Community #outdoorgardens


@HanSolo87 avatar @HanSolo87 · 4M
One of the organizations I volunteer with a lot during the summers and school breaks when I’m not teaching—Food Well Alliance, part of the Atlanta Community Food Bank—has several urban gardens I’ve worked in and they’re what helped cultivate my love for plants and gardening. Yesterday I was able to volunteer at their Soil Fest and it was so much fun! I might’ve gone a little overboard buying some new plant babies 😬🫣 But I’m just saying they’re my belated birthday present to myself (4/16) 😂 I also got a free shirt, bandana on proper composting, free food and compost, and help some people in urban food deserts with access to fresh produce and gardening education, so it was a big win! 😄 I got some replacements that I had in my outdoor garden at my last house—white hyssop, rosemary, early fortune cucumber, Moskvich tomato, yarrow, and white sage. And I also got some new babies to try—Greek mountain tea mint, rose mint, 4 o’clock fairy trumpets, German chamomile, and lemon catnip. I use several of the herbs in the soaps and candles I make and it is one reason why I really missed having my outdoor garden, to be able to use herbs grown in my own garden, buuuttt my yard is not ideal and is why I held off after moving 3 years ago—it’s mostly a muddy hill and not a ton of sun. So I’m hoping I can find some cheap ways to make some raised containers for them to put around the side of the yard until I can move when my lease is up at the end of September and hopefully have a better outdoor space for them. Any suggestions appreciated! #OutdoorGrowing #containerquestions #containergarden #VeggieGardens #herbgarden #herbalism #outdoorgardens #OutsidePlants