WhatTheSucc Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @BabeVila · 4w Sooo I was at the grocery store and they randomly had the hugest #Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg I have ever seen! 🤩🪴 6 inches across! I snagged it for $11. I’ve had it for about a week, and it’s already beginning to show its lovely stress colors under my succulent lights 💜🩷💜🩷💜🩷 I swear, the grocery store has gems for me all the time 🤣💚 #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #PlantTherapy #babevila #WhatTheSucc #SuccerForSucculents 29 17 Comments @SucculentSavant · 1M Help identifying this baby? 2 5 Comments @whatamidoing · 2M Idk what I did but my succs are doing great! Or at least, better than before. I used to have them in as much sun as possible where they barely grew but I've had to move them to a shady place a couple months ago. I rarely remember to put the lights under the table on for them (just LED's, got no money for fancy growlights 🥲) and almost all of the leaves developed pups! This is so surprising! I've also forgotten to water them for weeks 😅 but apparently they're cool with it! #plantsthatmakeyougohmm #whatthesucc #newgrowth 3 0 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 2M Some updates on a couple succs! 🌿 1. Blue Echeveria, she has started growing babies at her base, (not pictured) and also has something growing out the side that could possibly be a flower stalk.. not sure yet. She’s already grown a lot since I got her, she was starting to etoliate (in store) when I bought her, so I would say I saved her 😏 2. Graptopetalum Superbum, one of my faves, she has gotten huge I ordered her from Mountain Crest Gardens, and since then she has grown two babies… one is already a good size! 3. Sedum Clavatum has lots of babies, and has been showing some pink here lately since the temps have been getting colder at night. It warmed back up so it’s not as visible as it was. 4. Graptosedum Ghosty, they have grown ALOT since I got them during summer. They have grown alot of babies, I repotted them not too long ago, but the babies are so big they are pushing into each other. 😅 5. Giant jewel plant, has new growth on the top and the side. I have two jewel plants, however one looks much different than the other. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents #WhatTheSucc #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #Echeveria #sedumclavatum #Graptopetalum #PlantLove 17 5 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 2M Finally got all my new plants potted! 🪴 and my 3 tier planter is also finished. (Photo 1) (2). Can anyone help me indentify this Aeonium? I’ve seen some that look similar, but the leaf shape isn’t the same. 3. Baby toes has a bloom, should open soon, I decided to pot these two together. I think it’s a haworthia or a gasteraloe? 4. Not 100% sure of this echeveria either, I’m thinking Echeveria ‘Beatrice’ (which isn’t an option on Greg) or ‘chihuahuanises’ (any help appreciated). 5. A rare hybrid Faucaria x Stomatium Hybrid that has a bloom 😊 #HappyPlants #WhatTheSuccWednesday #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #RarePlants #PlantID #identify #WhatPlantIsThis #WhatTheSucc #SuccerForSucculents #Echeveria #identification #GregGang 16 3 Comments @Jana85 · 3M I just wanted to share my plant’s glow up! My friend got this plant when his aunt passed away—it was hers. But he didn’t know how to care for it, it was dying, and his cat bit it. He brought it to me to save it. The photo in the gray square pot was two years ago. The last photo shows it now next to that same gray pot, which now houses a peperomia. This beautiful #ChristmasCactus has grown so much, and I love it! It’s also a nice reminder of his aunt Linda, who was a wonderful lady. (This is why it is named Linda in my oasis.) I hope I can keep this cactus going for many years to come, as it is a sentimental cactus. 💚 #HappyPlants #SucculentLove #BeforeAndAfter #CactusClique #WhatTheSucc 23 13 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 3M My plant corner on my back porch is looking awesome! When I see how many plants I have.. I realize that I’m for sure a #PlaAddict as well as #SuccerForSucculents 😅🪴 I also wanted to share an arrangement I made this morning! (Photo 3) Another arrangement from a couple weeks ago that I didn’t get to post, my baby yoda planter contains one Graptosedum ‘Cali Sunset’ & 2 Golden Sedum. The last arrangement I did a while back in august, but I’m not sure if I ever posted it 😅 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #Succulents #SucculSquad #Succulent #succulentarrangements #GrowingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #PlantShelfie #PlantCorner #GregGang #WhatTheSucc #Echeveria #Sedum #Sedeveria 42 20 Comments @Charli3Plant · 3M It's been a chaotic Tuesday and I'm in need of some relaxation. My Chroma is gonna drive me mad with this flower stalk. The buds are this beautiful neon pink and I really need it to go ahead and bloom. Cannot wait to see what the flowers are gonna look like. The Graptoveria 'Debbie' I chopped and propped this summer is really coming into its own. Cooler nights and full sun have done it a ton of favors. 🩷🩷 Lastly, my Pinwheel is growing the cutest little pup; look at the dainty tips on it! Please ignore the soil, I had just watered it. While I don't have my Melaco listed on Greg, it's colors are worth showing off. I'm in love with the reds coming out. ❤️❤️ #whatthesuccwednesday #whatthesucc #succulentsquad #succulentlove #succulents #succulent #echeveria #graptoveria #planttherapy 11 5 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 3M Succulent season (outdoors) is coming to a close! This week in NC we are having a warm week with mid 70s and 80s. My plants are showing some signs of stress coloring from dropping temps. (Photo 5) my ‘Variegated CornCob’ cactus has some pink prickles (I guess you could call them?🤣). I also have an echeveria/pachyveria (idk never could find proper ID) that is in bloom for the 5th time since I got it this year. (Photo 4) Photos 1 and 2 are showing off my new plant stand, I found on the side of the road. I love finding second hand things! It’s always more gratifying than buying things lol. 🙌🏻🌿💕🌸 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulent #Succulents #CactusClique #Cacti #PlantShelfie #PlantCorner #BloomingSuccs #SuccerForSucculents #WhatTheSucc #WhatTheSuccWednesday 16 5 Comments @SvelteKingfern · 3M #happyplants This peperomia "Marmot" has been with me everywhere, from the red hot desert to the cool breezy seaside. Older leaves are sunbleached, but the new ones are gorgeous. I love the rich colour and the velvety texture of the leaves, and I love that there are so many of them. #springhassprung #springsuccs #freshleaffriday #whatthesucc #peperomia #succulentsquad #succulentlove #greggang #greggers #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantmafia 15 5 Comments @houseplantlab · 3M #WhatTheSuccWednesday #WhatTheSucc #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #StringOfPearls 32 5 Comments @LittleSongbird · 3M My gorgeous crassula perforata is in bloom! These ones are bigger than the usual ones I see-- about half an inch wide! Happy to have finally potted them up. The black one is a 3.5 inch pot, and the red one is 4 inches. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #propagationstation #succulentlove #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #matureplants #arrangements #succulentarrangements #freeplants #newgrowth #outdoorgrowing 31 8 Comments @LittleSongbird · 3M Second post about the same plant... can't get over my succs so here's some wallpaper style pics! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #propagationstation #succulentlove #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #matureplants #arrangements #succulentarrangements #freeplants #newgrowth #outdoorgrowing 16 8 Comments @ILoveMyPlants · 3M #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #WhaTheSuccWednesday #WhatTheSucc What the succ ordered 6 and received 8 . Big mama cactus is still drying out. Any help would be appreciated 🥹I can identify the hawthorn, elephant bush and some sort of aloe besides the other aloe being a fan aloe 🤷♀️I could be succing wrong but the pencil stick 2 I’m at a loss .But I think they’ll settle in fine under their grow lights. 6 1 Comments @LittleSongbird · 3M WHAT THE SUCC!! Look what my grandparents got me!! They went to CA and came back here, with the BIGGEST. SUCCULENT. ARRANGEMENT. I have ever seen. Also the most MATURE succulents I have seen! I was absolutely blown away-- aside from the arrangement, I was given dragonfruit cuttings, so much burro's tail cuttings and bare root Crassula perforata! I don't know how to explain my joy right now. I am absolutely overwhelmed. The arrangement has golden sedum, aeonium, and ghost plant... I never thought I could have a plant like this. It's insane! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #propagationstation #succulentlove #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #matureplants #arrangements #succulentarrangements #freeplants #newgrowth #outdoorgrowing 18 13 Comments @Charli3Plant · 4M Late night re-potting! Finally managed to get over my executive dysfunction and repot some succulents that needed it. Echeveria featured: 1) 'Elsa' 2) 'Autumn Flame' 3) 'Giant Blue' 4) 'Lola' I suspected that the Elsa was getting root bound and, uh, yeah. Glad I checked 😳 She's all potted up in a slightly larger home. Can't wait to see how much she grows this fall. The lighting in my house is terrible, but oh man, the Autumn Flame and Giant Blue is 😍👍🏻🔥💙 Full sun will do wonders for a plant. #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #plantmafia #planttherapy #succulentsquad #succulentlove #succulent #whatthesuccwednesday #whatthesucc #echeveria 12 4 Comments @roxyvivien · 4M Fall colors are starting to peek through on these #cuteAFsuccs 👀 💚💜🩵 The Echeveria minima is showing that beautiful pink/purple hue more than usual for this time of year as a result of a recent repotting (she's still acclimating to the outdoors). I can't wait I see what she looks like in a couple of months! ✨ 🙌🏽 #echeveria #echeveriaminima #sedum #sedumclavatum #sedeveria #echeveriablueatoll #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #succulentlove #plantaddict #happyplants #outdoorgrowing #socalgreg 18 3 Comments @BabeVila · 4M Another one of my #EcheveriaLola 💖 this one got etiolated because it was my first #Echeveria ever, and at the time I didn’t understand just HOW much light they need! Lol! (Just to be clear, I do know now and I have dozens of happy succulents under very bright lights 😊) So I did a chop and prop. The original head is happily growing new roots in a tiny terracotta pot, and this one grew 4 new heads. #Succulents are so fascinating! And this one is now my favorite; it’s gorgeous from every angle! #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #ChopAndProp #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulent #WhatTheSucc #PlantAddict #babevila 23 11 Comments @BabeVila · 5M WOW! I just realized today while watering some of my office succulents, how much this guy has grown! So awesome 😇🪴💚 First pic is from February 19th and the rest are today! 😮 #HappyPlants #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #NewGrowth #WhatTheSucc #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GregGang #babevila 19 11 Comments @LiftLashPlant · 6M Is this fungus? 2 7 Comments See 20 more posts
WhatTheSucc Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 29 17 Sooo I was at the grocery store and they randomly had the hugest #Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg I have ever seen! 🤩🪴 6 inches across! I snagged it for $11. I’ve had it for about a week, and it’s already beginning to show its lovely stress colors under my succulent lights 💜🩷💜🩷💜🩷 I swear, the grocery store has gems for me all the time 🤣💚 #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #PlantTherapy #babevila #WhatTheSucc #SuccerForSucculents @BabeVila posted 4w ago 2 5 Help identifying this baby? @SucculentSavant asked 1M ago 3 0 Idk what I did but my succs are doing great! Or at least, better than before. I used to have them in as much sun as possible where they barely grew but I've had to move them to a shady place a couple months ago. I rarely remember to put the lights under the table on for them (just LED's, got no money for fancy growlights 🥲) and almost all of the leaves developed pups! This is so surprising! I've also forgotten to water them for weeks 😅 but apparently they're cool with it! #plantsthatmakeyougohmm #whatthesucc #newgrowth @whatamidoing posted 2M ago 17 5 Some updates on a couple succs! 🌿 1. Blue Echeveria, she has started growing babies at her base, (not pictured) and also has something growing out the side that could possibly be a flower stalk.. not sure yet. She’s already grown a lot since I got her, she was starting to etoliate (in store) when I bought her, so I would say I saved her 😏 2. Graptopetalum Superbum, one of my faves, she has gotten huge I ordered her from Mountain Crest Gardens, and since then she has grown two babies… one is already a good size! 3. Sedum Clavatum has lots of babies, and has been showing some pink here lately since the temps have been getting colder at night. It warmed back up so it’s not as visible as it was. 4. Graptosedum Ghosty, they have grown ALOT since I got them during summer. They have grown alot of babies, I repotted them not too long ago, but the babies are so big they are pushing into each other. 😅 5. Giant jewel plant, has new growth on the top and the side. I have two jewel plants, however one looks much different than the other. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents #WhatTheSucc #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #Echeveria #sedumclavatum #Graptopetalum #PlantLove @TidyTigerpear posted 2M ago 16 3 Finally got all my new plants potted! 🪴 and my 3 tier planter is also finished. (Photo 1) (2). Can anyone help me indentify this Aeonium? I’ve seen some that look similar, but the leaf shape isn’t the same. 3. Baby toes has a bloom, should open soon, I decided to pot these two together. I think it’s a haworthia or a gasteraloe? 4. Not 100% sure of this echeveria either, I’m thinking Echeveria ‘Beatrice’ (which isn’t an option on Greg) or ‘chihuahuanises’ (any help appreciated). 5. A rare hybrid Faucaria x Stomatium Hybrid that has a bloom 😊 #HappyPlants #WhatTheSuccWednesday #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #RarePlants #PlantID #identify #WhatPlantIsThis #WhatTheSucc #SuccerForSucculents #Echeveria #identification #GregGang @TidyTigerpear posted 2M ago 23 13 I just wanted to share my plant’s glow up! My friend got this plant when his aunt passed away—it was hers. But he didn’t know how to care for it, it was dying, and his cat bit it. He brought it to me to save it. The photo in the gray square pot was two years ago. The last photo shows it now next to that same gray pot, which now houses a peperomia. This beautiful #ChristmasCactus has grown so much, and I love it! It’s also a nice reminder of his aunt Linda, who was a wonderful lady. (This is why it is named Linda in my oasis.) I hope I can keep this cactus going for many years to come, as it is a sentimental cactus. 💚 #HappyPlants #SucculentLove #BeforeAndAfter #CactusClique #WhatTheSucc @Jana85 posted 3M ago 42 20 My plant corner on my back porch is looking awesome! When I see how many plants I have.. I realize that I’m for sure a #PlaAddict as well as #SuccerForSucculents 😅🪴 I also wanted to share an arrangement I made this morning! (Photo 3) Another arrangement from a couple weeks ago that I didn’t get to post, my baby yoda planter contains one Graptosedum ‘Cali Sunset’ & 2 Golden Sedum. The last arrangement I did a while back in august, but I’m not sure if I ever posted it 😅 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #Succulents #SucculSquad #Succulent #succulentarrangements #GrowingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #PlantShelfie #PlantCorner #GregGang #WhatTheSucc #Echeveria #Sedum #Sedeveria @TidyTigerpear posted 3M ago 11 5 It's been a chaotic Tuesday and I'm in need of some relaxation. My Chroma is gonna drive me mad with this flower stalk. The buds are this beautiful neon pink and I really need it to go ahead and bloom. Cannot wait to see what the flowers are gonna look like. The Graptoveria 'Debbie' I chopped and propped this summer is really coming into its own. Cooler nights and full sun have done it a ton of favors. 🩷🩷 Lastly, my Pinwheel is growing the cutest little pup; look at the dainty tips on it! Please ignore the soil, I had just watered it. While I don't have my Melaco listed on Greg, it's colors are worth showing off. I'm in love with the reds coming out. ❤️❤️ #whatthesuccwednesday #whatthesucc #succulentsquad #succulentlove #succulents #succulent #echeveria #graptoveria #planttherapy @Charli3Plant posted 3M ago 16 5 Succulent season (outdoors) is coming to a close! This week in NC we are having a warm week with mid 70s and 80s. My plants are showing some signs of stress coloring from dropping temps. (Photo 5) my ‘Variegated CornCob’ cactus has some pink prickles (I guess you could call them?🤣). I also have an echeveria/pachyveria (idk never could find proper ID) that is in bloom for the 5th time since I got it this year. (Photo 4) Photos 1 and 2 are showing off my new plant stand, I found on the side of the road. I love finding second hand things! It’s always more gratifying than buying things lol. 🙌🏻🌿💕🌸 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulent #Succulents #CactusClique #Cacti #PlantShelfie #PlantCorner #BloomingSuccs #SuccerForSucculents #WhatTheSucc #WhatTheSuccWednesday @TidyTigerpear posted 3M ago 15 5 #happyplants This peperomia "Marmot" has been with me everywhere, from the red hot desert to the cool breezy seaside. Older leaves are sunbleached, but the new ones are gorgeous. I love the rich colour and the velvety texture of the leaves, and I love that there are so many of them. #springhassprung #springsuccs #freshleaffriday #whatthesucc #peperomia #succulentsquad #succulentlove #greggang #greggers #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantmafia @SvelteKingfern posted 3M ago 32 5 #WhatTheSuccWednesday #WhatTheSucc #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #StringOfPearls @houseplantlab posted 3M ago 31 8 My gorgeous crassula perforata is in bloom! These ones are bigger than the usual ones I see-- about half an inch wide! Happy to have finally potted them up. The black one is a 3.5 inch pot, and the red one is 4 inches. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #propagationstation #succulentlove #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #matureplants #arrangements #succulentarrangements #freeplants #newgrowth #outdoorgrowing @LittleSongbird posted 3M ago 16 8 Second post about the same plant... can't get over my succs so here's some wallpaper style pics! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #propagationstation #succulentlove #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #matureplants #arrangements #succulentarrangements #freeplants #newgrowth #outdoorgrowing @LittleSongbird posted 3M ago 6 1 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #WhaTheSuccWednesday #WhatTheSucc What the succ ordered 6 and received 8 . Big mama cactus is still drying out. Any help would be appreciated 🥹I can identify the hawthorn, elephant bush and some sort of aloe besides the other aloe being a fan aloe 🤷♀️I could be succing wrong but the pencil stick 2 I’m at a loss .But I think they’ll settle in fine under their grow lights. @ILoveMyPlants posted 3M ago 18 13 WHAT THE SUCC!! Look what my grandparents got me!! They went to CA and came back here, with the BIGGEST. SUCCULENT. ARRANGEMENT. I have ever seen. Also the most MATURE succulents I have seen! I was absolutely blown away-- aside from the arrangement, I was given dragonfruit cuttings, so much burro's tail cuttings and bare root Crassula perforata! I don't know how to explain my joy right now. I am absolutely overwhelmed. The arrangement has golden sedum, aeonium, and ghost plant... I never thought I could have a plant like this. It's insane! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #propagationstation #succulentlove #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #matureplants #arrangements #succulentarrangements #freeplants #newgrowth #outdoorgrowing @LittleSongbird posted 3M ago 12 4 Late night re-potting! Finally managed to get over my executive dysfunction and repot some succulents that needed it. Echeveria featured: 1) 'Elsa' 2) 'Autumn Flame' 3) 'Giant Blue' 4) 'Lola' I suspected that the Elsa was getting root bound and, uh, yeah. Glad I checked 😳 She's all potted up in a slightly larger home. Can't wait to see how much she grows this fall. The lighting in my house is terrible, but oh man, the Autumn Flame and Giant Blue is 😍👍🏻🔥💙 Full sun will do wonders for a plant. #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #plantmafia #planttherapy #succulentsquad #succulentlove #succulent #whatthesuccwednesday #whatthesucc #echeveria @Charli3Plant posted 4M ago 18 3 Fall colors are starting to peek through on these #cuteAFsuccs 👀 💚💜🩵 The Echeveria minima is showing that beautiful pink/purple hue more than usual for this time of year as a result of a recent repotting (she's still acclimating to the outdoors). I can't wait I see what she looks like in a couple of months! ✨ 🙌🏽 #echeveria #echeveriaminima #sedum #sedumclavatum #sedeveria #echeveriablueatoll #succulentsquad #whatthesucc #succulentlove #plantaddict #happyplants #outdoorgrowing #socalgreg @roxyvivien posted 4M ago 23 11 Another one of my #EcheveriaLola 💖 this one got etiolated because it was my first #Echeveria ever, and at the time I didn’t understand just HOW much light they need! Lol! (Just to be clear, I do know now and I have dozens of happy succulents under very bright lights 😊) So I did a chop and prop. The original head is happily growing new roots in a tiny terracotta pot, and this one grew 4 new heads. #Succulents are so fascinating! And this one is now my favorite; it’s gorgeous from every angle! #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #ChopAndProp #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulent #WhatTheSucc #PlantAddict #babevila @BabeVila posted 4M ago 19 11 WOW! I just realized today while watering some of my office succulents, how much this guy has grown! So awesome 😇🪴💚 First pic is from February 19th and the rest are today! 😮 #HappyPlants #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #NewGrowth #WhatTheSucc #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GregGang #babevila @BabeVila posted 5M ago 2 7 Is this fungus? @LiftLashPlant asked 6M ago See 20 more posts