MarbleQueenPothos Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @AloesAndElves · 2d 2 new leaves on my marble queen prop. She actually has 4-5 new leaves coming in but these are the first variegated ones. 🥰 21 7 Comments @HotFirebirdaloe · 1w Missed the boat on #FreshLeafFriday however look at my stunning marble queen! She’s need to be temporarily rehomed as her usual spot is now to dark. Hopefully she enjoys the kitchen just as much 😂 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #newspotwhodis #NewGrowth #MarbleQueenPothos #HangingPlants #climbingPlants 14 2 Comments @JesssJungle · 2w The variegation in my Marble Queen Pothos's newest leaves IS AMAZING! 😍 I always catch myself staring at them when I walk by. She's in an East facing window but also I put a grow light near her and she's been shooting out new gorgeous leaves ever since! #pothospack #pothos #marblequeenpothos #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #theamigos #jesssjungle 19 10 Comments @CompetentKanna · 3w Im super bummed i ordered my plant online and it came in yesterday looking Like this is it dead or can I bring her back to life? Please help 3 4 Comments @Plantkiller101 · 1M What are these brown dots on my pothos propagation stem? Noticed them after the cutting from original plant 3 2 Comments @FestalKiekie · 1M Hi Everyone! My Marble Queen has one vine of solid green leaves and I'd like to know if I should cut it off? It's the one going off to the bottom left corner. Tks for any advice offered! 2 3 Comments @PlantPeach · 1M This winter is kicking my arse 😅 15 33 Comments @plantstyle · 1M These are my two new plants #NJoyPothos and #MarbleQueenPothos. I have a little piece of the Queen Pothos from my mom, I just wanted a bigger one and I got a cute pot to go with it.😁 7 3 Comments @AloesAndElves · 1M I love a successful prop, & this girl took off after i put her in soil! She started as a rehab after I noticed a few vines that weren't deep enough into the soil- which led me to some of the leaves getting dehydrated & curling up as you can see in the pictures. She was potted 10/25, and as of today, she is already outgrowing her nursery pot! I added a few more nodes in with her tonight in hopes they'll grow just as fast since they came from the same plant 🥰🥹 #PropagationStation #PothosPack #MarbleQueenPothos #neonqueenpothos #SuccessfulPropagation #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy 14 3 Comments @SuaveSnakeplant · 2M I just pruned my neon pothos plant.. And the leaves are already 5 in from top to bottom does that mean that I will have big leaves when this sprout roots and how long do I have to leave it in the water before I plant it in soil??? 1 1 Comments @SuaveSnakeplant · 2M How can I identify my plan 3 3 Comments @FineFlamevine · 2M This vine is pretty bare on my Pothos. Should I cut it? I’ve never cut it before so I’m kind of nervous or would it grow more leaves?:) 5 4 Comments @princesspitstop · 2M Awesome Surprise! When I got home yesterday my sweet little neighbor (I say that because she has to be my son's age) surprised me with a plant in this gorgeous pot! She said, I see that you like plants! You're dedicated! 🤣 I guess I am! Lol She's a precious sweetheart so I named the plant after her! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #freshleaffriday #pothospack #marblequeenpothos 32 22 Comments @wearenature · 2M Repotting shock 1 4 Comments @LovelyLeaf · 2M My Marble Queen is flourishing still after propagating a couple weeks ago. We have a new leaf 🤗 #FreshLeafFriday #MarbleQueenPothos #NewGrowth 16 6 Comments @SuperTreemallow · 2M Just bought it. Roots are coming out from the draining holes. Do you think I should repot it in a bigger pot? Or should I let her acclimate to my house’s atmosphere first? #marblequeenpothos #justadopted 9 13 Comments @BabeVila · 3M Happy #FreshLeafFriday 🌿🌿 My #PrinceofOrange is at it again. He just unfurled this cute medium-sized leaf and has another huge one coming any day now! The last new leaf is slowly turning green 🌿💚 Then I thought I’d share new leaves on my #MarbleQueenPothos and #AlboSnygonium 🪴 #GregGang #FreshFeaturedFriday #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #babevila 28 8 Comments @debbiedo · 3M Thinking of adding a strip light above the picture rail for my newly rearranged pothos vignette on top of our hutch 💚 Thoughts/ideas?? #MarbleQueenPothos #GlobalGreenPothos #GoldenPothos #NeonPothos #JesseniaPothos #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy 37 6 Comments @JackHenrysMom · 3M Just finished chopping up my #neonqueenpothos and #MarbleQueenPothos and #GlobalGreenPothos 😭….. I kept noticing lots of leaves turning yellow so I suspected some #RootRot ….. so sad but glad I was able to save some of the plants #ChopAndProp #PlantAddict 10 10 Comments @JackHenrysMom · 3M LOVING my mixed pothos planters! #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #PothosPack #PothosNJoy #GlobalGreenPothos #neonqueenpothos #GoldenPothos #MarbleQueenPothos #PlantTherapy #plantfriendsarethebestfriends 28 4 Comments See 20 more posts Learn More AboutMarble Queen Pothos Care 🌻 Annual 🌻 Annual 🌟 Benefits 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves 🍂 Brown Spots on Leaves 🐞 Bugs 🐞 Bugs 🌞 Direct Sunlight 🍽️ Edible 🍽️ Edible 💩 Fertilizing 🥀 Flower Problems 🥀 Flower Problems 🌐 Hardiness Zone 🌐 Hardiness Zone 💦 How Often to Water 💨 Humidity 🍃 Leaves Curling 🍃 Leaves Drooping 🍃 Leaves Dropping 🍃 Leaves Falling Over 🍃 Leaves Falling Over 🍂 Leaves Mushy 🔄 Lifecycle 🔄 Lifecycle 🌤️ Light Requirements 🌳 Perennial 🌳 Perennial 🤔 Problems 🤔 Problems ✂️ Pruning 🤒 Root Rot 🤒 Root Rot 🫚 Roots 🫚 Roots 📏 Size 📏 Size 🌡️ Temperature 😸 Toxicity to Cats 🐶 Toxicity to Dogs 👶 Toxicity to Humans 🔍 Weeds 🔍 Weeds 🐛 What Eats 🐛 What Eats 😞 Wilting 😞 Wilting 🍂 Yellow Leaves 🍂 Yellow Leaves
MarbleQueenPothos Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 21 7 2 new leaves on my marble queen prop. She actually has 4-5 new leaves coming in but these are the first variegated ones. 🥰 @AloesAndElves asked 2d ago 14 2 Missed the boat on #FreshLeafFriday however look at my stunning marble queen! She’s need to be temporarily rehomed as her usual spot is now to dark. Hopefully she enjoys the kitchen just as much 😂 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #newspotwhodis #NewGrowth #MarbleQueenPothos #HangingPlants #climbingPlants @HotFirebirdaloe posted 1w ago 19 10 The variegation in my Marble Queen Pothos's newest leaves IS AMAZING! 😍 I always catch myself staring at them when I walk by. She's in an East facing window but also I put a grow light near her and she's been shooting out new gorgeous leaves ever since! #pothospack #pothos #marblequeenpothos #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #theamigos #jesssjungle @JesssJungle posted 2w ago 3 4 Im super bummed i ordered my plant online and it came in yesterday looking Like this is it dead or can I bring her back to life? Please help @CompetentKanna asked 3w ago 3 2 What are these brown dots on my pothos propagation stem? Noticed them after the cutting from original plant @Plantkiller101 asked 1M ago 2 3 Hi Everyone! My Marble Queen has one vine of solid green leaves and I'd like to know if I should cut it off? It's the one going off to the bottom left corner. Tks for any advice offered! @FestalKiekie asked 1M ago 15 33 This winter is kicking my arse 😅 @PlantPeach asked 1M ago 7 3 These are my two new plants #NJoyPothos and #MarbleQueenPothos. I have a little piece of the Queen Pothos from my mom, I just wanted a bigger one and I got a cute pot to go with it.😁 @plantstyle posted 1M ago 14 3 I love a successful prop, & this girl took off after i put her in soil! She started as a rehab after I noticed a few vines that weren't deep enough into the soil- which led me to some of the leaves getting dehydrated & curling up as you can see in the pictures. She was potted 10/25, and as of today, she is already outgrowing her nursery pot! I added a few more nodes in with her tonight in hopes they'll grow just as fast since they came from the same plant 🥰🥹 #PropagationStation #PothosPack #MarbleQueenPothos #neonqueenpothos #SuccessfulPropagation #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy @AloesAndElves posted 1M ago 1 1 I just pruned my neon pothos plant.. And the leaves are already 5 in from top to bottom does that mean that I will have big leaves when this sprout roots and how long do I have to leave it in the water before I plant it in soil??? @SuaveSnakeplant asked 2M ago 3 3 How can I identify my plan @SuaveSnakeplant asked 2M ago 5 4 This vine is pretty bare on my Pothos. Should I cut it? I’ve never cut it before so I’m kind of nervous or would it grow more leaves?:) @FineFlamevine asked 2M ago 32 22 Awesome Surprise! When I got home yesterday my sweet little neighbor (I say that because she has to be my son's age) surprised me with a plant in this gorgeous pot! She said, I see that you like plants! You're dedicated! 🤣 I guess I am! Lol She's a precious sweetheart so I named the plant after her! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #freshleaffriday #pothospack #marblequeenpothos @princesspitstop posted 2M ago 1 4 Repotting shock @wearenature asked 2M ago 16 6 My Marble Queen is flourishing still after propagating a couple weeks ago. We have a new leaf 🤗 #FreshLeafFriday #MarbleQueenPothos #NewGrowth @LovelyLeaf posted 2M ago 9 13 Just bought it. Roots are coming out from the draining holes. Do you think I should repot it in a bigger pot? Or should I let her acclimate to my house’s atmosphere first? #marblequeenpothos #justadopted @SuperTreemallow posted 2M ago 28 8 Happy #FreshLeafFriday 🌿🌿 My #PrinceofOrange is at it again. He just unfurled this cute medium-sized leaf and has another huge one coming any day now! The last new leaf is slowly turning green 🌿💚 Then I thought I’d share new leaves on my #MarbleQueenPothos and #AlboSnygonium 🪴 #GregGang #FreshFeaturedFriday #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #babevila @BabeVila posted 3M ago 37 6 Thinking of adding a strip light above the picture rail for my newly rearranged pothos vignette on top of our hutch 💚 Thoughts/ideas?? #MarbleQueenPothos #GlobalGreenPothos #GoldenPothos #NeonPothos #JesseniaPothos #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy @debbiedo posted 3M ago 10 10 Just finished chopping up my #neonqueenpothos and #MarbleQueenPothos and #GlobalGreenPothos 😭….. I kept noticing lots of leaves turning yellow so I suspected some #RootRot ….. so sad but glad I was able to save some of the plants #ChopAndProp #PlantAddict @JackHenrysMom posted 3M ago 28 4 LOVING my mixed pothos planters! #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #PothosPack #PothosNJoy #GlobalGreenPothos #neonqueenpothos #GoldenPothos #MarbleQueenPothos #PlantTherapy #plantfriendsarethebestfriends @JackHenrysMom posted 3M ago See 20 more posts Learn More About Marble Queen Pothos Care 🌻 Annual 🌻 Annual 🌟 Benefits 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves 🍂 Brown Spots on Leaves 🐞 Bugs 🐞 Bugs 🌞 Direct Sunlight 🍽️ Edible 🍽️ Edible 💩 Fertilizing 🥀 Flower Problems 🥀 Flower Problems 🌐 Hardiness Zone 🌐 Hardiness Zone 💦 How Often to Water 💨 Humidity 🍃 Leaves Curling 🍃 Leaves Drooping 🍃 Leaves Dropping 🍃 Leaves Falling Over 🍃 Leaves Falling Over 🍂 Leaves Mushy 🔄 Lifecycle 🔄 Lifecycle 🌤️ Light Requirements 🌳 Perennial 🌳 Perennial 🤔 Problems 🤔 Problems ✂️ Pruning 🤒 Root Rot 🤒 Root Rot 🫚 Roots 🫚 Roots 📏 Size 📏 Size 🌡️ Temperature 😸 Toxicity to Cats 🐶 Toxicity to Dogs 👶 Toxicity to Humans 🔍 Weeds 🔍 Weeds 🐛 What Eats 🐛 What Eats 😞 Wilting 😞 Wilting 🍂 Yellow Leaves 🍂 Yellow Leaves