Community #Dormancy


@SuperbRaspfern avatar @SuperbRaspfern · 4d
I was asked last week by @CutePolypremum to give some information on Dormancy. I wanted to try to make a condensed version to help people out a little. I've tried, I know I may have missed some plants because there are so many different species so I decided to compile a list of the most popular. I've included what to look for, why it's so important and how to help you plants out! 🌿 If I missed some or are wondering about a specific species feel free to ask. I will try my best to answer. Dormancy Requirements Plants that require dormancy. Any plant that is fruiting should have a winter dormancy. It comes naturally to a long list of species. It is triggered to happen in plants with shorter days and cooler temps. Some things you may notice. Slowed growth, browning and dropping leaves. Your plant may be losing some of its bright vibrant color or its stops flowering all together. Your plant will start drinking less so the soil will stay wet longer. This is your sign it needs a nap to gain some energy. Here are some tips to help it through: 1. Less light- 6 hours under a grow light is plenty. Too much and you'll be fighting against nature 🌿 2. No fertilizer- dormant plants won't be using it and it can burn the roots. 3. Water less you don't want to cause root rot! 4. Some plants such as Venus Fly trap you can stick in your fridge, garage or shed. To induce a full dormancy. Now with our wonderful indoor grow lights we can force our plants to skip it. Many people fear that the plant won't ever come back if they are forced into dormancy. So they fight it. Here is why you should not fight against nature, and just let your plant do what comes naturally. Every year you fight it and don't allow it time to rest it will become weaker and stressed. You will ultimately be shortening your beautiful plants life causing a plant that is weak and prone to infections. Your plants growth will slow and eventually you will lose your plant. But, if you allow it to rest it will come back stronger, bigger and with more flowers, fruit and foliage. It will be healthy come spring with stored energy it's built up through winter and ready for renewed growth. You will be aiding your plant and increasing its lifespan by decades! This will provide the fruiting plant or trees time to gain energy during a period of rest. This is critical for fruiting plants to have renewed growth and a high yield the next growing season starting in spring. A brief list of common plants is: Meyer Lemon Lime Trees Pepper plants Zz plants Snake Plants Pothos Spider Plants Hibiscis Peace Lily's Venus Fly Trap Hoya Dracenia Rubber Plant A good tip to remember is plants that are native to areas with big seasonal changes coming in the form of: Monsoon seasons Cold winters/ warm summers Extreme heat- common for some succulents and cactus. These plants will have some form of dormancy it may be partial dormancy so may a bit different than the grass in our yards that gets brown or the trees that drop all their leaves only to come back bigger and better after winter. But they still need that period of rest just like those outdoor plants. It is a good thing they work hard all year looking beautiful for us so we need to help them out a little along the way by giving them a well deserved rest! ❤️ My African Tortoise Plant goes summer dormant when it gets hot. All leaves will drop. Its dormancy is triggered by high heat. And need a summers rest to come back in fall. Others summer dormant plants are: See attached photo for succulents Signs of summer dormancy may include stopped growth. Yellow and brown leaves and even some drooping may occur. They will drink less so will retain moisture longer. To help summer dormant plants out: 1. Move to a cooler location 2. Water Less 3. No Fertilizer Winter Dormant Succulents Apply same rules as above for winter dormancy. See attached photo These photos were copied from @2025 Succulents Box #dormancy #dormancyhelp #dormancylist #winterdormancy #summerdormancy #dormancytips

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 2M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for December 5, 2024 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club…mostly! “ Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 235 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: Nepenthes Videos I found these short videos and it’s a reminder how impressive Nepenthes pitcher plants can look (plus the first one has a nice classic Christmas tune, as I may take a break over the festive season. Remember to add #cpclubthursday to alert members to any posts or questions) https:// https:// https:// https:// I have also added many previous posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, many of them also have my group #seymour so may be easier to find them there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to more then 230 members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday? Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 2M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for November 28, 2024 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club! “ Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 235 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: Unboxing lots of VFT varieties I found this video and thought it might be worth a watch for anyone who wants to consider different cultivators of VFTs (no, not my video or VFTs…pity 😞) https:// Some things to consider if you plan to expand your CP collection: * check the mineral levels in the water you are using eg TDS meter (unless using distilled etc). Cheap TDS meters can be found on eg Amazon * check the light eg light meter app (eg Photone) * check the humidity (all CPs like high humidity) so a terrarium can be fun for some CPs * check water access (bog plants like VFTs like sundews and VFTs like constant access to water, Nepenthes like regular watering) * consider how many hours of light per day (eg VFTs can handle 16 hours under grow-lights), cut back during dormancy periods * remember dormancy periods (drop in temperatures etc) as it allows your CP to rest consistent with its natural location (hence why Nepenthes, being tropical plants, don’t have a marked dormancy period like VFTs and sundews) I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these weeks so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many previous posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, many of them also have my group #seymour so may be easier to find them there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to more then 230 members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday? Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 2M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for November 21, 2024 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club! “ Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 230 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: Is it dormant or is it dead ? Many CP owners, particularly new owners, are watching their CPs as it moves into the cooler dormancy months so here’s some useful videos from California Carnivores to help understand your CPs during dormancy. https:// https:// And here’s a great short video on a variegated Nepenthes ! https:// I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these weeks so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, many of them also have my group #seymour so may be easier to find them there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to more then 230 members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday? Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 3M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for November 14, 2024 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club! “ Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 230 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: Cephalotus (Australian/Albany Pitcher Plant) So it’s not often you meet a Cephalotus propagator but I had the chance recently. It’s amazing to see some many Cephalotus under one roof. So I was able to take some photos of the terrariums and other Cephalotus. These can be a bit tricky to grow but under the right conditions (like all CPs) they can thrive. And something rarely seen - a Cephalotus with a flower stalk! They can be tricky to pollinate and even to get seeds from but this Cephalotus owner managed it. Share your top CP tips here: https:// I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these weeks so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, many of them also have my group #seymour so may be easier to find them there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to 230 or more members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday? Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 3M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for November 7, 2024 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club! “ Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW ALMOST 230 MEMBERS !🌟 Just sharing some flower photos as my sundews start to flower again and one of my favorite VFT, Pinky Gossamer, produces not one but two flower stalks and I found one had flowered earlier today! And some sticky forked sundews to complete this round of photos. I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these week so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, may of them also have my own group #seymour so may be easier to find there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to 230 or more members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday! Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 3M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for November 7, 2024 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club! “ Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 225 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: CP Terrariums I know we have some great CP owners as I have been admiring some of the recent posts at #cpclubthursday. And some owners have even made their very own CP Terrariums. So I found this video to share with how to make your own https:// and I would love people to share their own tips and efforts to make one. #cpterrarium #boggarden #Terrarium I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these week so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, may of them also have my own group #seymour so may be easier to find there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to 230 or more members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday! Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 3M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for October 31 2024 Halloween 🎃 👻 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club! “ BONUS POST Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 220 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: RECENT NEPENTHES SALE (Australia Only) Almost forgot! Last Saturday there was a major sale of Nepenthes from a main Australian supplier (Carnivaro - similar name to a US supplier Carnivero!) So popular is it that it had a countdown to the sale commencing and no wonder when you see the Nepenthes for sale. Some highlights: a Nepenthes Edwardsiana for AUD $749 (that’s over US $492 or £380 or 454 Euro!!!) The next most expensive was a bargain at AUD $438 for a Nepenthes Hamata. I’ll add all the photos I took in the comments below 👇 so if you wonder what Nepenthes can look like, this gives you an idea. And so were less than AUD $30 so there a Nepenthes for everyone! And being tropical, as a posted before, dormancy isn’t so much an issue as with many other CPs. Enjoy 😊 I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these week so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, may of them also have my own group #seymour so may be easier to find there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to 210 or more members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday! Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 3M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for October 31 2024 Halloween 🎃 👻 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club! “ Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 220 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: Hydroponics CPs! So here’s a great way to look at growing CPs that seems to be a great way as with most hydroponics, you need to add nutrients to the water but with CPs they prefer a nutrient free medium to grow in (hence eg peat moss/perlite or pure sphagnum moss!) This guy is a great resource for anyone growing Nepenthes indoors (hence the Windowsill Nepenthes) and Remy is based in Canada (from France hence French accent!). So I have been watching his LetPot hydroponic videos and he just released his latest update. Here’s the video and it’s fairly short (6.5 minutes): https:// It’s similar to other brands like Aerogarden (did they go out of business recently !?!) in using plugs into a water reservoir and grow lights. Anyway share if you have tried this hydroponic system for your own CPs or similar or planning to give it a go! Oh and Remy has a nice simple Nepenthes growing guide on Amazon (only 42 pages): Pitcher Plants Beginner Guide: Easily grow these carnivorous plants on your windowsill, choose the right species, understand their needs, and keep them healthy and pitchering. https:// I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these week so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, may of them also have my own group #seymour so may be easier to find there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to 210 or more members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday! Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 3M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for October 24th, 2024 Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 210 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: Do Nepenthes need a dormancy period - short answer “No”! As we move into dormancy for many members, it is an important reminder of why Nepenthes are such a different CP to VFTs, sundews and butterworts (pings). Nepenthes are tropical plants so don’t need a dormancy period like their bog plant CP cousins. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t affected by a change of seasons. Here’s a nice little video from California Carnivores on this point: https:// Contrast this to their video on Pings: https:// I love the name Ping Pals #pingpals !😀👍 If you want a more nuanced and fuller answer, the Windowsill Neptenthes is a great resource so check this video: https:// And an old video on how to induce dormancy in your indoor CPs https:// I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these week so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, may of them also have my own group #seymour so may be easier to find there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to 220 or more members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday! Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy #pingpals

@Seymour avatar @Seymour · 3M
#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for October 17th 2024 Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 200 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: Sarracenia Flava (var. CUPREA) Hi Members, final days to compete or vote for the prize of a Venus Fly Trap from Greg Shop at the following link: https:// As we move into dormancy for many members, I thought I would focus on a Sarracenia Flava (variation Cuprea). I noticed them on sale by a local supplier (and sold in their dormant state as a dormant rhizome without the wonderful traps during winter months) which doesn’t look glamorous when you pot it but once those traps grow, see what it looks like in the photos below. And I’ll had some cool short videos from California Carnivores in a comment below 👇 I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these week so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, may of them also have my own group #seymour so may be easier to find there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to 210 or more members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday! Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy