pests Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @EvergreenBreeze · 5d Houseplant Pests! Help! 2 2 Comments @Caitlan · 1w Is these spider mites and eggs? 1 9 Comments @ForestDweller · 4w Crystals? 0 7 Comments @OrangeGrass · 1M Does anyone know what these are on the back of this leaf? 3 19 Comments @BeamingAnthora · 2M Losing leaves and black dots on trunk 1 4 Comments @GR1M · 2M Guys I have a huge problem. My plants have recently been hit with a nasty mealy bug/thrips infestation and it’s taking my plants faster than I can cure them. I have been spraying with neem oil for a few weeks now and have even showered off the white fuzz and did my best to get nooks and crannies. It genuinely seems to have gotten more aggressive and I’m ngl I came home and felt my heart sink. I stand to lose so many plants, some of which are rare, and I don’t know what else to do… #neemoil #pests #thrips #mealybugs #sickplants #advice #pestcontrol 4 8 Comments @FairyFly · 2M I'm not familiar with them. Is this a regular spider or a spider mite? #pestsandplants #pestcontrol #pestid #pests #bugs #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #planttherapy #newplantmom #plantcorner #plantlove #spidermites 2 10 Comments @Mopothosmoprobs · 2M Fungal Gnats 0 3 Comments @PreciseVaccaria · 3M Help!!! What are these little black bugs??? They literally came out of nowhere. I purchased the plant maybe 10 days ago and have since repotted it. They were not there yesterday, and now I feel like there’s so many 😢. I have sprayed with a neem oil solution and wiped as much of the bugs off as possible. #pestinfestation #pests #bugs 🐛 0 8 Comments @Popcornjoness · 4M Diatomaceous earth? 2 14 Comments @LoveLeeLife · 5M What in the PEST are these on my Coleus?! #pests #plantaddict #coleus #outdoorplants 1 9 Comments @tunnybiger · 5M Anyone know how to effectively keep pests away from outdoor plants?? 0 3 Comments @tunnybiger · 5M HELP Caterpillar Problems!! 2 7 Comments @HisLobster · 6M *GASP* Noooooo!! Went to water Barnaby, my English Ivy (who admittedly has been looking a little down in the mouth, so I moved him to where he’d get different light), and discovered… Yep, you guessed it. Spider mites. 😱😭🤬 Luckily I’d put him in a low-trafficked room and not too close to other plants. Not totally on his own, but not so close that I’ll lie awake at night worrying about the others in that room. I’m gonna move him yet again and I just doused him with Aunt Fannie’s Insect Remedy (because it’s all I have at the moment), but I think I’m gonna bite the bullet and place an order for one of the pricier options (We the Wild, Arbor, or Dead AF, or a combination of the three. LOL). In any event, positive thoughts and whatnot would be appreciated by both Barnaby and me. 🥰 #Pests #SpiderMites #EnglishIvy #Noooo 10 7 Comments @HedwigRhoda · 6M Pests 0 7 Comments @bstint · 6M are these bugs? 😭😭 the white on the leaves. additional pictures in comments. 3 6 Comments @Popcornjoness · 7M What are your thoughts on this for pest control? 1 6 Comments @AuroraPlants · 7M So for my first time ever, a couple of my plants have contracted a pest… these photos are of my variegated ivy and my hurricane fern. Both infested with spider mites. I’m not sure where the mites came from, one plant is from Home Depot (fern), one is from (ivy); (no blame to either store, I think highly of plantsome and home/gardening stores like Home Depot are known for pests), both isolated for 3 weeks before introducing to other plants, but they were side by side on the same shelf as each other. No other plants on that shelf (different heights) have mites (also placed in a separate quarantine to be safe ) I’ve had the fern since May 20th and I’ve had the ivy since June 15th and haven’t noticed anything on either plant. Obviously the fern had something going on I didn’t notice as the soil is basically covered in webbing. I’m currently treating with high humidity but on Friday I plant to get more neem oil and treat with that. Anymore suggestions are incredibly appreciated #spidermites #pests #firstime #variegatedivy #hurricanefern 1 5 Comments @sarahsalith · 8M Who knows what #spidermites look like? 4 5 Comments @PlantBeach · 10M Friend or Foe? 0 5 Comments See 20 more posts
pests Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 2 2 Houseplant Pests! Help! @EvergreenBreeze asked 5d ago 1 9 Is these spider mites and eggs? @Caitlan asked 1w ago 0 7 Crystals? @ForestDweller asked 4w ago 3 19 Does anyone know what these are on the back of this leaf? @OrangeGrass asked 1M ago 1 4 Losing leaves and black dots on trunk @BeamingAnthora asked 2M ago 4 8 Guys I have a huge problem. My plants have recently been hit with a nasty mealy bug/thrips infestation and it’s taking my plants faster than I can cure them. I have been spraying with neem oil for a few weeks now and have even showered off the white fuzz and did my best to get nooks and crannies. It genuinely seems to have gotten more aggressive and I’m ngl I came home and felt my heart sink. I stand to lose so many plants, some of which are rare, and I don’t know what else to do… #neemoil #pests #thrips #mealybugs #sickplants #advice #pestcontrol @GR1M posted 2M ago 2 10 I'm not familiar with them. Is this a regular spider or a spider mite? #pestsandplants #pestcontrol #pestid #pests #bugs #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #planttherapy #newplantmom #plantcorner #plantlove #spidermites @FairyFly asked 2M ago 0 3 Fungal Gnats @Mopothosmoprobs asked 2M ago 0 8 Help!!! What are these little black bugs??? They literally came out of nowhere. I purchased the plant maybe 10 days ago and have since repotted it. They were not there yesterday, and now I feel like there’s so many 😢. I have sprayed with a neem oil solution and wiped as much of the bugs off as possible. #pestinfestation #pests #bugs 🐛 @PreciseVaccaria posted 3M ago 2 14 Diatomaceous earth? @Popcornjoness asked 4M ago 1 9 What in the PEST are these on my Coleus?! #pests #plantaddict #coleus #outdoorplants @LoveLeeLife posted 5M ago 0 3 Anyone know how to effectively keep pests away from outdoor plants?? @tunnybiger asked 5M ago 2 7 HELP Caterpillar Problems!! @tunnybiger asked 5M ago 10 7 *GASP* Noooooo!! Went to water Barnaby, my English Ivy (who admittedly has been looking a little down in the mouth, so I moved him to where he’d get different light), and discovered… Yep, you guessed it. Spider mites. 😱😭🤬 Luckily I’d put him in a low-trafficked room and not too close to other plants. Not totally on his own, but not so close that I’ll lie awake at night worrying about the others in that room. I’m gonna move him yet again and I just doused him with Aunt Fannie’s Insect Remedy (because it’s all I have at the moment), but I think I’m gonna bite the bullet and place an order for one of the pricier options (We the Wild, Arbor, or Dead AF, or a combination of the three. LOL). In any event, positive thoughts and whatnot would be appreciated by both Barnaby and me. 🥰 #Pests #SpiderMites #EnglishIvy #Noooo @HisLobster posted 6M ago 0 7 Pests @HedwigRhoda asked 6M ago 3 6 are these bugs? 😭😭 the white on the leaves. additional pictures in comments. @bstint asked 6M ago 1 6 What are your thoughts on this for pest control? @Popcornjoness asked 7M ago 1 5 So for my first time ever, a couple of my plants have contracted a pest… these photos are of my variegated ivy and my hurricane fern. Both infested with spider mites. I’m not sure where the mites came from, one plant is from Home Depot (fern), one is from (ivy); (no blame to either store, I think highly of plantsome and home/gardening stores like Home Depot are known for pests), both isolated for 3 weeks before introducing to other plants, but they were side by side on the same shelf as each other. No other plants on that shelf (different heights) have mites (also placed in a separate quarantine to be safe ) I’ve had the fern since May 20th and I’ve had the ivy since June 15th and haven’t noticed anything on either plant. Obviously the fern had something going on I didn’t notice as the soil is basically covered in webbing. I’m currently treating with high humidity but on Friday I plant to get more neem oil and treat with that. Anymore suggestions are incredibly appreciated #spidermites #pests #firstime #variegatedivy #hurricanefern @AuroraPlants posted 7M ago 4 5 Who knows what #spidermites look like? @sarahsalith asked 8M ago 0 5 Friend or Foe? @PlantBeach asked 10M ago See 20 more posts