Community #Graptopetalum


@TidyTigerpear avatar @TidyTigerpear Ā· 9M
Showing some not so happy neglected succs, that I left behind at my moms when I moved all my plants to my boyfriends houseā€¦ (heā€™s very accommodating amirite?!šŸ˜†) ā€¦ and some also happy succs that are outside in containers at my moms, that Ill be leaving there ! For the happy succs, we have some sedums & a hens & chicks varietyā€¦ I didnā€™t get a pic of all the hens but I did get a picture of the biggest one! Now for the sad succsā€¦ so I had recovered sanders completely from frost, but then my cat decided to use her as a chew toyā€¦ and sheā€™s been inside since my mom forgot to move her back out after a brief cold period recentlyā€¦ so that led to a bit of color loss/etoliation. She will be an easy fix so Iā€™m not worried! Sanders and her babies have quite literally been through it all.. I even turned her pot upside down in the car this morning bringing her with mee šŸ™ƒšŸ˜³.. sheā€™s tough to say the least ! And then I have my Sedeveria ā€˜Dark Elfā€™ that is completely etoliated and fading greenā€¦ yes I knoww she needs better lighting conditions.. or rather more consistent. Since sheā€™s been at my momā€™s she isnā€™t always able to cycle the lights properly which is fine.. so I brought him with me to where I stay now, so I can get him back to normal! #GrowingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #RecoveringPlants #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #plantproject #PetsAndPlants #Sedum #Sedeveria #GhostPlant #Graptopetalum #HensAndChicks #Sempervivum

@TidyTigerpear avatar @TidyTigerpear Ā· 10M
Happy Friday #GregGang ā˜€ļøšŸŒæ I hope everyone has had a good week! Has the time change made your day go by faster or slower? For me it seems like itā€™s been going by faster. ā© For this #FreshLeafFriday I wanted to post my *almost* finished planter that I got a couple weeks ago. There is one more spot left, which I plan to fill this weekend after a trip to my fave local nursery! Iā€™ve came to a sad conclusion that I no longer will be purchasing plants from my Home Depot because sadly the last several plants Iā€™ve gotten from there, have had some fungal issue that either spreads to my other plants, or kills the plant I purchased. Despite throughly inspecting them when purchasing, there is just some things that the human eye canā€™t see, or it looks healthy but the disease hasnā€™t fully set in yet.. Anyways on a better note Iā€™ve got pictures of my finished planter, I will list the plants in order of the tiers starting from bottom up. šŸ“ˆšŸŒæ ā€¢Bottom- Graptoveria ā€˜Debbieā€™ , Graptopetalum ā€˜Super Bumā€™ & Echeveria PVN šŸ’œ all these are purple toned, although the graptopetalum & PVN arenā€™t visible in the picture because they are in the back. So I willwil attach photos of them. (Photo 3) ā€¢Middle- Varigated SOH, & Calico Hearts (Andromiscus Trifloris). šŸ’•This tier is the one that has a remaining spot left. ā€¢Top- Echeveria ā€˜Green Pearlā€™, Echeveria ā€˜Atlantisā€™, Sedum Clavatum, & Echeveria ā€˜Elegansā€™. šŸŒæ #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Succulents #Succulent #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #Echeveria #StringOfHearts #Graptoveria #Graptopetalum #sedumclavatum #sedum