sedumclavatum Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @TidyTigerpear · 2M Some updates on a couple succs! 🌿 1. Blue Echeveria, she has started growing babies at her base, (not pictured) and also has something growing out the side that could possibly be a flower stalk.. not sure yet. She’s already grown a lot since I got her, she was starting to etoliate (in store) when I bought her, so I would say I saved her 😏 2. Graptopetalum Superbum, one of my faves, she has gotten huge I ordered her from Mountain Crest Gardens, and since then she has grown two babies… one is already a good size! 3. Sedum Clavatum has lots of babies, and has been showing some pink here lately since the temps have been getting colder at night. It warmed back up so it’s not as visible as it was. 4. Graptosedum Ghosty, they have grown ALOT since I got them during summer. They have grown alot of babies, I repotted them not too long ago, but the babies are so big they are pushing into each other. 😅 5. Giant jewel plant, has new growth on the top and the side. I have two jewel plants, however one looks much different than the other. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents #WhatTheSucc #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #Echeveria #sedumclavatum #Graptopetalum #PlantLove 17 5 Comments @roxyvivien · 4M Fall colors are starting to peek through on these #cuteAFsuccs 👀 💚💜🩵 The Echeveria minima is showing that beautiful pink/purple hue more than usual for this time of year as a result of a recent repotting (she's still acclimating to the outdoors). I can't wait I see what she looks like in a couple of months! ✨ 🙌🏽 #echeveria #echeveriaminima #sedum #sedumclavatum #sedeveria #echeveriablueatoll #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #succulentlove #plantaddict #happyplants #outdoorgrowing #socalgreg 18 3 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 7M Some pictures of my growing babies! Lots of succulent babies on my plants, new growth points, and even blooms. ☀️🌷😊 I finally got approved for my own apartment & will be moving, so of course my plants will be coming with me. I have a balcony facing the back side of the building. I love the privacy I will have, & even the view, but all the trees (shade) will be a change for my succulent babies. I’m hoping they will adjust well. My move in date is set for the 10th of July. It will be my first place of my own since I’m 23. You guys wish my luck on moving all my plants 😆 it is on the first floor, so moving in shouldn’t be too bad.. right? #succulentsaturday #SucculentSquad #NewGrowth #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #Echeveria #Sedeveria #Sedum #Sunsparkler #sedumclavatum 21 11 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 9M Happy Friday Eve 🙌🏻🪴 Lots of new growth on quite a few of my #Succulents ! 1. Sedeveria ‘Dark Elf’ - posted about the new offset but he has more then one that I didn’t see the other day. 🪴 2. Clive my Sedum Clavatum has started growing another offset, this is the third one since I’ve gotten him! 3. Sedeveria ‘lilac mist’ - (if you know what this succulent ID is for sure please comment, I’m still not 100% sure about its current ID, but I’ve changed it a few times) it’s for sure a sedeveria, it’s also growing two offsets, one at the bottom & the top! I posted last week, and they have grown fast! I thought maybe the one at the top was possibly a flower stalk, but I’m not sure. I also repotted her because she had gotten so tall/ too top heavy for her previous pot. 4. VSOH new growth, been keeping her outside in my screened in porch, she gets partial sun throughout the day, direct sun is too much for her. I also moved her back to her original pot, she wasn’t doing too well in the tower planter, because they needed more sun, which resulted in her getting burnt, and always thirsty, which almost led to me loosing her from staying too wet & getting too much sun. She is doing better now! 5. Echeveria ‘Elegans’ - lots of new growth, she looks much better then she was when she was inside. She has completely recovered from etoliation! 🌿 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #GrowingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantAddict #Echeveria #Sedeveria #StringOfHearts #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #sedumclavatum #babysucculent 16 10 Comments @EnergeticCosmo · 9M New plants!🪴 I got this sedum “carpet” from Menards!! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #NewPlants #sedumclavatum #Sedum #newsedum 13 3 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 10M Wanted to give an update on Clive my Sedum Clavatum. 🌿🌸 I got him from Mountain Crest Gardens, about a month ago, when I got it, he had a bloom stalk that was pretty far along. It hadn’t yet formed the buds but I could tell it was getting there. Today it opened (picture 5) I haven’t gotten the photo of it fully open yet, but it finished opening this afternoon when I put him outside. (I will take another photo later and post in comments). He also has grown a very teeny tiny offset, (photo 3) & had one larger offset when I got it. (Visible in photo 2). I’m so happy that he has been thriving since I planted him. Since he is a soft succulent, I was pretty nervous about caring for him, since I haven’t had the best luck with soft #succulents in the past. The flower is white, very small, & somewhat star shaped like most succulent flowers. It also has pink stamen or more specifically ‘anthers’ inside the bloom. #BloomingSuccs #GrowingSuccs #sedumclavatum #Sedum #SucculentSquad #succulents #succulentsaturday #SucculentLove #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #OutdoorGrowing #SpringHasSprung 16 24 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 10M Happy Friday #GregGang ☀️🌿 I hope everyone has had a good week! Has the time change made your day go by faster or slower? For me it seems like it’s been going by faster. ⏩ For this #FreshLeafFriday I wanted to post my *almost* finished planter that I got a couple weeks ago. There is one more spot left, which I plan to fill this weekend after a trip to my fave local nursery! I’ve came to a sad conclusion that I no longer will be purchasing plants from my Home Depot because sadly the last several plants I’ve gotten from there, have had some fungal issue that either spreads to my other plants, or kills the plant I purchased. Despite throughly inspecting them when purchasing, there is just some things that the human eye can’t see, or it looks healthy but the disease hasn’t fully set in yet.. Anyways on a better note I’ve got pictures of my finished planter, I will list the plants in order of the tiers starting from bottom up. 📈🌿 •Bottom- Graptoveria ‘Debbie’ , Graptopetalum ‘Super Bum’ & Echeveria PVN 💜 all these are purple toned, although the graptopetalum & PVN aren’t visible in the picture because they are in the back. So I willwil attach photos of them. (Photo 3) •Middle- Varigated SOH, & Calico Hearts (Andromiscus Trifloris). 💕This tier is the one that has a remaining spot left. •Top- Echeveria ‘Green Pearl’, Echeveria ‘Atlantis’, Sedum Clavatum, & Echeveria ‘Elegans’. 🌿 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Succulents #Succulent #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #Echeveria #StringOfHearts #Graptoveria #Graptopetalum #sedumclavatum #sedum 20 20 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 11M Happy #WhatTheSuccWednesday guys 🪴🤗☀️ so glad it’s starting to warm up! I’m sure some of you are glad too! Wanted to share some planty updates today. 1. Got my VSOH planted in my new planter, and also got my baby #CalicoHearts planted in as well, it was time for an upsize. 💕 I only have one more spot left for my tiered planter! And then it’ll be all put together and you guys can see the finished product! 2. Clive my sedum clavatum has some blooms forming! It came in the mail with blooms, I’ve been sticking him outside on warm days & watered for the second time today. So glad it’s still thriving so I get so see those pretty flowers! 🌸 3. Okie my baby crowded Haworthia from @Lifeis2short has grown lots since she mailed him to me, but has shot out an extra inch of growth since watering on Monday 😳 4/5. Opal my (injured) graptoveria opalina (my cat was chasing a bug and mauled it about a year ago) has finally recovered & looking healthy and full again. It also likes the new sunny south window it’s been in over the winter. Look at those stress colors coming back! 🌈 #Graptoveria #Haworthia #vsoh #StringOfHearts #AndromischusTriflorus #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #sedumclavatum #Sedum #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents 12 0 Comments @vvvelo · 1Y #coffeewithsucculents time! 🤩 My new succulents have moved into new pots! Hehe 😉 Now I have to watch them. They don’t have roots. I trimmed all of them. Do you have freshly re-potted succulents? Please just post pics in comments. Cheers! Cheers 🥂 #SucculentLove #succulents #Echeveria #sedumclavatum #clavatum #SucculentSquad 27 12 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Soooo... I did a thing... 😅 Gomez was getting too heavy on one side and kept falling over so today I did surgery... I cut two babies off the bottom of the main stem, I cut the main rosette off and I was also able to get a few promising leaves... Now we wait for them to dry a bit and then I get to have some fun in the dirt! Lol 🙃🫶 #beforeandafter #propagationfever #clavatum #sedum #sedumclavatum #tiscalatengogorgesedum #succulentsquad #succulentlove #socalsuccs #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #planttherapy #WickedValkyrie #TheSagaOfGomez 14 2 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 2Y Gomez is straight up KILLIN IT with the babies right now y'all! Five in total. (I know there's a ton of dirt in my windowsill, he falls over pretty often cuz his babies have made him start leaning to one side...) Thinking I may remove the bottom two to make room for the ones right above them, but haven't decided yet... What do y'all think? One of the bottom ones has visible roots growing from it's base... 🤔 #succulentsquad #succulentlove #tiscalatengogorgesedum #tiscalatengo #growingsuccs #saturdaysuccs #socalsuccs #socalgreg #newgrowth #sedum #clavatum #sedumclavatum #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #WickedValkyrie #TheSagaOfGomez 17 12 Comments @roxyvivien · 2Y Thinking of repotting these 2.5 & 3 inch succulents into 2 ✌️ larger 8-in pots ... do you think they will go well together? 6 8 Comments @roxyvivien · 2Y My go to method for rooting Succulent #stemcutting propigations — Step by step details ⤵️ 21 21 Comments @vvvelo · 2Y Good morning #Greggers ! It is a nice morning for #coffeewithsucculents with #gregmug I hope everyone is doing well. Let’s share pics of your baby succulents. You can see 2 tiny Jade plants on the first picture and ghost plant on the second pic. #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Jade #GhostPlant #Sedum #Succulents #AloeVera #Aloe #Moonstone #sedumclavatum 44 17 Comments @vvvelo · 3Y My small collection #succulents #lovesuccs #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulent #sedumclavatum #Sedum #Jade 51 19 Comments @vvvelo · 3Y Hey #GregGang show a succulent that you recently bought? Here is mine - #sedumclavatum #HappyPlants #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #lovesuccs #succulentsdepot #Sedum 26 31 Comments @vvvelo · 3Y Guys please follow these hashtags #Succulents #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #sedumclavatum #Sedum #Crassula #mysucculents 8 4 Comments @vvvelo · 3Y My new tenants - please welcome mister and missis Clavatum - definitely Italians 🤣 #sedumclavatum I have got it couple days ago from #succulentsdepot 1 0 Comments
sedumclavatum Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 17 5 Some updates on a couple succs! 🌿 1. Blue Echeveria, she has started growing babies at her base, (not pictured) and also has something growing out the side that could possibly be a flower stalk.. not sure yet. She’s already grown a lot since I got her, she was starting to etoliate (in store) when I bought her, so I would say I saved her 😏 2. Graptopetalum Superbum, one of my faves, she has gotten huge I ordered her from Mountain Crest Gardens, and since then she has grown two babies… one is already a good size! 3. Sedum Clavatum has lots of babies, and has been showing some pink here lately since the temps have been getting colder at night. It warmed back up so it’s not as visible as it was. 4. Graptosedum Ghosty, they have grown ALOT since I got them during summer. They have grown alot of babies, I repotted them not too long ago, but the babies are so big they are pushing into each other. 😅 5. Giant jewel plant, has new growth on the top and the side. I have two jewel plants, however one looks much different than the other. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents #WhatTheSucc #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #Echeveria #sedumclavatum #Graptopetalum #PlantLove @TidyTigerpear posted 2M ago 18 3 Fall colors are starting to peek through on these #cuteAFsuccs 👀 💚💜🩵 The Echeveria minima is showing that beautiful pink/purple hue more than usual for this time of year as a result of a recent repotting (she's still acclimating to the outdoors). I can't wait I see what she looks like in a couple of months! ✨ 🙌🏽 #echeveria #echeveriaminima #sedum #sedumclavatum #sedeveria #echeveriablueatoll #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #succulentlove #plantaddict #happyplants #outdoorgrowing #socalgreg @roxyvivien posted 4M ago 21 11 Some pictures of my growing babies! Lots of succulent babies on my plants, new growth points, and even blooms. ☀️🌷😊 I finally got approved for my own apartment & will be moving, so of course my plants will be coming with me. I have a balcony facing the back side of the building. I love the privacy I will have, & even the view, but all the trees (shade) will be a change for my succulent babies. I’m hoping they will adjust well. My move in date is set for the 10th of July. It will be my first place of my own since I’m 23. You guys wish my luck on moving all my plants 😆 it is on the first floor, so moving in shouldn’t be too bad.. right? #succulentsaturday #SucculentSquad #NewGrowth #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #Echeveria #Sedeveria #Sedum #Sunsparkler #sedumclavatum @TidyTigerpear posted 7M ago 16 10 Happy Friday Eve 🙌🏻🪴 Lots of new growth on quite a few of my #Succulents ! 1. Sedeveria ‘Dark Elf’ - posted about the new offset but he has more then one that I didn’t see the other day. 🪴 2. Clive my Sedum Clavatum has started growing another offset, this is the third one since I’ve gotten him! 3. Sedeveria ‘lilac mist’ - (if you know what this succulent ID is for sure please comment, I’m still not 100% sure about its current ID, but I’ve changed it a few times) it’s for sure a sedeveria, it’s also growing two offsets, one at the bottom & the top! I posted last week, and they have grown fast! I thought maybe the one at the top was possibly a flower stalk, but I’m not sure. I also repotted her because she had gotten so tall/ too top heavy for her previous pot. 4. VSOH new growth, been keeping her outside in my screened in porch, she gets partial sun throughout the day, direct sun is too much for her. I also moved her back to her original pot, she wasn’t doing too well in the tower planter, because they needed more sun, which resulted in her getting burnt, and always thirsty, which almost led to me loosing her from staying too wet & getting too much sun. She is doing better now! 5. Echeveria ‘Elegans’ - lots of new growth, she looks much better then she was when she was inside. She has completely recovered from etoliation! 🌿 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #GrowingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantAddict #Echeveria #Sedeveria #StringOfHearts #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #sedumclavatum #babysucculent @TidyTigerpear posted 9M ago 13 3 New plants!🪴 I got this sedum “carpet” from Menards!! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #NewPlants #sedumclavatum #Sedum #newsedum @EnergeticCosmo posted 9M ago 16 24 Wanted to give an update on Clive my Sedum Clavatum. 🌿🌸 I got him from Mountain Crest Gardens, about a month ago, when I got it, he had a bloom stalk that was pretty far along. It hadn’t yet formed the buds but I could tell it was getting there. Today it opened (picture 5) I haven’t gotten the photo of it fully open yet, but it finished opening this afternoon when I put him outside. (I will take another photo later and post in comments). He also has grown a very teeny tiny offset, (photo 3) & had one larger offset when I got it. (Visible in photo 2). I’m so happy that he has been thriving since I planted him. Since he is a soft succulent, I was pretty nervous about caring for him, since I haven’t had the best luck with soft #succulents in the past. The flower is white, very small, & somewhat star shaped like most succulent flowers. It also has pink stamen or more specifically ‘anthers’ inside the bloom. #BloomingSuccs #GrowingSuccs #sedumclavatum #Sedum #SucculentSquad #succulents #succulentsaturday #SucculentLove #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #OutdoorGrowing #SpringHasSprung @TidyTigerpear posted 10M ago 20 20 Happy Friday #GregGang ☀️🌿 I hope everyone has had a good week! Has the time change made your day go by faster or slower? For me it seems like it’s been going by faster. ⏩ For this #FreshLeafFriday I wanted to post my *almost* finished planter that I got a couple weeks ago. There is one more spot left, which I plan to fill this weekend after a trip to my fave local nursery! I’ve came to a sad conclusion that I no longer will be purchasing plants from my Home Depot because sadly the last several plants I’ve gotten from there, have had some fungal issue that either spreads to my other plants, or kills the plant I purchased. Despite throughly inspecting them when purchasing, there is just some things that the human eye can’t see, or it looks healthy but the disease hasn’t fully set in yet.. Anyways on a better note I’ve got pictures of my finished planter, I will list the plants in order of the tiers starting from bottom up. 📈🌿 •Bottom- Graptoveria ‘Debbie’ , Graptopetalum ‘Super Bum’ & Echeveria PVN 💜 all these are purple toned, although the graptopetalum & PVN aren’t visible in the picture because they are in the back. So I willwil attach photos of them. (Photo 3) •Middle- Varigated SOH, & Calico Hearts (Andromiscus Trifloris). 💕This tier is the one that has a remaining spot left. •Top- Echeveria ‘Green Pearl’, Echeveria ‘Atlantis’, Sedum Clavatum, & Echeveria ‘Elegans’. 🌿 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Succulents #Succulent #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #Echeveria #StringOfHearts #Graptoveria #Graptopetalum #sedumclavatum #sedum @TidyTigerpear posted 10M ago 12 0 Happy #WhatTheSuccWednesday guys 🪴🤗☀️ so glad it’s starting to warm up! I’m sure some of you are glad too! Wanted to share some planty updates today. 1. Got my VSOH planted in my new planter, and also got my baby #CalicoHearts planted in as well, it was time for an upsize. 💕 I only have one more spot left for my tiered planter! And then it’ll be all put together and you guys can see the finished product! 2. Clive my sedum clavatum has some blooms forming! It came in the mail with blooms, I’ve been sticking him outside on warm days & watered for the second time today. So glad it’s still thriving so I get so see those pretty flowers! 🌸 3. Okie my baby crowded Haworthia from @Lifeis2short has grown lots since she mailed him to me, but has shot out an extra inch of growth since watering on Monday 😳 4/5. Opal my (injured) graptoveria opalina (my cat was chasing a bug and mauled it about a year ago) has finally recovered & looking healthy and full again. It also likes the new sunny south window it’s been in over the winter. Look at those stress colors coming back! 🌈 #Graptoveria #Haworthia #vsoh #StringOfHearts #AndromischusTriflorus #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #sedumclavatum #Sedum #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents @TidyTigerpear posted 11M ago 27 12 #coffeewithsucculents time! 🤩 My new succulents have moved into new pots! Hehe 😉 Now I have to watch them. They don’t have roots. I trimmed all of them. Do you have freshly re-potted succulents? Please just post pics in comments. Cheers! Cheers 🥂 #SucculentLove #succulents #Echeveria #sedumclavatum #clavatum #SucculentSquad @vvvelo posted 1Y ago 14 2 Soooo... I did a thing... 😅 Gomez was getting too heavy on one side and kept falling over so today I did surgery... I cut two babies off the bottom of the main stem, I cut the main rosette off and I was also able to get a few promising leaves... Now we wait for them to dry a bit and then I get to have some fun in the dirt! Lol 🙃🫶 #beforeandafter #propagationfever #clavatum #sedum #sedumclavatum #tiscalatengogorgesedum #succulentsquad #succulentlove #socalsuccs #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #planttherapy #WickedValkyrie #TheSagaOfGomez @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 17 12 Gomez is straight up KILLIN IT with the babies right now y'all! Five in total. (I know there's a ton of dirt in my windowsill, he falls over pretty often cuz his babies have made him start leaning to one side...) Thinking I may remove the bottom two to make room for the ones right above them, but haven't decided yet... What do y'all think? One of the bottom ones has visible roots growing from it's base... 🤔 #succulentsquad #succulentlove #tiscalatengogorgesedum #tiscalatengo #growingsuccs #saturdaysuccs #socalsuccs #socalgreg #newgrowth #sedum #clavatum #sedumclavatum #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #WickedValkyrie #TheSagaOfGomez @WickedValkyrie posted 2Y ago 6 8 Thinking of repotting these 2.5 & 3 inch succulents into 2 ✌️ larger 8-in pots ... do you think they will go well together? @roxyvivien asked 2Y ago 21 21 My go to method for rooting Succulent #stemcutting propigations — Step by step details ⤵️ @roxyvivien asked 2Y ago 44 17 Good morning #Greggers ! It is a nice morning for #coffeewithsucculents with #gregmug I hope everyone is doing well. Let’s share pics of your baby succulents. You can see 2 tiny Jade plants on the first picture and ghost plant on the second pic. #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Jade #GhostPlant #Sedum #Succulents #AloeVera #Aloe #Moonstone #sedumclavatum @vvvelo posted 2Y ago 51 19 My small collection #succulents #lovesuccs #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulent #sedumclavatum #Sedum #Jade @vvvelo posted 3Y ago 26 31 Hey #GregGang show a succulent that you recently bought? Here is mine - #sedumclavatum #HappyPlants #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #lovesuccs #succulentsdepot #Sedum @vvvelo posted 3Y ago 8 4 Guys please follow these hashtags #Succulents #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #sedumclavatum #Sedum #Crassula #mysucculents @vvvelo posted 3Y ago 1 0 My new tenants - please welcome mister and missis Clavatum - definitely Italians 🤣 #sedumclavatum I have got it couple days ago from #succulentsdepot @vvvelo posted 3Y ago