nevernever Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @HisLobster · 5M HOLY SHITAKE MUSHROOMS!! You guys!! You guys!! I went to give Tiger Lily, my Never Never Ctenanthe, a touch more water and snip a couple of crinkled leaves from within her towering canopy, and with the help of the great light in my bathroom and the large vanity mirror, I discovered that she’s f-ing BLOOMING!! I’m just floored. I didn’t even know this variety of prayer plant did that! But it IS, and under MY care, which is just shocking to be perfectly honest! Man, what a way to kick off a Sunday morning… 🙏🏻🪴🌼👏🏻🥹 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PrayerPlant #Ctenanthe #FloweringPlants #RareBeauty #NeverNeverCtenanthe #NeverNever #HappyDance #NewGrowth 15 2 Comments @DreamyThaibasil · 6M How do you change the Greg watering schedule? My ctenanthe’s leaves start curling every few days and she needs lits more water than is suggested. #wendydarling #nevernever #sothirsty 0 1 Comments
nevernever Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 15 2 HOLY SHITAKE MUSHROOMS!! You guys!! You guys!! I went to give Tiger Lily, my Never Never Ctenanthe, a touch more water and snip a couple of crinkled leaves from within her towering canopy, and with the help of the great light in my bathroom and the large vanity mirror, I discovered that she’s f-ing BLOOMING!! I’m just floored. I didn’t even know this variety of prayer plant did that! But it IS, and under MY care, which is just shocking to be perfectly honest! Man, what a way to kick off a Sunday morning… 🙏🏻🪴🌼👏🏻🥹 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PrayerPlant #Ctenanthe #FloweringPlants #RareBeauty #NeverNeverCtenanthe #NeverNever #HappyDance #NewGrowth @HisLobster posted 5M ago 0 1 How do you change the Greg watering schedule? My ctenanthe’s leaves start curling every few days and she needs lits more water than is suggested. #wendydarling #nevernever #sothirsty @DreamyThaibasil posted 6M ago