're in a North facing window that gets pretty decent indirect sun all day and a tiny bit of direct sun in the mornings. I may move them to the plant room but haven't decided yet. Wish us luck! Bonus pic of River Song looking pretty covered in raindrops. (: #cactusclique #socalgreg #socalcacti #wickedvalkyrie #happyplants #notsohappyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict @WickedValkyrie posted 2Y ago 21 5 I'm new to zig zag/ric rac/fishbone cacti but I'm pretty sure I've got some new growth on the cuttings @Mrgncrch sent me for my bday! 馃樆馃枻 I also see the roots through the drainage holes so I think this boi is officially ready to get his own entry in my Oasis and a new spot in a sunny windowsill! #cactusclique #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #socalcacti #socalgreg #wickedvalkyrie #ricraccactus #zigzagcactus #fishbonecactus @WickedValkyrie posted 2Y ago 7 40 Thoughts/advice/opinions?? @WickedValkyrie asked 2Y ago 15 3 Also planted my #dragonfruit today! The roots were looking nice and juicy and what with the temps getting down into the 40s the last couple nights I figured Zym would be happier in soil rather than water... I know plastic isn't the best pot choice, but I don't have any terracotta atm so hopefully this upcycled Gatorade bottle will do for now... 馃檭 (Click for full image) #socalgreg #socalcacti #cactusclique #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #wickedvalkyrie #potsthatarenotpots @WickedValkyrie posted 2Y ago 19 15 My hubby brought in a white box from the mail today and said it was for "Kyera Gregger" and I instantly knew it was my dragon fruit cactus prop from @Colin and got way too excited! Lol It is now in #pothoswater on my back porch. 馃檭 Thanks again #plantfairy! #socalgreg #socalcacti #wickedvalkyrie #cactusclique @WickedValkyrie posted 2Y ago 31 16 Y'all I am officially a member of the #cactusclique finally! My cacti from @EAS came in the #plantmail today! A couple pads fell off in transit, so I'm propping them... (: #wishlistplant: #angelwingscactus 鉁旓笍 #paperspinecactus 鉁旓笍 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #socalgreg #socalcacti #wickedvalkyrie #opuntia @WickedValkyrie posted 2Y ago