Community #plantstash


@KrunchyWrap avatar @KrunchyWrap · 1Y
How is my dad goin, you so kindly ask? Weelll.. just found out ALL of my calatheas and every regular house plant i have is INFESTEDZ WITH SPIDERMITE. BRUUHHH. Ive been trying to figrr out why all my house plants all of a sudden started looking poorly when they were just thriving amd I check them often. Well i noticed its been a while since i washed the leaves off, got them all gather and started wiping them down and noticed... The webbing and the different texture my leaves now felt.. i have really terrible eyesight and my biggest worry has always been over looking something like this and it happened. Never had them before but i imagine it has to be from the calatheas i got from facebook bc phillips garden center (local) never has pest. They take amazing care of their plants. Upon further investigative work, i went reading more in depth reviews for the facebook seller and apparently there is an abundance of reviews with complaints of freaking spidermites. Ugggghhhhhhh. I quarantined them (even though tthey're technically a safe distance from other plants im not risking shit) removed all the soil, and blasted the entre plants with the sink sprayer to blast away as many of those bastards as i could, washed the leaves and wiped them, then sprayed them with water, lemon juice, and vinegar and wiped them again. Repot was easy EXCEPT for my poor peperomia rosso 🥺 she did not handle it well and basically broke into 3 pieces so fingers crossed she recovers. UGGGHAJSJAJSHAHAJA Then top top it off, hubby left tools outside... And as im picking them up it starts raining.. next thing you know i step on a board with a 3 in nail sticking out and yeah.. it went through the shoe and deep into the feet meat. As im scream extremely vulgar profane things i go to step back to take pressure off, regain balance, and try to get it out (fyi-its stuck in the feet meat) only to STEP BACK ONTO ANOTHER BOARD WITH ANOTHER NAIL THAT SLIDES LIKE FREAKING BUTTER INTO THE OTHER FEET MEAT ALL WHILE IN THE COLD POURING RAIN AT 7 THIS FREAKING MORNING!!!!!!! The things i shouted would have made sailors need therapy and the devil blush. So there i am with my new feet meat extenders reinacting the ionic scene from ace Ventura pet detective when he has a spear in both legs. I finally use the last of my reserved specialty anger juice that's been storing up for a hot minute and just did a ninja style lightening fast *hiiyyyaahhh* power fist punch the sunsabetches off my poor feet meats and yelled F U then hobbled my freezing drenched crippled arse back into the house towards the heater only for the power to shut off... And stay off until now.. all day.. im done. Locked myself in my room and left a note for hubby and the kids saying "Due to reasons beyond our control, the "mom/wife service" will be unavailable for the rest of the day. Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused but for your safety we suggest you go else where and/or handle yourselves until further notice. - SINCERELY MOM MANAGEMENT" I have my secret stash of chocolate, bundled up like an eskimon a heating pad and a glass of wine.. no tv just silence and paint. Sigh #AllPanicButNoDisco #DontPutThatEvilOnMeRickyBobby #MyNeckMyBackThinkImHavinAPanicAttack #GotNinetyNineProblemsAndHeresAFew #plantsmakepeoplehappy #happyplants #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantstash #notmyday #notsohappyplants #krunchytime #pestproblems #greggang #spidermitefright #FeetMeatInRetreat #quarentinedmyself #plantmafia #whatthesucculentwednesday #IThoughtItWasHumpDayNotQuestionYourVeryExistenceKimdaHardDay #ToTheWindowsToTheWall #StuckOutInColdTheRainFall #EvenHeavenCanHearMeSqual #FeetMeatTooSoreToWalk #ScreamingAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH