Community #plantamigos


@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 4M
🌟⭐️WE’RE TWO HUNDRED MEMBERS STRONG ⭐️🌟 - LET’S CELEBRATE 🎉 🙌 CP CLUB THURSDAY 🦟🪳❌🚫 #cpclubthursday 💚 for OCTOBER 3, 2024 Ok, this is exciting 😄🤜🤛 We now have over 200 members who are fans of carnivorous plants and I think we need to celebrate 🙌 🎉😊 So if you go to the link below 👇 https:// and enter our competition for the best Carnivorous Plant photo entered in this competition. The rules are simple: 1. you have to be a member of #cpclubthursday (no worries for over 200 of you, and if you are not yet a member then join by clicking on the #cpclubthursday hash tag and click the join button on the Group page) 2. You have to enter a photo of your very own CP (lets us know its name too) 3. The comment with the most “likes” wins or if there is a tie, then a “judge’s decision” will be made. 4. There will also be a prize for the runner-up and for what’s judged the most interesting comment so why not share your own CP journey? 5. First prize is a live Venus Fly Trap from the Greg store (for US residents, if I can organize delivery to you). The alternative first prize is a great Carnivorous Plant book (kindle version or possibly a paperback version instead) 6. In order to claim your prize, you’ll need to email me at my email address on my profile @seymour And that’s basically it BUT you have to to add your comment and photo at this link 👇 (NOT in this post) https:// In the meantime, I’ll share some photos below of my own Venus Fly Trap which decided to capture its own trap so I had to pull the captured trap out so they can hopefullyhopefuly open up and catch some more prey. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #RarePlants #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub #cpterrarium #VFT #VenusFlyTrap #Sundew #PitcherPlant #PitcherPlants #Nepenthes #cephalotusclub #Cephalotus #CarniverousPlants #plantamigos #theamigos #PLANTMAFIA #RJGAsksGreg #GregGang

@sarahsalith avatar @sarahsalith · 8M
WHO LOVES A GOOD #GIVEAWAY?! #Greggers, are you ready to celebrate?? 🥳 Who remembers when #GregGivesBack Started?! If you guessed EIGHTEEN MONTHS AGO, YOU’RE RIGHT, #GregGang! In honor of our 18-month #HalfBirthday 🥳 we are doing a giveaway … with EXTRA #Giveaways! 🎁🎁🎁🎁 Since we know many of you celebrated Cinco de Mayo with your #PlantAmigos 😉 we want you to give them a shout out below! Because you can’t have a #HalfBirthday 🥳 without #PlantFriends! (Shout out to the OG #PLANTMAFIA) Maybe it’s that plant friend that got you started, or the one you just met, or the one you’ve never met in person, or the one that you go to the greenhouse with every day. Who gets those plant photos from you every day? 🌱 Tag them below, because we know you got them on or met them on the #BestAppOnTheInternet cause we know that #PlantFriendsAreTheBestFriends! 🪴 And since we are #GreggersSupportingGreggers, enter your favorite hashtag too! The hashtags link to communities within Greg and BELIEVE ME, you can get lost for DAYS clicking on hashtags! 😆 This is how you enter: Tag a #PlantAmigo or 20 … or if you’re someone we know, 493!! AND add your favorite hashtag(s) on #Greg. Is it #PlantTherapy? Is it #PlantJokes? Is it #HappyPlants … or #NotSoHappyPlants? What about #PotsThatAreNotPots? #TeamCan #PetsAndPlants #BeforeAndAfter #PlantGraveyard #WeirdPlants Is it your own that you started? TELL US! Remember, each official entry must include a tagged person to invite to our #HalfBirthday 🥳 party and a hashtag to bring to the party! 🎁 WHEN TO ENTER: The #giveaway is open NOW: Sunday (don’t forget to call your MOTHER) through midnight CST on May 14th… and if you know me, I probably won’t actually cut folks off at midnight! The winners will be drawn at random by the magic wheel and the #GregGivesBackWinners will be announced on Wednesday, May 15th. Be sure to follow our #GregGivesBack tag to stay posted! 🎁 WHO CAN ENTER: any #PlantAddict and EVERYONE, including our international friends and #TimeTravelers! Greggers outside the 48 States may not receive a physical box, but will definitely receive goodies nonetheless. If you are a previous #GregGiveawayWinners we WANT YOU to COMMENT! Y’all all are eligible to win the #Giveaway THIS TIME! WOO HOO!! 🎈🎈 🎁 HOW TO ENTER: Tag someone AND post a hashtag – Let’s build those communities! 👉THE FINE PRINT: All winners have 7 days from the day they are announced as a winner to claim their prize by getting us all the required information. A new winner(s) will be drawn on day 8. All participants may comment as many times as they would like but only one entry per participant (who has not previously won) will be entered into the wheel. 👉👉👉DON’T FORGET: This giveaway has been put together by the #GregGivesBackSquad and donations from YOU!! Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in spreading joy and smiles and plants! Feel free to reach out to the Giveaway Squad anytime by shooting us an email at to find out how you can participate in the NEXT giveaway! If you want to help us out, we are in need of shipping and physical donations; each prize box is valued around $35 and shipping each box is around $10 to $15 each. #BestFronds #GregGiveAwayDay #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PlantCorner #RarePlants #OutdoorGrowing #PlantLove #BestAppEver

@sarahsalith avatar @sarahsalith · 11M
It's #GregGivesBack #GIVEAWAY TIME! Sometimes I look around and I realize that I have certain plants that tell MY STORY! For instance: I have a Florida Ghost. In 2022, IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! It was a plant to be envied; it was a single, dainty stem with mint green leaves and COMPLETELY WHITE LEAVES. It seemed like the perfect #Wishlist plant. (First Picture) Then, I had a TOTAL life-change. I’m not gonna lie: 2023 was ROUGH. (Second Picture) Some days, I felt like death warmed over and I felt very bare. No beautiful leaves, no perfect foliage … just an ugly stem. Finally, I decided to do some pruning in my life. Pruning can hurt. I took the ugly stem of my once beautiful Ghost and I cut it in half. I gave my plant new soil and a new location. Now, (Picture Three) I have SEVEN new points of growth and the beginnings of EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL LEAVES! Sometimes when it seems that all is lost, it’s just time to do some pruning so you have a chance to grow even more! If you would like to enter the February #Giveaway let us know about a plant that tells YOUR story. Comment below so we can all be inspired by your #HappyPlant and feel good or even partner with you for some #PlantTherapy if you are in a tough season #NotSoHappyPlant) You can get others involved by tagging them because we all know that we are all a part of the #GregFam and #PlantsMakePeopleHappy! Don’t know anyone? Just hit the “@” and select a name or twelve!! The #giveaway is open NOW, Wednesday, February 14, 2024 and will close Thursday, February 15 at 5:00 CST. A #GregGivesBackWinner will be drawn at random and announced on Thursday. Be sure to follow our #GregGivesBack and #GregGivesBackWinners and #GregGivesBackWinner tags to stay posted! WHO CAN ENTER: any #PlantAddict and EVERYONE, including our international friends and #TimeTravelers! #Greggers outside the 48 States may not receive a physical box, but will definitely receive some goodies nonetheless. We ask that if you have won in the past, please tag as many other people as you can so they have a chance to win as well. WHEN TO ENTER: NOW!! HURRY! HOW TO ENTER: Drop a comment below with a picture of your plant that tells YOUR story. CHOOSING A WINNER: A winner will be chosen at random by our Magic Wheel with all the usernames from the completed entries. Previous winners cannot win this time, but we would still love to see your comments! The selected winner will have seven days to get his or her information to us by email: If we do not receive a response, another winner will be chosen. This #Giveaway has been put together by the Giveaway Squad and donations from Y’ALL!! Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in spreading joy and smiles and plants! Please email us to find out how you can participate in the NEXT giveaway! Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to reach out to the Giveaway Squad anytime by shooting us an email at Thanks #plantamigos! We love you and we love #HappyPlants and even #NotSoHappyPlants 😉 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #PetsAndPlants #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PlantCorner #RarePlants #OutdoorGrowing #PlantGraveyard #PlantLove #WeirdPlants #BestAppEver #PlantFriendsAreTheBestFriends #GregGiveaway #HappyPlants #NotSoHappyPlants #GreggersSupportingGreggers Don't miss out on your chance to win a #PlantyBoxofGoodies in the #GregGivesBack #Giveaway !! --- @ManyLime @MrsSmith @LatiTish84 @Indoorgreens @ChummyJadeplant @AliveFishhooks @FunGaillardia @PrimoTauhinu @BrotherlyBlinks @LoyalApplerose @user4871 @GreenGeek @TopDutch @LushRubbervine @greenhouse @SavantEspicia @TricksterAngel @Sanalovesplants @Plant-mom @Maalylondon @NewbieJess @collardamon @PiquantDodder @sopjoew @FieryMexico @ArticulateMoss @Brisleaves @PlantedApart @BotanicalNovice @WiredDaisy @LovablyFittonia @MightyMelon @GaietyOnion @FlexibleFuchsia @Sashby @BonusOnion @MaturePinkball @AssiduousLovage @SuccinctWavycap @AbleCorkelm @HeiressSalsa @AboundingBlue @clairsheart14 @LoyalApplerose @ForeverOcotillo @WinPrenanthes @MoneyedAgboy @AuthenticLoquat @BriskEmoryoak @LovablySeaaster @GemCrabapple @ReallyAster @GnarlyRadish @AdonicTurkshead @MightyCidergum @PioneerRedvein @GracefulMum @PrimalRosarypea @Monicanais @GrowingLentil @RefinedGollum @NimbleSmokebush @TrueCucumber @racheyj02 @ResoluteIvy @ComicArrowroot @KinglyBaibua @PractisedSalad @ChiefGalega @VividMatgrass @OriginalCoccoon @OlympianIvy @Dunksparadise @JoyousMullein @Bejoty1 @NobleCandytuft @MotivatedKaramu @FourstarElkweed @LoyallyOregano @SummeryCowvine @OrganicCobnut @DynamiteMangeao @BackupSweetmint @AffluentialMoss @PerfectPeyote @Positano @NewHawkswing @HelpfulLantana @LithePinebush @LithePineviolet @Plantdaddy1980 @LadyDandelion @FinestHouseleek @AdroitlyCat @WholeCoconut @CurrentMira @ProOakfern @BuddingFivespot @KeyTigerjade @AlertRedbetel @SightlyBlackpea @hollyelaine8 @FacileSedge @LeadWaiuatua @WillAngelmoss @GuruAirpotato @JollyRosilla @wunderkindpeony @silkenstinkhorn @barninja @sizablealbo @topdogveilwort @modeltamarack @vibrantlilac @genuinejicaro @gentletallsedge @statelychamise @vividflax @inspoiltcatnip @alwayskaramu @modeldodder @holylargethyme @strappingmahoe @bentonstarburst @freeruby @zesttamarack @politepigsqueak @heartycornplant @fairyofthevalley @tastyredvein @fastflamelily @funnyworm @dapperbonsai @yernjuniper @persistentchaya @movingblackgem @sharpagavenova @aficionadoplain @jewelledcoleus @joyousbearsear @j_willoughby2 @nguerre @kingpinveilwort @queenie @curiousavacado @zanyhorseapple @leadlemonbalm @kactuskrump @yeahpeacelily @moneyeyedlettuce @flyingnoognug @cheerfullettuce @genialmajoram @studiousbibi @jazzypatchouli @finestzzplant @unerringpepper @affluentquince @champcowpea @tastyhoyajade @foxybogbeam @radsilkvine @neatrhubarb @designersalsaify @copiousgrapeivy @sultrycomet @brawnychinotto @fineluckyjade @darlingcassava @unshakenchamisa @manychickpea @pintsizedfarm @marvelheather @sportyfern @macey @knightlypukatea @mentorcilantro @cuddlygreenash @sapienteggplant @fortunatechaya @caredforalula @exultantkale @melanie78 @funcrowndaisy @whizcrossberry @stoutchojubai @dashinghawthorn @shinysunbright @paulin @healthyprasium @nubs @topredclover @cuddlycentella @boxmonkey @niel777 @dynamicbarley @yeslemonfern @smashingsalal @megongreg @classicaloricad @niceweed @wholehoyalisa @mamat @perfectpinkpoui @maturegray @prominentnoni @brawnycapemay @totallychickpea @breezyfanmoss @crystallicious @goodysweetbasil @jesbeplantin @frost92 @worthymarimo @fastcilantro @famedcoralpea @questerzelkova @stylishoxtongue @soignepegaropa @precisewhitefir @lamsunrize @forrealchia @plant4us @cosmicyellowgum @busykanono @healthybegonia @plantznbirdz @lucentsnowdrop @lightworm @stablewaiuatua @exemplarylithop @sportcorkoak @cleangollum @aproposagarito @keyalmondtree @keenblueberry @preciseseastock @idolmyrtleoak @starchilli @athleticoakfern @exoticphlox @jrebels @contentpilea @prizedwhitefir @fierylakespur @honeyherbs @assuredasterium @dearearthball @savorystrapwort @vastcebense @everlastinglace @richreginairis @braverazorsedge @peacefulblusher @wingedflaxsilk @artistepignut @toadspring @impishseaaster @propermingthing @monstrea @academicpinoak @trywhiterose @deaoneytree @hardyrichweed @immensetrextoes @hunkycidergum @sirjellypalm @plentifulmahoe @rockingarrow @bigtimerichweed @zestfulapple @imposhwolfsmilk @gururedginger @growingblackash @adorablegreen @plantzaddyb @sultryguzmania @brightlecanora @spunkyradish @validwildpansy @juicyonion @directcapeweed @balancedhopsage @eminemtcowbane @corvidfan @perfectpinkpoui @small_ginge @botanistbabe @sillygoose @veryaloe @jrebels @superkma75 @jennaswitz @sarledi @fabrubbercup @a.j. @planthoe40 @promptmullein @fitbrowallia @boymom-plantmom @classroomjungle @ted @sunnyw @laneylemelhaz @poshcardoon @analoou @mrgncrch @andymm146 @planthippie00 @greeneryaddict @plantladychar @hotbreadnut @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @TwistedThreads @Hypsie @dreamlettuce @melodey @Teapott73 @meggy @tmbryant37 @OKIEgrnthmb @ManyLime @Sassylimey @ccrocco @Katrinabrown86 @Theplantypony @Kaleyeeaah @Ellasoasis89 @LatiTish84 @TJphilobsessed @Vjunc @CalmTobacco @ForFoxSake @Breathepeace @Natural @SoothingBogbean @suppptate @zay @lorenski3600 @Joedestefano @Blau_Ozean @AggroResting @malobee @silverlinings @AnnMarie420 @macysplants @MrsSmith @Indoorgreens @Cerberusofmars @Megongreg @planthoe40 @TruthfulApricot @Plantasencasita @EvocativePalqui @TexanExpat @Beeps @FoxyWarnockia @WickedValkyrie @tango @clairsheart @RinnyK @SpikeKing19 @BunnyBooty @Plantmom100 @SublimeCorncob @Plantmomma3 @PlantLoverLily @PetLovage @CuteDewberry @UnblemishedAtom @starly @ModernBoxholly @SoigneLettuce @ProbableYuzu @AroidApothecary @HeartyRhombus @heartleigh @Heartling @HeartyNeslia @PeachBlossoms @PunchyKalopanax @RadArrowhead @itsfabiii @ChosenBlueberry @ChosenBaybean @JocularLovevine @SilkenSaguaro @TrustingRedcap @GodlyChia @PreciseOrchids @PreciseCorkelm @Hilly99 @PlantEuphoria @Cheella @MuttWubur @GatherandGrow @TitanicMyagrum @TrichomeKing @PlantNerds @allsnn @abigailbrianne @AidanD @BlairBear @BeesZenGarden @Bev1026 @willbur @brynsome @brook.davis @brandtygreen @Bsquared @Camillering3 @CyberSpider @Corbalicious @Chelleree @Carlyallison @Dgracieh @DudeNamedDaniel @Dcook @danikabananika @Danib22 @Danielluh @Ellasoasis89 @eyeleash @Eschmeltz @emitchell @ejm1048 @Emmylou22 @FitSedum @Foxifly @Fabiha5 @GiftofGabby @Garrbog @grace.gillum @Hop @Indi29 @isaaaaa @isasgarden @JenHowell @Jilliebeanstalk @Jordankp2001 @jojoplants @Karaboo93 @kraigparkinson @LovingSunnyAZ @PeacefulBohoBby @lilygerow @Laureninportland @megsplants @Noodleslikesbutter @Nixon214 @Nicobenge @Olli.exe_ @izziemac @owenpolz @PlantyGoddess @pdubs55 @prisgoh @paigedelaney @QueenLaureen @Queenofthecows @QueenKandice @Rawaterman @rileycoleman @reiplants @swizzles @stephnicole @SilasOwO @TinaRedchic @Tewiewiora @ShibaSunroom @teebeetbh @userc8bc3b45 @uyeend @user7e582c5e @UnspoiltAster @user20f7cf44 @user7f4f3c63 @UtherPendragon @ungreenthumb @vvvelo @VvMiMivV @Veedoe22 @volakojo @vanevega @valmccauley56 @vanity @vanity @Lynnelovzplantz @Lynn775 @Camron @Nachogirl @PoisonIvy2 @aaronpeter @plantingideas @jaysjungle @FitSedum @AnewSnowflower @gerardo @yogijos @superblylilac @eringrins @laugravity @geniusramsons @kimtownsend686 @mrsfarrington @wingeddionysos @kingjuiiceart @ChummyPlantMum @Lovelyyuniverse @Breathepeace @BlairBear @willbur @reiplants @PlantyGoddess @PeacefulBohoBby @Katrinabrown86 @HeartyRhombus @VvMiMivV @xellaluvsplants @ShibaSunroom @Ellasoasis89 @ccrocco @gcilluffo @quinnprice @Quan @rubyvee @AwakeRaspfern @Queenlerica @CalmTobacco @Mossflowerwood @Teapott73 @TexanExpat @TheGoodWench @Yvonneplant @YamilC @uwakidris @Inggy101 @iveecandelaria @FoxyWarnockia @faethisx @ImmenseTrextoes @ziarauhh @vanessaledezmaa @Vantoune @Alfredsplanet @HumblePeperomia @clairsheart @GratefulPNWgirl @DeliberateIvy @CivicHorminum @GuruSatinwood @QuietButterwort @CopiousBeans @OrganicBonsai @tereasa7 @PeppyKale @YokeStingray @CoolHorsemint @MarvelMonstera @SnakePerson9 @FullBetel @CapCarter @ForrealMedeola @AbleLilliput @SelflessSaguaro @KnowingCapeweed @HappyBluepearl @WinTitoki @WiseWychelm @GoldPeanut @VividSilktree @MJplants @GenialEllisia @ChampTreeheath @YummySkyplant @BrilliantChisme @DreamyGasteria @UberRuby @PredominantMum @FetchingMakura @SizzlingBoneset @GutsyMiro @BlamelessEndive @ReveredPeanut @MarkedBoxholly @SaluteHeartleaf @SizableLuscious @YardBrownbirch @UniqueAcajou @Justa @BonusSweetsop @FacileKeylime @LikableMarjoram @RoundIronweed @TalentedIvy @HolySunstar @YummyBeech @AmberEhle @UntroubledHoya @YiftNapaea @PeppyOregonash @CrucialChosmo @MasterOlivetree @LoyallyLuronium @DinkumAjídulce @Amyupnorth @FoxyBluepearl @Theowood27 @FabMeadowflax @BoldLovevine @EarlySkyplant @HighCentro @NotJustAny @Natural @CozyNannyberry @RationalAnacua @TopLimebasil @HipBuffalonut @KeenAjwain @ZealHoyarosita @tcvg @TastefulBlusher @ModelSeagrape @AmazingOrchid @AlwaysSagebush @PureRadish @SugarValleyoak @DeanPaparazzi @OpulentPhalsa @OKIEgrnthmb @FullTreespurge @FabMoneytree @SmartMondograss @TryPalmgrass @YokeGrandfir @PeakCalendula @ComfortableMint @ClassicRaintree @LiteraryBonsi @SuccinctFanmoss @TutorTorgrass @SoulmateNapaea @PunchySedum @SubstantCowvine @PrizeRedpine @HotshotMum @SportCornbind @BigtimeRose @PlantyLady @vosswata @GardenGirl104 @RadCloudberry @TenableCocoplum @UrbaneAtom @CalmOxtongue @ZealOxlip @iTryandTheyDie @BreezyScrubpine @WanderingJew @MermaidGarden @ThoroughWorm @SubstantialTawa @planthoe40 @dreamlettuce @Breathepeace @CalmTobacco @Katrinabrown86 @Natural @Joedestefano @macysplants @pixieandpepper @4AuntTracie @MightyAssamtea @HonoredBluebill @ExactBullmallow @SavantRubberfig @RighteousTule @PrizeBibi @NaturalGlueseed @KindTutsan @Teak-Tree @YardBigfoot @GreenPower @FieryOgreears @NeatBrushbox @ClassyErophaca @HoorayRhodotus @KeenSpanishelm @Mcara825 @GutsyMelittis @YummyVelvetweed @DefiantBetel @FancyGoldenmoss @MightyLemon @BigwigSagopalm @jennysblessed @HuckleBerry @PristineCorncob @BrainyNoognug @HypnoticTukauki @Tella @MorePlants13 @saarrrr82 @AwesomeJuniper @TheLoneWulff @Junglefever @NightBloom @ImmenseKohekohe @SmartAglaonema @HaveABall717 @AdvisableWaxivy @HandyDeerberry @ChicChinarose @miraculousships @J0Y @RefinedKale @CuddlyAvocado @JessSchafer @NiftyFanpalm @UpfrontDisphyma @NodeAbode @Silverpriest135 @BodaciousAgboy @karmynsprops @BambooLover @ZsCoven @izlevi14 @AltruisticTule @KookyCowbane @DivineRose @Moira44george @xadarah @CoreyWindsor @ClubbyRutabaga @StablePersia @Tawnyglowworm @DandyHarebarley @LargeSilktree @lysthewisp @PinkOasis @YiftWaxvine @BeatificBegonia @AngelicChaya @DifferentMahoe @E1 @eadams @e.g.0627 @FabPignut @FourstarEllisia @FerventNeem @GoodyNikkofir @GracedCodiaeum @HealthySkimmia @HortonEarsAWho @iadisonepps @i11279pag @i.likeplants @j0rd4n @j3sslouise @J.Gradient @k0n0pka @K1kayla @k1tty_c0rps3 @k.rdlr @Luvinlife @mad @MaximalDamsii @MellowSunstar @N @n3lli33 @N8 @N.Griesemer1117 @o0alessandra @OarPalace @OasisdeChristy @O.h.p @PeppyFilbert @PurelyEdelweiss @Q @qh06st @qkka @Qtpiestevenson @RadRiberry @roesposy @SavvyHollyfern @SnazzyPalmier @SweetRimu @TactfulJubaea @TraveledHautree @TryComet @ThrilledWinika @UberDewberry @user8caa7fd7 @user77c12a69 @user77c12a69 @usere864cad7 @v0id.the_frog @Vaalrei @V.paquette43 @w0nderstruck13 @w0rmslut @W1ll @WadePlants @Waffle @WaffleButteredGarden @xanhasplants @zachtheplantdaddy @Z0mbieM0uth @zachmicah @13KerrILynn @404beth @7ohdubs @9Liacelestial6 @80twenty @6m1lfLover9 @420pennylane @57gremlinz @333jasiah @2020 @224_dssm @007plantlover @0LC @0nyx @WildlingWitch @SeamlessCat @MyriadMind @Jilliebeanstalk @Ezah @Caffinatedleaf @RadDevilsclub @FastApplemoss @YoungFreesia @JungleDreamer @OpenlyPhlox @Adamas @TotalMostii @Jagfuneral @plantmamma @CalmingRedflax @BabyLeaf @Addicted2plants @GreenHemoglobin @StellarPeanut @mommaky @Hilly99 @SisterLuscious @Shipshapeplants @NeatClusia @bunnyisplanting @Hypsie @Earlsweatpants @DirectRiberry @SilkyCoralbell @budoy @ChosenBulrush @Jessicab @LoyallyMiro @SoulfulMelittis @RichlyBluerose @QueenSunflower @haleyshhmaley @CreativeChisme @FunWaterfern @emmiev123 @ProLuckycoin @DanaLou @Mockmatter @SilentRunning @SwiftKale @ForrealPokaka @ChampBaneberry @TutorTorgrass @JinnysPlants @WhizPeyote @MariaOraliaC @alltheplantsplz @SvelteNeslia @PrudentFicus @GrownCobnut @PertinentLilac @CosmicNeslia @CivilHoupara @RousingCaladium @ETXScrunchyAF @DoyenneBearcorn @HeroicTauhinu @UniquelyJicaro @DashingLichen @PetLagunaria @LaurieJean @CConklin2010 @SpiffyKudulily @Ginasplants @YardHawkswing @theplantkween @NimbleKawakawa @UpholderCobnut @PlayfullyGollum @FunnyCalendula @theplantmama @theplantmami @theplantymammy @tatortot38 @SubstantialTawa @ohellkites @Earlsweatpants @NewBushpoppy @SmartSeaoats @SoulfulMelittis @pelssy @StandupYuzutree @myplantjournal @SteadfastBalsam @JungleDreamer @PlantParentz @BonusChickpea @Inertia40 @LuvinLithops @thingsNstuff @GrandeeTawapou @Urfavplantmom @urfaveplantmami @Lizerbeem @stansrikusland @LucyOasis @WorthyWoreya @RealCogongrass @FunRattleweed @GaietyStarburst @SilkyFanpalm @VehementMangeao @CompleteAlmond @SavvyWildlime @LogicalBluebean @ShiningChaya @WhizWharangi @SavoryTwister @DrivenGreenash @FairGrugrupalm @CourtlyHope @PalpableViszsla @YeahFynbosaloe @GiddyCosmo @RadCineraria @clairsheart @VibrantOrpine @GracedInchworm @PetiteBibi @Plantmomrea @LushColtsfoot @TrustingLukiwan @LeisuredAgboy @MaximalClusia @SunnyAspen @Cnjohnson @ChummyAdelinia @JocundRedsword @QueenCowshorn @SilkyBroom @PurelyRamshorn @PeppyParsley @TiptopMelittis @LivelyKawaka @AnewAnthora @LadyTanekaha @BossWaterlily @LightJade @UrbaneSunbright @allysonwonderland @shopofhorrors @BestWormplant @DirectTawapou @Grandma2nine @BabeVila @SharpKhakiweed @HeyLillie @potsoverplants @UrbaneStomatium @JovialMungbeans @LuckyDamaskrose @ModernGinger @HonestAloevera @lunacat @FastChia @FineDodder @BackupVaseyoak @BackupVaseplant @AngelTobacco @PrimalBasil @SpunkyFuchsia @WillGreenice @CommendableLime @ChampLizardtail @PrizedAppletree @CourtlyTropical @ProlificAgboy @RealTearose @BrightLychee @SilveryOtanthus @HeroPokaka @Juliabelle17 @JocularChichipe @FastWoodvetch @SteadyHopsage @HeadCrassula @UberOrrisroot @PlaygrndLegend @HipGooseberry @ModernDevilsivy @WolfK @TidyBeachplum @GracedMangotree @Heyitsianb @BuffTaciveria @Kip @RousingSilktree @YesScolochloa @GreatQuenepa @PumpedupTwister @FullCamphor @PrinceWoreya @FullMizuna @FabulousKaraka @SturdySeaoxeye @AppealingFicus @ValidPinkcactus @CopiousLacealoe @GrowingPokaka @MajorOakfern @AvidTurkeytail @GoodAloevera @FragrantJubaea @SapientMystax @AbleFlapjacks @SteadyOrchid @SteadyOrchids @SteadyOricad @MelissaPPlants @MatureLungwort @YesStarcactus @SirCoffeetree @SirCoffeebush @AngelPothos @DreamyVaseyoak @HotHeketara @UptodateOlneya @SisterInchworm @SuperbBokchoi @VitalHouseleek @LucidBreadnut @MadiMonstera @silvershasta @PrimaryPlanty @HeirOgreears @HeirBogwillow @GermaneSandwort @MaestroCassava @SupportiveFern @learydarrel @LimberDracaena @LydiaConroy @SherryBerry @QuirkyBluebean @junglejames99 @PoetJunglevine @salami @Gingyhouse @TimelySunburst @Churritosplants @Houseofplants @HonestRadish @pelssy @VividSpinysenna @JoyfulOakmoss @Bplants @haleymae02 @plantstate @Plantstalk @debbiedo @ForeverMandarin @MuscularAgave @Sapphire9 @boldcowparsnip @sdubplanty05 @holybaylaurel @bellamiafarm @deftespostoa @truebluebogarum @richanthora @tiffc0922 @sunshiney121 @uberbeachrose @srarcoralcactus @salienthoya @luxuryjuneplum @hiparticrose @perkyrrdwood @earthymedeola @glossyfreesia @younglemon @hardypinkpoui @herojellycup @aestheticchosmo @plantbeach @sassyarecapalm @officialbulrush @uncommonredvein @traveledredlog @pumpeduplettuce @whizceratiola @socialtorgrass @alicebtokeless @profusepigfern @receptivecactus @yiftscrubpine @yummychiotilla @heylillie @adroitlynoognug @premiercuttings @calmcurlyheads @gentletawa @shrewdwatermint @ericaislife @starredbetel @divineredpagoda @quotablekatsura @astafford @trailingvines @likelyneslia @lucentdeerbrush @dynamicseastock @contentredvein @funwoollythyme @masterdigitfern @concreteguayule @unequivocalpuka @approvingtupeia @quaintlambsear @abundantalbo @perfectborage @blessedswampbay @yiftwormplant @freekapoktree @bigskinny @gorgeouslukiwan @intenseacajou @ebullientblue @tiptopsaguaro @puregasplant @wordsmithkaro @ladyliberal @karadione @jovialbrooklime @brunobarn @calatheachic @undividedrose

@sarahsalith avatar @sarahsalith · 1Y
😁 With the hustle and bustle of all that is going on, I am thankful for all y’all #Greggers on #GREG – the #BestAppOnTheInternet! 🌱💚🪴 Who knew that this app would become so special to so many of us? Tis the season for thinking about many things: people we love, things we appreciate, the coming year, and … PLANTS! 🌲🌿😆 Cause y’all know we are on this app because of PLANTS! 🪴 What does having plants mean to you? Is there a particular plant that you’d like to give a shoutout? What’s the cliffnotes version of how you got into plants? If you would like to enter the December #Giveaway, leave a comment below that tells us what your plants mean to you. You can even drop a photo of a special plant along with your comment. You can get others involved by tagging them because we all know that we are all a part of the #GregFam and #PlantsMakePeopleHappy! Don’t know anyone? Just hit the “@” and select a name or twelve!! The #giveaway is open NOW, Tuesday, December 12, 2023 and will close Thursday December 14 at midnight PST. A #GregGivesBackWinner will be drawn at random and announced on Friday, December 15. Be sure to follow our #GregGivesBack and #GregGivesBackWinners tags to stay posted! WHO CAN ENTER: any #PlantAddict and EVERYONE, including our international friends and #TimeTravelers! Greggers outside the 48 States may not receive a physical box, but will definitely receive some goodies nonetheless. We ask that if you have won in the past, please tag as many other people as you can so they have a chance to win as well. WHEN TO ENTER: NOW December 12, 2023 until December 14, 2023 at midnight PST. HOW TO ENTER: Drop a comment below and tell us about what plants mean to you. CHOOSING A WINNER: A winner will be chosen at random by our Magic Wheel with all the usernames from the completed entries. The winner will be announced on Friday, December 15 right here on Greg. This #Giveaway has been put together by the Giveaway Squad and donations from Y’ALL!! Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in spreading joy and smiles and plants! Send us an email to find out how you can participate in the NEXT giveaway! Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to reach out to the Giveaway Squad anytime by shooting us an email at And thanks #plantamigos! We love you and we love #HappyPlants and even #NotSoHappyPlants 😉 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #PetsAndPlants #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PlantCorner #RarePlants #OutdoorGrowing #PlantGraveyard #PlantLove #WeirdPlants #BestAppEver #PlantFriendsAreTheBestFriends #GregGiveaway #HappyPlants #NotSoHappyPlants #GreggersSupportingGreggers