Aloe Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @BabeVila · 2d So happy with this progress! He lost all his roots to root rot last summer 🙃 but I’ve had him in coco coir for a few months and look how happy he is! He even has three babies! I’ve just potted him up by a 1/2 inch and into terracotta and now he’s enjoying a nice bottom water. Always so rewarding to bring a plant back to health! 🤗🪴🌿 #RootPorn #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #Aloe #HedgehogAloe #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #babevila 25 16 Comments @Araceae · 2w Anyone just buys plants for their friends against their will? I know i do, guilty as charged. #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents #succulentsaturday #Aloe #PlantGiftsAreTheBestGifts #GregGang #Greggers 5 3 Comments @Caitlan · 3w Aloe drooping - please help 0 12 Comments @FairyFly · 4w The hubby came home with more presents for me!! I'm a lucky gal. Echeveria 'Angel Kissed' Aloe Vera 'Barbadensis' Mammillaria Spinosissima #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #planttherapy #plantcorner #echeveria #succulentsquad #succulents #cactusclique #cactus #aloevera #aloe 32 10 Comments @BogBody · 1M Repotting my aloe and all of its pups. Got one potted up now 4 more to go! Also, look at how cute these little pups are! I got them these really tiny adorable pots! Can wait to see what they look like in them! X3 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #BeforeAndAfter #PlantLove #AloeVera #Aloe #AloeAddicts 5 1 Comments @BogBody · 1M Does anyone have any tips, tricks, advice, soil mix recipes, fertilizer, grow lights help, and/or info for growing a big healthy aloe? It would be greatly appreciated! Mine is pictured down below and I’m struggling a bit with it. #AloeVera #Aloe #aloeverahelp #AloeAddicts #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #PlantLove #Fertilizer 7 6 Comments @FairyFly · 2M I got an Aloe 'Christmas Sleigh' today! 10 5 Comments @nellz4estfairyz · 2M Help my poor aloe! I have to laugh because this must the one of the easiest plants to care for. The people who neglect their aloes seem to have to most big beautiful aloe plants! But I have been struggling with this one for the past year. I believe I over watered it for a while. I’ve stopped over watering it. The soil is dry. I watered it about two weeks ago. But now it’s looking sun burnt and thirsty. Should I water it? Move it? It’s in a porch with all windows and gets more sun fall and winter because the sun is lower in the sky and the leaves have all fallen off the trees. #AloeVera #Aloe #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #planthelp #overwatering #theamigos #GregGang 5 4 Comments @FairyFly · 3M Hey everyone. I haven't gotten it yet but, my grandma has an aloe vera plant for me, but doing research, I'm getting conflicting info about light. 6 10 Comments @liv91109 · 4M what is the black stuff on my aloe vera? 3 11 Comments @PlantLord · 5M For my first #WhatTheSuccWednesday we have in order of appearance, George the #Aloe , Mirabel the #HaworthiaMirabilis , Zebulon the #ZebraPlant , and finally…. The Special #Lithops commandos….Bronson, Lundren, and Statham! Just the outdoor crew today. The #SanseveriaZeylanica twins will get their own features on #FreshLeafFriday 7 2 Comments @aftahparty · 5M Aloe leaves are looking a lil burnt n crispy 😥 1 4 Comments @Mikie · 5M #AloeVera 5 14 Comments @PioneerRutabaga · 5M Aloe plant lovers of all ages, lend me your expertise…please!🙏🏼 4 5 Comments @Plantaholic78 · 6M Aloe Help 3 7 Comments @Amateurbotany · 7M I’m terrible with posting on the special days/threads that are created for things like #FreshLeafFriday and #WhatTheSuccWednesday soooooooo…here’s what I’m excited about! Look at these amazing #MimosaPudica !! The initial photos I took are not great but you can really see how they’re thriving! I was today years old when I learned the the flowers from my #RebutiaMinuscula left little fruits behind and that those fruits have seeds inside! New project time! Look at this flower stalk from my #Aloe Blushing Pink! Love watching the progress on my plants! Also love new plants like my #Tillandsia I added to my tropical stand! 8 5 Comments @SolidFigopuntia · 7M Aloe Vera gets dry ends and turn brownish. 1 2 Comments @SportyMitrealoe · 8M Hello everyone!! This is Osmo!! ❤ #Aloe 10 4 Comments @BabeVila · 9M I’ve been regrowing the roots on my #TigerToothAloe for a couple of months. When I was new to succulents, I thought just plain succulent soil with no amendments was sufficient and I ended up with root rot all over the place 🤦🏻♀️ Once I learned that lesson, I started this journey and they’ve been growing so fast lately! The last couple of weeks, they’ve probably doubled. So cool 🤗🌿💚 She’s almost ready to go back into her pot! Except this time, she’ll be in terracotta 🪴 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Aloe #RootPorn #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #babevila 14 3 Comments @SydsSucculents · 9M I got my Mini Desert Rose today along with a tiny ‘Night Sky’ Aloe succulent. Do you think they will be okay to pot together?? *Very new plant mom 🥲 6 4 Comments See 20 more posts Learn More AboutAloe 'Purple Haze' Care 🌟 Benefits 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves 🍂 Brown Spots on Leaves 🐞 Bugs 🌞 Direct Sunlight 💩 Fertilizing 🌸 Flower 💦 How Often to Water 💨 Humidity 🍃 Leaves Curling 🍃 Leaves Drooping 🍃 Leaves Dropping 🍃 Leaves Falling Over 🍂 Leaves Mushy 🌤️ Light Requirements 🤔 Problems 🧪 Propagating ✂️ Pruning 🪴 Repotting 🤒 Root Rot 🪴 Soil 🌡️ Temperature 😸 Toxicity to Cats 🐶 Toxicity to Dogs 👶 Toxicity to Humans 🍂 Yellow Leaves
Aloe Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 25 16 So happy with this progress! He lost all his roots to root rot last summer 🙃 but I’ve had him in coco coir for a few months and look how happy he is! He even has three babies! I’ve just potted him up by a 1/2 inch and into terracotta and now he’s enjoying a nice bottom water. Always so rewarding to bring a plant back to health! 🤗🪴🌿 #RootPorn #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #Aloe #HedgehogAloe #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #babevila @BabeVila posted 2d ago 5 3 Anyone just buys plants for their friends against their will? I know i do, guilty as charged. #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents #succulentsaturday #Aloe #PlantGiftsAreTheBestGifts #GregGang #Greggers @Araceae posted 2w ago 0 12 Aloe drooping - please help @Caitlan asked 3w ago 32 10 The hubby came home with more presents for me!! I'm a lucky gal. Echeveria 'Angel Kissed' Aloe Vera 'Barbadensis' Mammillaria Spinosissima #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #planttherapy #plantcorner #echeveria #succulentsquad #succulents #cactusclique #cactus #aloevera #aloe @FairyFly posted 4w ago 5 1 Repotting my aloe and all of its pups. Got one potted up now 4 more to go! Also, look at how cute these little pups are! I got them these really tiny adorable pots! Can wait to see what they look like in them! X3 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #BeforeAndAfter #PlantLove #AloeVera #Aloe #AloeAddicts @BogBody posted 1M ago 7 6 Does anyone have any tips, tricks, advice, soil mix recipes, fertilizer, grow lights help, and/or info for growing a big healthy aloe? It would be greatly appreciated! Mine is pictured down below and I’m struggling a bit with it. #AloeVera #Aloe #aloeverahelp #AloeAddicts #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #PlantLove #Fertilizer @BogBody posted 1M ago 10 5 I got an Aloe 'Christmas Sleigh' today! @FairyFly asked 2M ago 5 4 Help my poor aloe! I have to laugh because this must the one of the easiest plants to care for. The people who neglect their aloes seem to have to most big beautiful aloe plants! But I have been struggling with this one for the past year. I believe I over watered it for a while. I’ve stopped over watering it. The soil is dry. I watered it about two weeks ago. But now it’s looking sun burnt and thirsty. Should I water it? Move it? It’s in a porch with all windows and gets more sun fall and winter because the sun is lower in the sky and the leaves have all fallen off the trees. #AloeVera #Aloe #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #planthelp #overwatering #theamigos #GregGang @nellz4estfairyz posted 2M ago 6 10 Hey everyone. I haven't gotten it yet but, my grandma has an aloe vera plant for me, but doing research, I'm getting conflicting info about light. @FairyFly asked 3M ago 3 11 what is the black stuff on my aloe vera? @liv91109 asked 4M ago 7 2 For my first #WhatTheSuccWednesday we have in order of appearance, George the #Aloe , Mirabel the #HaworthiaMirabilis , Zebulon the #ZebraPlant , and finally…. The Special #Lithops commandos….Bronson, Lundren, and Statham! Just the outdoor crew today. The #SanseveriaZeylanica twins will get their own features on #FreshLeafFriday @PlantLord posted 5M ago 1 4 Aloe leaves are looking a lil burnt n crispy 😥 @aftahparty asked 5M ago 5 14 #AloeVera @Mikie asked 5M ago 4 5 Aloe plant lovers of all ages, lend me your expertise…please!🙏🏼 @PioneerRutabaga asked 5M ago 3 7 Aloe Help @Plantaholic78 asked 6M ago 8 5 I’m terrible with posting on the special days/threads that are created for things like #FreshLeafFriday and #WhatTheSuccWednesday soooooooo…here’s what I’m excited about! Look at these amazing #MimosaPudica !! The initial photos I took are not great but you can really see how they’re thriving! I was today years old when I learned the the flowers from my #RebutiaMinuscula left little fruits behind and that those fruits have seeds inside! New project time! Look at this flower stalk from my #Aloe Blushing Pink! Love watching the progress on my plants! Also love new plants like my #Tillandsia I added to my tropical stand! @Amateurbotany posted 7M ago 1 2 Aloe Vera gets dry ends and turn brownish. @SolidFigopuntia asked 7M ago 10 4 Hello everyone!! This is Osmo!! ❤ #Aloe @SportyMitrealoe posted 8M ago 14 3 I’ve been regrowing the roots on my #TigerToothAloe for a couple of months. When I was new to succulents, I thought just plain succulent soil with no amendments was sufficient and I ended up with root rot all over the place 🤦🏻♀️ Once I learned that lesson, I started this journey and they’ve been growing so fast lately! The last couple of weeks, they’ve probably doubled. So cool 🤗🌿💚 She’s almost ready to go back into her pot! Except this time, she’ll be in terracotta 🪴 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Aloe #RootPorn #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #babevila @BabeVila posted 9M ago 6 4 I got my Mini Desert Rose today along with a tiny ‘Night Sky’ Aloe succulent. Do you think they will be okay to pot together?? *Very new plant mom 🥲 @SydsSucculents asked 9M ago See 20 more posts Learn More About Aloe 'Purple Haze' Care 🌟 Benefits 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves 🍂 Brown Spots on Leaves 🐞 Bugs 🌞 Direct Sunlight 💩 Fertilizing 🌸 Flower 💦 How Often to Water 💨 Humidity 🍃 Leaves Curling 🍃 Leaves Drooping 🍃 Leaves Dropping 🍃 Leaves Falling Over 🍂 Leaves Mushy 🌤️ Light Requirements 🤔 Problems 🧪 Propagating ✂️ Pruning 🪴 Repotting 🤒 Root Rot 🪴 Soil 🌡️ Temperature 😸 Toxicity to Cats 🐶 Toxicity to Dogs 👶 Toxicity to Humans 🍂 Yellow Leaves