wickedvalkyrie Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Does acrylic paint affect the absorbency/moisture wicking capabilities of terracotta? #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #cactusclique #WickedValkyrie #socalgreg #socalsuccs #socalcacti 7 5 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y I potted the arrangement backwards (oops 🫠) but I finally repotted my friend's cactus! The pot she gave me was too big so I threw some other things in that can survive on a cactus watering schedule... #WickedValkyrie #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #cactusclique #succulentsquad #socalgreg #socalcacti #socalsuccs 16 7 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Just a few of the hundreds of photos I took at the meditation garden in Encinitas yesterday... (: (Click for full pics) #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #greggang #socalgreg #wickedvalkyrie 10 8 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y (click for full pics) SOS Someone asked me to save this poor coral cactus for them but I don't know if it's even possible... I'm 99.9% sure it's been over watered, is squishy and the black parts have mold/fungus on them. #cactusclique #coralcactus #happyplants #notsohappyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantrescue #plantrehab #wickedvalkyrie #socalgreg 7 8 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y One of my SOP flower buds has finally bloomed 😻😻😻 The entire room is full of such a lovely fragrance, just from this little bundle of tiny flowers... 🫶 #sop #stringofpearls #succulentsquad #succulentlove #succulents #bloomingsuccs #socalsuccs #tuesdaysuccs #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #WickedValkyrie #socalgreg 32 8 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Some of my pearls are blooming y'all! 🥹🥲🫶 #proudplantparent #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #succulentlove #succulentsquad #bloomingsuccs #socalgreg #socalsuccs #WickedValkyrie #sop #stringofpearls 24 5 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Some plant updates 18 10 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Hey guys, I'm back... Husband had me committed shortly after my last post and I've been gone for nearly two months. But I'm finally home and doing better... Came home to a couple dead plants, and most of the rest on death's door. These guys however, have been quite busy in their little propbox while I've been away! Look at them go! #avocado #avocadoexperiment #propagationstation #propagation #propdontshop #propbox #propagationfever #happyplants #notsohappyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #BackPorchBois #WickedValkyrie 20 15 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y So I told y'all #ThirstyBoiBuddy was gonna get a haircut... Well, I think it's safe to say I got a bit carried away... 😅😂 I'm going to put as many as I can in water and the rest will go straight into soil... #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #planttherapy #pothospack #pothos #goldenpothos #epipremnum #epipremnumaureum #socalgreg #WickedValkyrie #WhoviansOfGreg 33 18 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Hey y'all, been a while... I'm not really back, just wanted to check in with y'all and give you a little update on one of #greggang favourite plants from my oasis #ThirstyBoiBuddy my gigantic #pothos! (You may have to click to see the full pics, he's too big to crop into a square. Lol) He's well overdue for a trim so I wanted to show you guys how much he's grown before he gets his big haircut... Sorry the pics aren't better quality, pretty hard to take pics of a window when the sun is out. Lol (Also please ignore the messy bed, my husband has been sleeping in there lately...) #pothospack #goldenpothos #epipremnum #epipremnumaureum #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #socalgreg #wickedvalkyrie 31 29 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y They're kinda blurry coz I'm a bit shaky today but I figured I'd share some #rootporn with y'all... Repotted/split River Song into three separate pots cuz last year upgrading the whole plant into a bigger pot didn't work out too well. She expanded and became root bound within the first two months... Despite being a bog plant she freakin loves SoCal apparently. Lol #WickedValkyrie #socalgreg #corkscrewrush #juncusbigtwister #juncusspiralis #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy 8 4 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y I know I've been gone for a while but... 3 2 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Been feeling like absolute dog crap lately... Fibromyalgia been kicking my butt plus my brain wacked out and decided to produce WAY too much serotonin which resulted in me not being able to do basically anything for two days as I almost completely lost control of my body... (Serotonin Syndrome is pretty scary, y'all. If you're on antidepressants/antianxiety meds, please be careful!) Anyways, I'm feeling MUCH better today so I'm doing some plant stuff... This dramatic little betch #aeoniumbalsamiferum) falls over every time the wind picks up even a little bit so I decided to put her in a deeper/wider pot. I also decided to throw some Jade babies in there that get watered on the same schedule and a couple random props that live on my back porch... It's kinda chaotic, but so am I... 🤷😂🫶 #succulentsquad #succulentlove #jade #harbourlightsjade #gollumjade #socalgreg #socalsuccs #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #BackPorchBois #ChildrenOfZeus #WickedValkyrie 18 6 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Another poinsettia update! 10 11 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Poinsettia update: I pulled it out of it's pot and let the soil dry out for a few days, putting the plant outside for wind/airflow during the day and used old junk mail to also help draw out excess moisture... Today it was dry enough for me to break it up and remove the soil from the roots with minimal damage. After I removed all of the soil I found the plant was originally started in a foam plug that smelled like death... Thankfully it broke apart pretty easily. I spent about a half hour with some tiny tools excavating all of the nasty foam from the roots and then I rinsed them and gave it a good soak in a soapy peroxide solution. (2 Cups water, 3Tbsp peroxide, and a few drops of soap.) Given the smell of the soil it was in I didn't have high hopes for the roots, but honestly what I was left with at the end of all this wasn't too bad. Now I just have to figure out what I'm gonna pot this back into since I have no soil. 😂😅😅😅 #poinsettia #poinsettia365 #plantrehab #euphorbia #euphorbiaeuphoria #happyplants #notsohappyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #WickedValkyrie #rootporn 12 10 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Send Help 5 15 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Had some guests stay over this weekend and many adult beverages were had... Found this after they left... RIP 😭😭😭 #succulentsquad #succulentlove #notsohappyplants #wickedvalkyrie 0 8 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y 🧑🔬🧪🥑Update!🥑🧪🧑🔬 14 8 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y I did it again... 🙃🫶✌️ #tinybabies #tinypots #jellybeans #aurorapinkjellybean #succulentsquad #succulentlove #fridaysuccs #freshleaffriday #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #socalgreg #socalsuccs #WickedValkyrie 11 4 Comments @WickedValkyrie · 1Y Another SOP experiment comin at yas! 27 11 Comments See 20 more posts
wickedvalkyrie Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 7 5 Does acrylic paint affect the absorbency/moisture wicking capabilities of terracotta? #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #cactusclique #WickedValkyrie #socalgreg #socalsuccs #socalcacti @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 16 7 I potted the arrangement backwards (oops 🫠) but I finally repotted my friend's cactus! The pot she gave me was too big so I threw some other things in that can survive on a cactus watering schedule... #WickedValkyrie #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #cactusclique #succulentsquad #socalgreg #socalcacti #socalsuccs @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 10 8 Just a few of the hundreds of photos I took at the meditation garden in Encinitas yesterday... (: (Click for full pics) #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #greggang #socalgreg #wickedvalkyrie @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 7 8 (click for full pics) SOS Someone asked me to save this poor coral cactus for them but I don't know if it's even possible... I'm 99.9% sure it's been over watered, is squishy and the black parts have mold/fungus on them. #cactusclique #coralcactus #happyplants #notsohappyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantrescue #plantrehab #wickedvalkyrie #socalgreg @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 32 8 One of my SOP flower buds has finally bloomed 😻😻😻 The entire room is full of such a lovely fragrance, just from this little bundle of tiny flowers... 🫶 #sop #stringofpearls #succulentsquad #succulentlove #succulents #bloomingsuccs #socalsuccs #tuesdaysuccs #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #WickedValkyrie #socalgreg @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 24 5 Some of my pearls are blooming y'all! 🥹🥲🫶 #proudplantparent #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #succulentlove #succulentsquad #bloomingsuccs #socalgreg #socalsuccs #WickedValkyrie #sop #stringofpearls @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 18 10 Some plant updates @WickedValkyrie asked 1Y ago 20 15 Hey guys, I'm back... Husband had me committed shortly after my last post and I've been gone for nearly two months. But I'm finally home and doing better... Came home to a couple dead plants, and most of the rest on death's door. These guys however, have been quite busy in their little propbox while I've been away! Look at them go! #avocado #avocadoexperiment #propagationstation #propagation #propdontshop #propbox #propagationfever #happyplants #notsohappyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #BackPorchBois #WickedValkyrie @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 33 18 So I told y'all #ThirstyBoiBuddy was gonna get a haircut... Well, I think it's safe to say I got a bit carried away... 😅😂 I'm going to put as many as I can in water and the rest will go straight into soil... #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #planttherapy #pothospack #pothos #goldenpothos #epipremnum #epipremnumaureum #socalgreg #WickedValkyrie #WhoviansOfGreg @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 31 29 Hey y'all, been a while... I'm not really back, just wanted to check in with y'all and give you a little update on one of #greggang favourite plants from my oasis #ThirstyBoiBuddy my gigantic #pothos! (You may have to click to see the full pics, he's too big to crop into a square. Lol) He's well overdue for a trim so I wanted to show you guys how much he's grown before he gets his big haircut... Sorry the pics aren't better quality, pretty hard to take pics of a window when the sun is out. Lol (Also please ignore the messy bed, my husband has been sleeping in there lately...) #pothospack #goldenpothos #epipremnum #epipremnumaureum #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #socalgreg #wickedvalkyrie @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 8 4 They're kinda blurry coz I'm a bit shaky today but I figured I'd share some #rootporn with y'all... Repotted/split River Song into three separate pots cuz last year upgrading the whole plant into a bigger pot didn't work out too well. She expanded and became root bound within the first two months... Despite being a bog plant she freakin loves SoCal apparently. Lol #WickedValkyrie #socalgreg #corkscrewrush #juncusbigtwister #juncusspiralis #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 3 2 I know I've been gone for a while but... @WickedValkyrie asked 1Y ago 18 6 Been feeling like absolute dog crap lately... Fibromyalgia been kicking my butt plus my brain wacked out and decided to produce WAY too much serotonin which resulted in me not being able to do basically anything for two days as I almost completely lost control of my body... (Serotonin Syndrome is pretty scary, y'all. If you're on antidepressants/antianxiety meds, please be careful!) Anyways, I'm feeling MUCH better today so I'm doing some plant stuff... This dramatic little betch #aeoniumbalsamiferum) falls over every time the wind picks up even a little bit so I decided to put her in a deeper/wider pot. I also decided to throw some Jade babies in there that get watered on the same schedule and a couple random props that live on my back porch... It's kinda chaotic, but so am I... 🤷😂🫶 #succulentsquad #succulentlove #jade #harbourlightsjade #gollumjade #socalgreg #socalsuccs #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #BackPorchBois #ChildrenOfZeus #WickedValkyrie @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 10 11 Another poinsettia update! @WickedValkyrie asked 1Y ago 12 10 Poinsettia update: I pulled it out of it's pot and let the soil dry out for a few days, putting the plant outside for wind/airflow during the day and used old junk mail to also help draw out excess moisture... Today it was dry enough for me to break it up and remove the soil from the roots with minimal damage. After I removed all of the soil I found the plant was originally started in a foam plug that smelled like death... Thankfully it broke apart pretty easily. I spent about a half hour with some tiny tools excavating all of the nasty foam from the roots and then I rinsed them and gave it a good soak in a soapy peroxide solution. (2 Cups water, 3Tbsp peroxide, and a few drops of soap.) Given the smell of the soil it was in I didn't have high hopes for the roots, but honestly what I was left with at the end of all this wasn't too bad. Now I just have to figure out what I'm gonna pot this back into since I have no soil. 😂😅😅😅 #poinsettia #poinsettia365 #plantrehab #euphorbia #euphorbiaeuphoria #happyplants #notsohappyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #WickedValkyrie #rootporn @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 5 15 Send Help @WickedValkyrie asked 1Y ago 0 8 Had some guests stay over this weekend and many adult beverages were had... Found this after they left... RIP 😭😭😭 #succulentsquad #succulentlove #notsohappyplants #wickedvalkyrie @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 14 8 🧑🔬🧪🥑Update!🥑🧪🧑🔬 @WickedValkyrie asked 1Y ago 11 4 I did it again... 🙃🫶✌️ #tinybabies #tinypots #jellybeans #aurorapinkjellybean #succulentsquad #succulentlove #fridaysuccs #freshleaffriday #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #socalgreg #socalsuccs #WickedValkyrie @WickedValkyrie posted 1Y ago 27 11 Another SOP experiment comin at yas! @WickedValkyrie asked 1Y ago See 20 more posts