Community #SarahsGreenhouse


@sarahsalith avatar @sarahsalith · 2M
Monday Morning Gratitude I've had plants since I was 8, but some years ago, I threw myself into MORE plants (along with another vice) to deal with the feeling of a lack of control in my life. I thought some #PlantTherapy would help. I struggled to realize which way was up. I ordered yet another plant to fill the void and there was this eye-catching card in the box that said I could try a new plant care app for free. By that time, I had tried four different apps to keep up with my 300 plants -- it wasn't that I needed help caring for them, I needed help REMEMBERING how many I had and where I had mislaid them. 😆 That card opened a door to something I never imagined would become this amazing #GregCommunity ... the #BestAppOnTheInternet!! After more than three years, I struggle to remember people's usernames (becuase I follow so many that my friends list doesn't load any more 😉) but each of your profile pictures is burned into my memory. From @strawberrymoon and her succs to @BehattedLlama and his props. And my favorite #PlantJokes started by @Lauratends well over two years ago and a big shout-out to @planthoe40 for keeping it going! When I need a laugh, I just scroll. 🤣 I type all this to say, #PlantFriendsAreTheBestFriends and you know who you are-- I can't tag everyone becuase I'll forget someone. Thank you #GregTeam for putting so much effort into this app; I know it has been a labor of love. It is my favorite place on the Internet. The #GregGang and #GregGivesBack have helped me though a tough time, and it's time for a new chapter in my life. I'm looking forward to watching this app and community bloom and flourish! And, for the first time, I will use #PLANTMAFIA (even though I don't have the mug😉) becuase #PlantsMakePeopleHappy even the #NotSoHappyPlants #coffeetastesbetterinagregmug in #SarahsGreenhouse (before the house gets loud) #SOBER 1642 days #HappyPlants 💚💚