PlantsMakePeopleHappy Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @Araceae · 3h If you know this herb, you're a champion 👑🏆🥇🎖️ Meet the Rice Paddy Herb. Limnophila aromatica. For those who aquascape, this plant should be familiar. Under high light underwater, it turns a brilliant reddish-purple. In its native country [Vietnam], it's common in rice paddies. This aquatic plant has a marvellous citrusy taste with earthy notes. [for the haters, a soapy taste]. It has a slight grassy fragrance too. Traditionally it's served raw with other vegetables as an accompaniment for curries, stew and soups like pho, or cooked with meat and fish dishes. Supposedly a tea made with its leaves can relieve fevers and mucous decoction. The aroma of its leaves can help to destress too. Propagation is easy with stem cuttings. It tolerates overwatering and waterlogged soil, and prefers higher humidity, although it's not essential. Partial sun is best, but again it's not fussy. If you keep it happy it might give purple blooms. FUN FACT: during the Vietnam War [American War in Vietnam], American troops brought some of this herb back. Now, some Michelin chefs use this herb for garnish or cooking, particularly those specialising in Asian cuisine. It's not in the Greg database, help? 2nd photo copyrights belong to The 2Hr Aquarist, 3rd photo copyrights belong to u/Bruney500 on Reddit #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewPlants #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #Herbs #EdiblePlants #AquaticPlants 1 0 Comments @wolfwoman · 6h What variety? 5 5 Comments @BrawnyMachofern · 8h These cuties came home today 🪷 can't wait to watch them grow up 🥰 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #echeveria 2 0 Comments @PiousWaterfern · 10h Is she dead or dormant..? 0 1 Comments @thecrystalbabe · 11h What is the best soil to plant marble queen pothos in ? I water propagated 2 cuttings I got and it’s been well over a couple months and I haven’t seen any growth at all 😞 what am I doing wrong ?! Please help!!! 🙏🏼🥹 thanks in advance #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantTherapy #MarbleQueenPothos #NewPlantMom 3 0 Comments @BabeVila · 11h My work #Amaryllis bloomed! I wasn’t expecting this for at least another few days! He was really in a hurry. And look how gorgeous 😍 I got the bulb without knowing what color the flowers would be, so this is a really wonderful surprise! He is absolutely beautiful 💖🤩🥳 And look at that leaf spread. He is NOT messing around. There are 6 flower buds on one stalk, and 4 on another! I’m in for quite a show 🤗🌸🌸🌸🌸 #StripedTubedAmaryllis #HappyPlants #FloweringPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Blooming #BeautifulBlooms #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantLove #UnderratedPlants #babevila #PinkPlantsofGreg 25 10 Comments @OpenlyMistystar · 13h I’ve recently received these beautiful little succulents from my grandmother, aren’t they so cute! 💛🌱😍 #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict # #PlantCorner 8 1 Comments @theloveofplants · 13h Who does she think she is? I gave Cleopatra her own pedestal and she decided to take off…again! #StoryofCleopatra #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #PlantLove #Begonia #BegoniaBunch 3 5 Comments @TycoonCorncob · 14h #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantCorner Just thought I’d share my living plants. It is their first winter and some went to the #PlantGraveyard . 1 0 Comments @JesssJungle · 14h ♥️ New Leaf Unfurling ♥️ I moved Cherrywine to a different window and he rewarded me with a new leaf. #cherryredphilodendron #philodendron #philoflock #happyplants #newleafalert #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #jesssjungle 4 1 Comments @JesssJungle · 14h Oh, Michelle, we have had our battles, haven't we? I am not great at keeping polka dot plants alive, I usually kill them pretty fast. But this one!! This one has survived! I've had her for about 6 months. She *has* shrunk but I think I finally have gotten her stable.. She is under a grow light in a cabinet now. She almost died, got super leggy, I chopped off all the leggy bits and this is what grew back eventually! #polkadotplant #happyplants #plantaddict #newgrowth #plantsmakepeoplehappy #planttherapy #jesssjungle 3 0 Comments @JesssJungle · 14h I needed a full updated pic of Queen Elizabeth Frost.. sometimes you have NO IDEA how much a plant has grown until you compare photos. She has filled out beautifully in about 9 months!! You can see the old photo of when I got her as her profile pic. Just look at her now!! 😜 #happyplants #newgrowth #beforeandafter #marblequeenpothos #plantsmakepeoplehappy #pothos #pothospack #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantlove #jesssjungle 1 0 Comments @Stone · 14h Best cure for fungus gnats? 0 1 Comments @PricklyThumb · 14h Look at the cutest little table I got to give me more plant space! It helps get a few plants off the floor during my winter cram in. I just love how it looks. And don’t worry, Figment was just smelling new smells. He doesn’t bother my plants. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #Philodendron #MiniMonstera 3 0 Comments @BrawnyMachofern · 14h This is typically how far my plants are away from my windows...too far? too close? Just want to make sure I'm giving the right amount of light. #echeveria #haworthia #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy 1 2 Comments @WiseChaffflower · 15h Double Flowering Succs!?! Hey guys! I haven’t posted in a while but I just wanted to share my succulents who are both sprouting at the same time!! The one on the left ( #fairywashboard ) has been shooting its stalk up since august but the one on the right ( #ZebraHaworthiopsis ) has its first ever!! Super excited about these ❤️ #HappyPlants #BloomingSuccs #SucculentSquad #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth 3 4 Comments @Alexander.93 · 15h Y new baby plant 😄 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants # 13 7 Comments @GreenPurpose · 16h Propagation Tales… 5 2 Comments @LaBori276 · 17h It was a very busy Saturday I repotted several of my beauties to their new homes (More to come) Amary (Striped Tubed Amaryllis) I was going to leave her in the original pot but it was too small and kept falling over Placed her in the entrance of my home Any advice on this one Does she need to be in full sun Where I got her they were all in full direct sun TIA #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #newplantmom #plantcorner #plantlove #plantmoms #amaryllis #stripedtubedamaryllis 1 2 Comments @SuavePuriri · 17h Shakira Shakira new leaf and her older leaf parting way the cycle of life I can’t wait to see her 😂💚💚💚🫶🏾🫶🏾 #ProudPlantParent #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GregGang #GreggersSupportingGreggers #Dieffenbachia 3 0 Comments See 20 more posts
PlantsMakePeopleHappy Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 1 0 If you know this herb, you're a champion 👑🏆🥇🎖️ Meet the Rice Paddy Herb. Limnophila aromatica. For those who aquascape, this plant should be familiar. Under high light underwater, it turns a brilliant reddish-purple. In its native country [Vietnam], it's common in rice paddies. This aquatic plant has a marvellous citrusy taste with earthy notes. [for the haters, a soapy taste]. It has a slight grassy fragrance too. Traditionally it's served raw with other vegetables as an accompaniment for curries, stew and soups like pho, or cooked with meat and fish dishes. Supposedly a tea made with its leaves can relieve fevers and mucous decoction. The aroma of its leaves can help to destress too. Propagation is easy with stem cuttings. It tolerates overwatering and waterlogged soil, and prefers higher humidity, although it's not essential. Partial sun is best, but again it's not fussy. If you keep it happy it might give purple blooms. FUN FACT: during the Vietnam War [American War in Vietnam], American troops brought some of this herb back. Now, some Michelin chefs use this herb for garnish or cooking, particularly those specialising in Asian cuisine. It's not in the Greg database, help? 2nd photo copyrights belong to The 2Hr Aquarist, 3rd photo copyrights belong to u/Bruney500 on Reddit #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewPlants #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #Herbs #EdiblePlants #AquaticPlants @Araceae posted 3h ago 5 5 What variety? @wolfwoman asked 6h ago 2 0 These cuties came home today 🪷 can't wait to watch them grow up 🥰 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #echeveria @BrawnyMachofern posted 8h ago 0 1 Is she dead or dormant..? @PiousWaterfern asked 10h ago 3 0 What is the best soil to plant marble queen pothos in ? I water propagated 2 cuttings I got and it’s been well over a couple months and I haven’t seen any growth at all 😞 what am I doing wrong ?! Please help!!! 🙏🏼🥹 thanks in advance #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantTherapy #MarbleQueenPothos #NewPlantMom @thecrystalbabe posted 11h ago 25 10 My work #Amaryllis bloomed! I wasn’t expecting this for at least another few days! He was really in a hurry. And look how gorgeous 😍 I got the bulb without knowing what color the flowers would be, so this is a really wonderful surprise! He is absolutely beautiful 💖🤩🥳 And look at that leaf spread. He is NOT messing around. There are 6 flower buds on one stalk, and 4 on another! I’m in for quite a show 🤗🌸🌸🌸🌸 #StripedTubedAmaryllis #HappyPlants #FloweringPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Blooming #BeautifulBlooms #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantLove #UnderratedPlants #babevila #PinkPlantsofGreg @BabeVila posted 11h ago 8 1 I’ve recently received these beautiful little succulents from my grandmother, aren’t they so cute! 💛🌱😍 #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict # #PlantCorner @OpenlyMistystar posted 13h ago 3 5 Who does she think she is? I gave Cleopatra her own pedestal and she decided to take off…again! #StoryofCleopatra #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #PlantLove #Begonia #BegoniaBunch @theloveofplants posted 13h ago 1 0 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantCorner Just thought I’d share my living plants. It is their first winter and some went to the #PlantGraveyard . @TycoonCorncob posted 14h ago 4 1 ♥️ New Leaf Unfurling ♥️ I moved Cherrywine to a different window and he rewarded me with a new leaf. #cherryredphilodendron #philodendron #philoflock #happyplants #newleafalert #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #jesssjungle @JesssJungle posted 14h ago 3 0 Oh, Michelle, we have had our battles, haven't we? I am not great at keeping polka dot plants alive, I usually kill them pretty fast. But this one!! This one has survived! I've had her for about 6 months. She *has* shrunk but I think I finally have gotten her stable.. She is under a grow light in a cabinet now. She almost died, got super leggy, I chopped off all the leggy bits and this is what grew back eventually! #polkadotplant #happyplants #plantaddict #newgrowth #plantsmakepeoplehappy #planttherapy #jesssjungle @JesssJungle posted 14h ago 1 0 I needed a full updated pic of Queen Elizabeth Frost.. sometimes you have NO IDEA how much a plant has grown until you compare photos. She has filled out beautifully in about 9 months!! You can see the old photo of when I got her as her profile pic. Just look at her now!! 😜 #happyplants #newgrowth #beforeandafter #marblequeenpothos #plantsmakepeoplehappy #pothos #pothospack #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantlove #jesssjungle @JesssJungle posted 14h ago 0 1 Best cure for fungus gnats? @Stone asked 14h ago 3 0 Look at the cutest little table I got to give me more plant space! It helps get a few plants off the floor during my winter cram in. I just love how it looks. And don’t worry, Figment was just smelling new smells. He doesn’t bother my plants. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #Philodendron #MiniMonstera @PricklyThumb posted 14h ago 1 2 This is typically how far my plants are away from my windows...too far? too close? Just want to make sure I'm giving the right amount of light. #echeveria #haworthia #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy @BrawnyMachofern asked 14h ago 3 4 Double Flowering Succs!?! Hey guys! I haven’t posted in a while but I just wanted to share my succulents who are both sprouting at the same time!! The one on the left ( #fairywashboard ) has been shooting its stalk up since august but the one on the right ( #ZebraHaworthiopsis ) has its first ever!! Super excited about these ❤️ #HappyPlants #BloomingSuccs #SucculentSquad #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth @WiseChaffflower posted 15h ago 13 7 Y new baby plant 😄 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants # @Alexander.93 posted 15h ago 5 2 Propagation Tales… @GreenPurpose asked 16h ago 1 2 It was a very busy Saturday I repotted several of my beauties to their new homes (More to come) Amary (Striped Tubed Amaryllis) I was going to leave her in the original pot but it was too small and kept falling over Placed her in the entrance of my home Any advice on this one Does she need to be in full sun Where I got her they were all in full direct sun TIA #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #newplantmom #plantcorner #plantlove #plantmoms #amaryllis #stripedtubedamaryllis @LaBori276 posted 17h ago 3 0 Shakira Shakira new leaf and her older leaf parting way the cycle of life I can’t wait to see her 😂💚💚💚🫶🏾🫶🏾 #ProudPlantParent #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GregGang #GreggersSupportingGreggers #Dieffenbachia @SuavePuriri posted 17h ago See 20 more posts