Community #sharingiscaring


@RealSimpleMama avatar @RealSimpleMama · 1Y
WOO HOO #SaturdaySwaps is getting off the ground! Hey all! I know I know it’s not Saturday 🤣 doing a final ALL CALL to see who wants to get in on this! I’m organizing an honor-system plant trading group here within Greg. Any #Greggers can sign up! I’ll start emailing out this month to put you in touch with others in your area and you can start sending each other cuttings! HERE IS WHAT I NEED: First name Username I’ll grab from the app State/country Email address (Optional: wish list cuttings, and/or cuttings you’re ready to ship out!) HERE IS HOW IT WORKS (I think): You’ll get a group email with #GregGang in your state or country. You can “reply all” or reply to one person to organize who will mail out what. The sender pays for postage/shipping. The idea is that #sharingiscaring and the money you spend mailing out a cutting, will be spent on you when someone sends you something! And we’re talking tiny one-node cuttings etc. I’m not ready to start an international plant mafia situation. (That’ll be for summer.) 😉 Honestly yall this may fail tremendously. 🤪 But I’m willing to type everyone up and get the ball rolling! I NEED YOUR LOCATION (hidden in your profile) PLEASE @ESylvanus @Keyandre87 Any and all can sign up below!! Finally please join #SaturdaySwaps as that’ll be the main hashtag when I post here. As well as my adorable title image making its debut tonight. 😍 Ready… set… go! 🌱☀️❤️ (Please let me know if all of this is in good Greg form and not breaking any international laws - I can’t go to jail! @jaysjungle @RJG and any other admin please and thank you!) #plantmail #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #cuttings #cuttingsclub #payitforwardwithplants #plantaddict