boggarden Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @Seymour · 2M #cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for November 7, 2024 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club! “ Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 225 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: CP Terrariums I know we have some great CP owners as I have been admiring some of the recent posts at #cpclubthursday. And some owners have even made their very own CP Terrariums. So I found this video to share with how to make your own https:// and I would love people to share their own tips and efforts to make one. #cpterrarium #boggarden #Terrarium I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these week so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, may of them also have my own group #seymour so may be easier to find there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to 230 or more members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday! Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy 10 3 Comments @JesssJungle · 3M A Dipper update: he has been blooming like crazy, eating gnats, and growing big under his grow light! #collinssundew #sundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #cpclubthursday #happyplants #cpterrarium #boggarden #growlights #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth 38 14 Comments @AloeThereFronds · 5M Indoor Bog Garden Tips? 5 12 Comments @JesssJungle · 6M Still growing!!! #CollinsSundew #sundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #cpclubthursday #happyplants #plantaddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy #jesssjungle #theamigos #newgrowth #growlights #boggarden #cpterrarium 17 5 Comments @JesssJungle · 6M Dipper is a Collins Sundew! They are sub-tropical sundews native to South Africa who don't experience dormancy. All of my other carnivores go dormant during the winter so I decided growing them outdoors was best. While Dipper loves the warm and humid days we are having right now, he might not appreciate it when it starts cooling down! So, I decided to plant him in his own bog garden and keep him inside under a T8 grow light. The light is about 1 foot above the plants. I added some succulent buddies and a few other plants around him. This set-up is temporary, until the end of the month when I'll be getting a shed that I'll use for sewing and growing plants. 💚 More info about Collins Sundews here: http:// #sundew #collinssundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #cpclubthursday #boggarden #happyplants #plantaddict #growlights #planttherapy #theamigos #jesssjungle 9 5 Comments @Amateurbotany · 7M Got some serious rain last night so my upper bog got nice and muddy! Finally got my CPs planted and I just love it! Hoping the VFTs love their new home enough to add some red blush to the vibrant green❤️💚 First 2 pictures from before the rain! I can’t wait until the moat fills up! #cpclubthursday #VenusFlyTrap #Sarracenia #Seymour #boggarden 6 5 Comments @Macstracks · 7M Supply’s are Arriving DAILY! Exciting news!!! My supplies are arriving daily now and I'm almost ready to dive into an epic weekend project - building my very own ping rock waterfall setup! I can't wait to share the final result with you all. Stay tuned for updates and get ready to be mesmerized 😍😍😍 #Pinguicula #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #cpclubthursday #cpterrarium #theamigos #GregGang #PLANTMAFIA #boggarden #nocreepersallowed 18 6 Comments @Macstracks · 7M Just little practice projects 23 9 Comments @LaSiguanaba · 7M Happy Saturday #GregGang ! Today I built another mini bog garden with some red VFTs, a sarracenia purpurea, and a ping. Hope these guys play well together!!! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub #cpclubthursday #VenusFlyTrap #Sarracenia #Pinguicula #boggarden 14 7 Comments @Amateurbotany · 8M @Macstracks …I am SO EXCITED!!! #cpclubthursday #Nepenthes #BogPlants #boggarden #Sarracenia #Pinguicula #Sundew 10 15 Comments @LaSiguanaba · 8M I finally started my #BogGarden project, and of course I ended up doing something very different from what I originally planned. I followed instructions from a video by California Carnivores, creating 2 small self-contained bog gardens. I can upload a more detailed post on what I did if there is interest, but in the mean time, here is the video I followed https:// #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #cpclubthursday #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub 19 27 Comments @LaSiguanaba · 8M I went to a local farm sale today and found lots of interesting #CarnivorousPlants , in addition to succulents, bromeliads, air plants, and all kinds of other indoor and outdoor plants. I was able to make some purchases for my #BogGarden project, which I hope to get started on soon. Here are some photos from the farm. The last photo shows my purchases… #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #cpclubthursday #VenusFlyTrap #Sarracenia #PitcherPlant #Pinguicula #shopping 25 11 Comments @LaSiguanaba · 8M I received and assembled this outdoor planter, which I will put on the patio for some creative gardening. I’m hoping to create a little bog garden surrounded by herbs I can use in the kitchen. A little unusual and a little practical. I kind of feel like that suits me!!! 😂😂🤣🤣 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #boggarden #OutdoorGrowing #PatioGarden #containergarden #cpclubthursday #CarnivorousPlants #Herbs #gardening 12 20 Comments @JesssJungle · 8M It's #cpclubthursday !!! So I will give an update on my carnivorous plant collection. Octavia the Cape Sundew is very happy in her Sunny spot and rainwater dish! Deathstalker the VFT (my first one that ever survived more than a week) has SIX new baby traps popping up. They are hard to see, but I swear that they are there!! On to my bog garden. Al "Dente" the VFT Dente is doing pretty well, a new trap opening and a baby one coming up! However, Fandango the mystery VFT has almost died back all the way. Perhaps from planting shock? There is still a little growth so I am hopeful. #capesundew #sundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #boggarden #carnivorousplantsterrariums #plantaddict #theamigos 5 3 Comments @JesssJungle · 9M Happy #cpclubthursday fellow carnivore lovers! It's super rainy here today. I let my #capesundew Octavia get a little sun during a break in the rain. I have been tucking her under a shelf on my porch so she still gets a little sun but also doesn't get too drenched. I have been doing this with my bog as well-- I'm a bit worried about over watering my new carnivorous plants, especially as they get used to their new environment! I have been pouring out excess water from the bog because there is no drainage hole. I hope they do okay. Is there anything else I should be doing with all this rain? I want to keep them outside but it's been crazy rainy in Missouri. And I have another question about cape sundew. Should I feed her? Or is it wise to let her settle in first? I just got her three days ago. #carnivorousplants #sundew #boggarden #theamigos 11 20 Comments @LaSiguanaba · 9M I’m beginning to plan my next big project, and I’m so excited!!!! I just placed an order for this self-watering outdoor planter as the base for a bog garden. 🪴 I’m trying to source some larger carnivorous plants to fit the scale, so if anyone has a good source for plants in the US, please drop it in the comments. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #cpclubthursday #BogPlants #boggarden #CarnivorousPlants 14 39 Comments @JesssJungle · 9M Meet Al "Dente" (larger traps) & Fandango (pink teeth)! They are the two VFTs that are in my bog garden. #carnivorousplants #cpclubthursday #cpterrarium #venusflytrap #carnivorousclub #boggarden 6 3 Comments
boggarden Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 10 3 #cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for November 7, 2024 “Because if it’s Thursday, it’s Carnivorous Plants Club! “ Welcome to #cpclubthursday 🌟NOW OVER 225 MEMBERS !🌟 FOCUS: CP Terrariums I know we have some great CP owners as I have been admiring some of the recent posts at #cpclubthursday. And some owners have even made their very own CP Terrariums. So I found this video to share with how to make your own https:// and I would love people to share their own tips and efforts to make one. #cpterrarium #boggarden #Terrarium I have seen some great CPs being shared by #cpclubthursday these week so thanks for including the hashtag to alert other members to your posts! I have also added many posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, may of them also have my own group #seymour so may be easier to find there. Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week. Or ask a question of our members related to CPs Join the CP just by clicking the link #cpclubthursday and clicking join. That is all it takes! Too easy! Shall we make it to 230 or more members? There is already a wealth of CP info so why not just join our growing CP community at #cpclubthursday! Happy Chompys 😊🪰🦟🚫 #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #sarracenia #pinguicula #nepenthes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #greggang #seymour #theamigos #Pinguicula #butterwort #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #Sundew #ForkedSundew #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy #CPdormancy @Seymour posted 2M ago 38 14 A Dipper update: he has been blooming like crazy, eating gnats, and growing big under his grow light! #collinssundew #sundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #cpclubthursday #happyplants #cpterrarium #boggarden #growlights #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth @JesssJungle posted 3M ago 5 12 Indoor Bog Garden Tips? @AloeThereFronds asked 5M ago 17 5 Still growing!!! #CollinsSundew #sundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #cpclubthursday #happyplants #plantaddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy #jesssjungle #theamigos #newgrowth #growlights #boggarden #cpterrarium @JesssJungle posted 6M ago 9 5 Dipper is a Collins Sundew! They are sub-tropical sundews native to South Africa who don't experience dormancy. All of my other carnivores go dormant during the winter so I decided growing them outdoors was best. While Dipper loves the warm and humid days we are having right now, he might not appreciate it when it starts cooling down! So, I decided to plant him in his own bog garden and keep him inside under a T8 grow light. The light is about 1 foot above the plants. I added some succulent buddies and a few other plants around him. This set-up is temporary, until the end of the month when I'll be getting a shed that I'll use for sewing and growing plants. 💚 More info about Collins Sundews here: http:// #sundew #collinssundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #cpclubthursday #boggarden #happyplants #plantaddict #growlights #planttherapy #theamigos #jesssjungle @JesssJungle posted 6M ago 6 5 Got some serious rain last night so my upper bog got nice and muddy! Finally got my CPs planted and I just love it! Hoping the VFTs love their new home enough to add some red blush to the vibrant green❤️💚 First 2 pictures from before the rain! I can’t wait until the moat fills up! #cpclubthursday #VenusFlyTrap #Sarracenia #Seymour #boggarden @Amateurbotany posted 7M ago 18 6 Supply’s are Arriving DAILY! Exciting news!!! My supplies are arriving daily now and I'm almost ready to dive into an epic weekend project - building my very own ping rock waterfall setup! I can't wait to share the final result with you all. Stay tuned for updates and get ready to be mesmerized 😍😍😍 #Pinguicula #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #cpclubthursday #cpterrarium #theamigos #GregGang #PLANTMAFIA #boggarden #nocreepersallowed @Macstracks posted 7M ago 23 9 Just little practice projects @Macstracks asked 7M ago 14 7 Happy Saturday #GregGang ! Today I built another mini bog garden with some red VFTs, a sarracenia purpurea, and a ping. Hope these guys play well together!!! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub #cpclubthursday #VenusFlyTrap #Sarracenia #Pinguicula #boggarden @LaSiguanaba posted 7M ago 10 15 @Macstracks …I am SO EXCITED!!! #cpclubthursday #Nepenthes #BogPlants #boggarden #Sarracenia #Pinguicula #Sundew @Amateurbotany posted 8M ago 19 27 I finally started my #BogGarden project, and of course I ended up doing something very different from what I originally planned. I followed instructions from a video by California Carnivores, creating 2 small self-contained bog gardens. I can upload a more detailed post on what I did if there is interest, but in the mean time, here is the video I followed https:// #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #cpclubthursday #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub @LaSiguanaba posted 8M ago 25 11 I went to a local farm sale today and found lots of interesting #CarnivorousPlants , in addition to succulents, bromeliads, air plants, and all kinds of other indoor and outdoor plants. I was able to make some purchases for my #BogGarden project, which I hope to get started on soon. Here are some photos from the farm. The last photo shows my purchases… #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #cpclubthursday #VenusFlyTrap #Sarracenia #PitcherPlant #Pinguicula #shopping @LaSiguanaba posted 8M ago 12 20 I received and assembled this outdoor planter, which I will put on the patio for some creative gardening. I’m hoping to create a little bog garden surrounded by herbs I can use in the kitchen. A little unusual and a little practical. I kind of feel like that suits me!!! 😂😂🤣🤣 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #boggarden #OutdoorGrowing #PatioGarden #containergarden #cpclubthursday #CarnivorousPlants #Herbs #gardening @LaSiguanaba posted 8M ago 5 3 It's #cpclubthursday !!! So I will give an update on my carnivorous plant collection. Octavia the Cape Sundew is very happy in her Sunny spot and rainwater dish! Deathstalker the VFT (my first one that ever survived more than a week) has SIX new baby traps popping up. They are hard to see, but I swear that they are there!! On to my bog garden. Al "Dente" the VFT Dente is doing pretty well, a new trap opening and a baby one coming up! However, Fandango the mystery VFT has almost died back all the way. Perhaps from planting shock? There is still a little growth so I am hopeful. #capesundew #sundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #venusflytrap #boggarden #carnivorousplantsterrariums #plantaddict #theamigos @JesssJungle posted 8M ago 11 20 Happy #cpclubthursday fellow carnivore lovers! It's super rainy here today. I let my #capesundew Octavia get a little sun during a break in the rain. I have been tucking her under a shelf on my porch so she still gets a little sun but also doesn't get too drenched. I have been doing this with my bog as well-- I'm a bit worried about over watering my new carnivorous plants, especially as they get used to their new environment! I have been pouring out excess water from the bog because there is no drainage hole. I hope they do okay. Is there anything else I should be doing with all this rain? I want to keep them outside but it's been crazy rainy in Missouri. And I have another question about cape sundew. Should I feed her? Or is it wise to let her settle in first? I just got her three days ago. #carnivorousplants #sundew #boggarden #theamigos @JesssJungle posted 9M ago 14 39 I’m beginning to plan my next big project, and I’m so excited!!!! I just placed an order for this self-watering outdoor planter as the base for a bog garden. 🪴 I’m trying to source some larger carnivorous plants to fit the scale, so if anyone has a good source for plants in the US, please drop it in the comments. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #cpclubthursday #BogPlants #boggarden #CarnivorousPlants @LaSiguanaba posted 9M ago 6 3 Meet Al "Dente" (larger traps) & Fandango (pink teeth)! They are the two VFTs that are in my bog garden. #carnivorousplants #cpclubthursday #cpterrarium #venusflytrap #carnivorousclub #boggarden @JesssJungle posted 9M ago