PlantID Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @ZingyGuapilla · 3d New succulent- unidentified 2 3 Comments @wolfwoman · 4d What variety? 7 5 Comments @AutumnOrange · 5d My parents were at a place with plants, and the owner said they could have this part that fell off and try to propagate it. But nobody knew what the plant was called. (The plant it came from is the one in the back) can anyone identify it? #plantidentification #PlantID #helpneeded #PropagationStation 3 4 Comments @Petite_Eureka · 1w What philodendron is this? 2 6 Comments @ZingyGuapilla · 1w Ideas to what this succ could be? My mother-in-law picked this baby up for me and I haven't seen it in person yet. Wondering if people had similar succulents and could shoot me some pictures to help me identify it! #SucculentSquad #PlantID #SucculentLove #NewPlants 2 2 Comments @Idplantthat · 1w #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PetsAndPlants #MonsteraMonday #PlantCorner #PestControl #BeforeAndAfter #PlantShelfie #RarePlants #PlantID #OutdoorGrowing has anyone grown mangos?? I don’t know if this growth is normal? But I’m impressed with it! Photo one was taking last Friday, and today Monday is the second photo 4 4 Comments @Idplantthat · 1w #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PetsAndPlants #MonsteraMonday #PlantCorner #PestControl #BeforeAndAfter #PlantShelfie #RarePlants #PlantID #WeirdPlants these little beauties showed up today! They shipped here from Indonesia, I didn’t think they’d make it so in tact.. it’s amazing, I live in Utah where it’s cold so I’m very impressed, can’t wait to get beans! They are variegated coffee plants! 6 3 Comments @SuperbEchinaria · 1w Help identify🥹 1 3 Comments @LilRootedWitch · 1w Who is she 😅🌹 19 21 Comments @KeenGrugrupalm · 1w Plant/weed ID? 1 4 Comments @SucculentSavant · 1w Help Me Identify My New Succ? 2 4 Comments @Idplantthat · 1w #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #OrchidLovers #NewPlantMom #PetsAndPlants #MonsteraMonday #PlantCorner #PestControl #BeforeAndAfter #PlantShelfie #RarePlants #PlantID #OutdoorGrowing #PlantLove #PlantSwap #HangingPlants #PlantGraveyard #WeirdPlants #PlantHaul #FloweringPlants #fresh leave Friday I’m so excited they are finally coming back! It was a hard “grow” for them- pun intended.. but they are finally making their comeback thanks nature for being so majestic! A few different friends here! We’ve got pink and white variegated bananas, one super dwarf cavendish banana pineapples, (jade white pineapples) some succulents, and new growth on a mango 🥭 6 0 Comments @LordRoyalfern · 2w Hello! I just got this app and don’t know what kind of plant I have!! Can someone please help me identify it? I’ve had it for years and haven’t ever known who it is lol #PlantID 1 3 Comments @Idplantthat · 2w #HappyPlants 4 2 Comments @Plants_Galore · 2w #FreshLeafFriday #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantID #HelpMeNameMyPlant Beautiful new leaf on my philo white princess!! Please help me figure out what variety this other philo is! #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy 4 0 Comments @Idplantthat · 2w #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #OrchidLovers #NewPlantMom #PetsAndPlants #MonsteraMonday #PlantCorner #PestControl #PlantShelfie #BeforeAndAfter #RarePlants #PlantID #PlantLove #PlantSwap I’m so happy! I thought all four of variegated bananas wouldn’t make… sadly three didn’t.. but the other four did! Two of them are a pink Nono musa and the white are two Florida special musa! So happy they pulled through, this has been a hard winter for most plants I feel like.. 7 5 Comments @PolarPlantLady · 2w Is this really just a Rex Begonia? Haha! I’d love to get its actual name if anyone knows. I love the pink frost! 1 2 Comments @OrangeGrass · 2w Help ID Succulents Please! 12 55 Comments @JenniferNoel · 2w #WhatTheSuccWednesday #PlantHaul #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #OrchidLovers #PlantID #PlantLove Y’all, I FINALLY got an Orchid 🤩🤩 It’s an espresso orchid and believe it or not, it came from our local grocery store! AND…..I only paid $8 for it! It’s a baby in a 2in pot with moss! Idk much about them and their care so any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated 🥰 Then I happened to see this big ole echeveria sitting close by and just HAD to grab it!! I just LOVE the colors on it! They look completely different in all the different lighting! It’s sooo pretty with the grays and yellowish - peach like colors 💕 It was labeled a 4in succulent, but no actual name! When I added it to my oasis, it said Pearl Echeveria! Do you think that’s what it is?!? 🤔 Just wondering 💭 11 4 Comments @CactusAdjacent · 3w #plantid on a shipment of brand new baby #succulents 2 13 Comments See 20 more posts
PlantID Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 2 3 New succulent- unidentified @ZingyGuapilla asked 3d ago 7 5 What variety? @wolfwoman asked 4d ago 3 4 My parents were at a place with plants, and the owner said they could have this part that fell off and try to propagate it. But nobody knew what the plant was called. (The plant it came from is the one in the back) can anyone identify it? #plantidentification #PlantID #helpneeded #PropagationStation @AutumnOrange posted 5d ago 2 6 What philodendron is this? @Petite_Eureka asked 1w ago 2 2 Ideas to what this succ could be? My mother-in-law picked this baby up for me and I haven't seen it in person yet. Wondering if people had similar succulents and could shoot me some pictures to help me identify it! #SucculentSquad #PlantID #SucculentLove #NewPlants @ZingyGuapilla posted 1w ago 4 4 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PetsAndPlants #MonsteraMonday #PlantCorner #PestControl #BeforeAndAfter #PlantShelfie #RarePlants #PlantID #OutdoorGrowing has anyone grown mangos?? I don’t know if this growth is normal? But I’m impressed with it! Photo one was taking last Friday, and today Monday is the second photo @Idplantthat posted 1w ago 6 3 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PetsAndPlants #MonsteraMonday #PlantCorner #PestControl #BeforeAndAfter #PlantShelfie #RarePlants #PlantID #WeirdPlants these little beauties showed up today! They shipped here from Indonesia, I didn’t think they’d make it so in tact.. it’s amazing, I live in Utah where it’s cold so I’m very impressed, can’t wait to get beans! They are variegated coffee plants! @Idplantthat posted 1w ago 1 3 Help identify🥹 @SuperbEchinaria asked 1w ago 19 21 Who is she 😅🌹 @LilRootedWitch asked 1w ago 1 4 Plant/weed ID? @KeenGrugrupalm asked 1w ago 2 4 Help Me Identify My New Succ? @SucculentSavant asked 1w ago 6 0 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #OrchidLovers #NewPlantMom #PetsAndPlants #MonsteraMonday #PlantCorner #PestControl #BeforeAndAfter #PlantShelfie #RarePlants #PlantID #OutdoorGrowing #PlantLove #PlantSwap #HangingPlants #PlantGraveyard #WeirdPlants #PlantHaul #FloweringPlants #fresh leave Friday I’m so excited they are finally coming back! It was a hard “grow” for them- pun intended.. but they are finally making their comeback thanks nature for being so majestic! A few different friends here! We’ve got pink and white variegated bananas, one super dwarf cavendish banana pineapples, (jade white pineapples) some succulents, and new growth on a mango 🥭 @Idplantthat posted 1w ago 1 3 Hello! I just got this app and don’t know what kind of plant I have!! Can someone please help me identify it? I’ve had it for years and haven’t ever known who it is lol #PlantID @LordRoyalfern posted 2w ago 4 2 #HappyPlants @Idplantthat asked 2w ago 4 0 #FreshLeafFriday #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantID #HelpMeNameMyPlant Beautiful new leaf on my philo white princess!! Please help me figure out what variety this other philo is! #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy @Plants_Galore posted 2w ago 7 5 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #OrchidLovers #NewPlantMom #PetsAndPlants #MonsteraMonday #PlantCorner #PestControl #PlantShelfie #BeforeAndAfter #RarePlants #PlantID #PlantLove #PlantSwap I’m so happy! I thought all four of variegated bananas wouldn’t make… sadly three didn’t.. but the other four did! Two of them are a pink Nono musa and the white are two Florida special musa! So happy they pulled through, this has been a hard winter for most plants I feel like.. @Idplantthat posted 2w ago 1 2 Is this really just a Rex Begonia? Haha! I’d love to get its actual name if anyone knows. I love the pink frost! @PolarPlantLady asked 2w ago 12 55 Help ID Succulents Please! @OrangeGrass asked 2w ago 11 4 #WhatTheSuccWednesday #PlantHaul #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #OrchidLovers #PlantID #PlantLove Y’all, I FINALLY got an Orchid 🤩🤩 It’s an espresso orchid and believe it or not, it came from our local grocery store! AND…..I only paid $8 for it! It’s a baby in a 2in pot with moss! Idk much about them and their care so any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated 🥰 Then I happened to see this big ole echeveria sitting close by and just HAD to grab it!! I just LOVE the colors on it! They look completely different in all the different lighting! It’s sooo pretty with the grays and yellowish - peach like colors 💕 It was labeled a 4in succulent, but no actual name! When I added it to my oasis, it said Pearl Echeveria! Do you think that’s what it is?!? 🤔 Just wondering 💭 @JenniferNoel posted 2w ago 2 13 #plantid on a shipment of brand new baby #succulents @CactusAdjacent asked 3w ago See 20 more posts