PlantyBoxofGoodies Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @EZLennyLance · 8M I was so excited to be one of the #GregGivesBackWinners for Greg’s 18 month birthday #GiveAway. I appreciate @AwesomePlants and all the #GregGivesBack team for the #PlantyBoxOfGoodies yesterday, it was wonderful. So many great things in one box, amazing. I can’t wait to use it all; thank you so much!! Note: the plant inside the mug is mine and of course I popped her inside the mug, because that is now her home. 😂 💚💚🌿🌱🌵💚💚 #BestAppOnTheInternet #PlantMafia #GregGang #PlantMail #EZLenny #CateKills #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict 33 29 Comments @AmusingRedhill · 8M It’s here!!!! My #greggivesback #PlantyBoxofGoodies came today from the #HalfBirthday #giveaway 🤩💚🌿 Y’all, this box has SO MUCH GOOD STUFF! I love every single bit of it and am so unbelievably thankful!! From the Monstera growing kit, to the different substrates to try and sprayer, to the planty earrings and pop socket, perfect planty stickers and adorable mug! I can’t wait to use the trellises as well. And the garden flag is totally going by my potting work station my husband built me 🤗 I am so excited to try out and use all of this! Thank you so much!! And look at @AwesomePlants packaging on this! How freaking adorable!🥰💚🌿 #GregGivesBackWinners 19 18 Comments @Sassylimey · 8M OMG what a lovely surprise to receive a beautiful #plantyboxofgoodies today 🤩 I'm so thrilled and excited, it took me an hour to unpack all the wonderful gifts #giveaway 🎁 my sofa was covered with cool plant gifts 🙃 I feel very blessed and privileged to be one of #greggivesbackwinners Thank you so much to all of the Greg Gives Back Squad ❤️ Y'all are AWESOME 🥰 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #greggers #greggerssupportinggreggers #sarahsgrove #crazyplantlady 21 11 Comments @sarahsalith · 1Y It's #GregGivesBack #GIVEAWAY TIME! Sometimes I look around and I realize that I have certain plants that tell MY STORY! For instance: I have a Florida Ghost. In 2022, IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! It was a plant to be envied; it was a single, dainty stem with mint green leaves and COMPLETELY WHITE LEAVES. It seemed like the perfect #Wishlist plant. (First Picture) Then, I had a TOTAL life-change. I’m not gonna lie: 2023 was ROUGH. (Second Picture) Some days, I felt like death warmed over and I felt very bare. No beautiful leaves, no perfect foliage … just an ugly stem. Finally, I decided to do some pruning in my life. Pruning can hurt. I took the ugly stem of my once beautiful Ghost and I cut it in half. I gave my plant new soil and a new location. Now, (Picture Three) I have SEVEN new points of growth and the beginnings of EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL LEAVES! Sometimes when it seems that all is lost, it’s just time to do some pruning so you have a chance to grow even more! If you would like to enter the February #Giveaway let us know about a plant that tells YOUR story. Comment below so we can all be inspired by your #HappyPlant and feel good or even partner with you for some #PlantTherapy if you are in a tough season #NotSoHappyPlant) You can get others involved by tagging them because we all know that we are all a part of the #GregFam and #PlantsMakePeopleHappy! Don’t know anyone? Just hit the “@” and select a name or twelve!! The #giveaway is open NOW, Wednesday, February 14, 2024 and will close Thursday, February 15 at 5:00 CST. A #GregGivesBackWinner will be drawn at random and announced on Thursday. Be sure to follow our #GregGivesBack and #GregGivesBackWinners and #GregGivesBackWinner tags to stay posted! WHO CAN ENTER: any #PlantAddict and EVERYONE, including our international friends and #TimeTravelers! #Greggers outside the 48 States may not receive a physical box, but will definitely receive some goodies nonetheless. We ask that if you have won in the past, please tag as many other people as you can so they have a chance to win as well. WHEN TO ENTER: NOW!! HURRY! HOW TO ENTER: Drop a comment below with a picture of your plant that tells YOUR story. CHOOSING A WINNER: A winner will be chosen at random by our Magic Wheel with all the usernames from the completed entries. Previous winners cannot win this time, but we would still love to see your comments! The selected winner will have seven days to get his or her information to us by email: If we do not receive a response, another winner will be chosen. This #Giveaway has been put together by the Giveaway Squad and donations from Y’ALL!! Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in spreading joy and smiles and plants! Please email us to find out how you can participate in the NEXT giveaway! Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to reach out to the Giveaway Squad anytime by shooting us an email at Thanks #plantamigos! We love you and we love #HappyPlants and even #NotSoHappyPlants 😉 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #PetsAndPlants #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PlantCorner #RarePlants #OutdoorGrowing #PlantGraveyard #PlantLove #WeirdPlants #BestAppEver #PlantFriendsAreTheBestFriends #GregGiveaway #HappyPlants #NotSoHappyPlants #GreggersSupportingGreggers Don't miss out on your chance to win a #PlantyBoxofGoodies in the #GregGivesBack #Giveaway !! --- @ManyLime @MrsSmith @LatiTish84 @Indoorgreens @ChummyJadeplant @AliveFishhooks @FunGaillardia @PrimoTauhinu @BrotherlyBlinks @LoyalApplerose @user4871 @GreenGeek @TopDutch @LushRubbervine @greenhouse @SavantEspicia @TricksterAngel @Sanalovesplants @Plant-mom @Maalylondon @NewbieJess @collardamon @PiquantDodder @sopjoew @FieryMexico @ArticulateMoss @Brisleaves @PlantedApart @BotanicalNovice @WiredDaisy @LovablyFittonia @MightyMelon @GaietyOnion @FlexibleFuchsia @Sashby @BonusOnion @MaturePinkball @AssiduousLovage @SuccinctWavycap @AbleCorkelm @HeiressSalsa @AboundingBlue @clairsheart14 @LoyalApplerose @ForeverOcotillo @WinPrenanthes @MoneyedAgboy @AuthenticLoquat @BriskEmoryoak @LovablySeaaster @GemCrabapple @ReallyAster @GnarlyRadish @AdonicTurkshead @MightyCidergum @PioneerRedvein @GracefulMum @PrimalRosarypea @Monicanais @GrowingLentil @RefinedGollum @NimbleSmokebush @TrueCucumber @racheyj02 @ResoluteIvy @ComicArrowroot @KinglyBaibua @PractisedSalad @ChiefGalega @VividMatgrass @OriginalCoccoon @OlympianIvy @Dunksparadise @JoyousMullein @Bejoty1 @NobleCandytuft @MotivatedKaramu @FourstarElkweed @LoyallyOregano @SummeryCowvine @OrganicCobnut @DynamiteMangeao @BackupSweetmint @AffluentialMoss @PerfectPeyote @Positano @NewHawkswing @HelpfulLantana @LithePinebush @LithePineviolet @Plantdaddy1980 @LadyDandelion @FinestHouseleek @AdroitlyCat @WholeCoconut @CurrentMira @ProOakfern @BuddingFivespot @KeyTigerjade @AlertRedbetel @SightlyBlackpea @hollyelaine8 @FacileSedge @LeadWaiuatua @WillAngelmoss @GuruAirpotato @JollyRosilla @wunderkindpeony @silkenstinkhorn @barninja @sizablealbo @topdogveilwort @modeltamarack @vibrantlilac @genuinejicaro @gentletallsedge @statelychamise @vividflax @inspoiltcatnip @alwayskaramu @modeldodder @holylargethyme @strappingmahoe @bentonstarburst @freeruby @zesttamarack @politepigsqueak @heartycornplant @fairyofthevalley @tastyredvein @fastflamelily @funnyworm @dapperbonsai @yernjuniper @persistentchaya @movingblackgem @sharpagavenova @aficionadoplain @jewelledcoleus @joyousbearsear @j_willoughby2 @nguerre @kingpinveilwort @queenie @curiousavacado @zanyhorseapple @leadlemonbalm @kactuskrump @yeahpeacelily @moneyeyedlettuce @flyingnoognug @cheerfullettuce @genialmajoram @studiousbibi @jazzypatchouli @finestzzplant @unerringpepper @affluentquince @champcowpea @tastyhoyajade @foxybogbeam @radsilkvine @neatrhubarb @designersalsaify @copiousgrapeivy @sultrycomet @brawnychinotto @fineluckyjade @darlingcassava @unshakenchamisa @manychickpea @pintsizedfarm @marvelheather @sportyfern @macey @knightlypukatea @mentorcilantro @cuddlygreenash @sapienteggplant @fortunatechaya @caredforalula @exultantkale @melanie78 @funcrowndaisy @whizcrossberry @stoutchojubai @dashinghawthorn @shinysunbright @paulin @healthyprasium @nubs @topredclover @cuddlycentella @boxmonkey @niel777 @dynamicbarley @yeslemonfern @smashingsalal @megongreg @classicaloricad @niceweed @wholehoyalisa @mamat @perfectpinkpoui @maturegray @prominentnoni @brawnycapemay @totallychickpea @breezyfanmoss @crystallicious @goodysweetbasil @jesbeplantin @frost92 @worthymarimo @fastcilantro @famedcoralpea @questerzelkova @stylishoxtongue @soignepegaropa @precisewhitefir @lamsunrize @forrealchia @plant4us @cosmicyellowgum @busykanono @healthybegonia @plantznbirdz @lucentsnowdrop @lightworm @stablewaiuatua @exemplarylithop @sportcorkoak @cleangollum @aproposagarito @keyalmondtree @keenblueberry @preciseseastock @idolmyrtleoak @starchilli @athleticoakfern @exoticphlox @jrebels @contentpilea @prizedwhitefir @fierylakespur @honeyherbs @assuredasterium @dearearthball @savorystrapwort @vastcebense @everlastinglace @richreginairis @braverazorsedge @peacefulblusher @wingedflaxsilk @artistepignut @toadspring @impishseaaster @propermingthing @monstrea @academicpinoak @trywhiterose @deaoneytree @hardyrichweed @immensetrextoes @hunkycidergum @sirjellypalm @plentifulmahoe @rockingarrow @bigtimerichweed @zestfulapple @imposhwolfsmilk @gururedginger @growingblackash @adorablegreen @plantzaddyb @sultryguzmania @brightlecanora @spunkyradish @validwildpansy @juicyonion @directcapeweed @balancedhopsage @eminemtcowbane @corvidfan @perfectpinkpoui @small_ginge @botanistbabe @sillygoose @veryaloe @jrebels @superkma75 @jennaswitz @sarledi @fabrubbercup @a.j. @planthoe40 @promptmullein @fitbrowallia @boymom-plantmom @classroomjungle @ted @sunnyw @laneylemelhaz @poshcardoon @analoou @mrgncrch @andymm146 @planthippie00 @greeneryaddict @plantladychar @hotbreadnut @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @TwistedThreads @Hypsie @dreamlettuce @melodey @Teapott73 @meggy @tmbryant37 @OKIEgrnthmb @ManyLime @Sassylimey @ccrocco @Katrinabrown86 @Theplantypony @Kaleyeeaah @Ellasoasis89 @LatiTish84 @TJphilobsessed @Vjunc @CalmTobacco @ForFoxSake @Breathepeace @Natural @SoothingBogbean @suppptate @zay @lorenski3600 @Joedestefano @Blau_Ozean @AggroResting @malobee @silverlinings @AnnMarie420 @macysplants @MrsSmith @Indoorgreens @Cerberusofmars @Megongreg @planthoe40 @TruthfulApricot @Plantasencasita @EvocativePalqui @TexanExpat @Beeps @FoxyWarnockia @WickedValkyrie @tango @clairsheart @RinnyK @SpikeKing19 @BunnyBooty @Plantmom100 @SublimeCorncob @Plantmomma3 @PlantLoverLily @PetLovage @CuteDewberry @UnblemishedAtom @starly @ModernBoxholly @SoigneLettuce @ProbableYuzu @AroidApothecary @HeartyRhombus @heartleigh @Heartling @HeartyNeslia @PeachBlossoms @PunchyKalopanax @RadArrowhead @itsfabiii @ChosenBlueberry @ChosenBaybean @JocularLovevine @SilkenSaguaro @TrustingRedcap @GodlyChia @PreciseOrchids @PreciseCorkelm @Hilly99 @PlantEuphoria @Cheella @MuttWubur @GatherandGrow @TitanicMyagrum @TrichomeKing @PlantNerds @allsnn @abigailbrianne @AidanD @BlairBear @BeesZenGarden @Bev1026 @willbur @brynsome @brook.davis @brandtygreen @Bsquared @Camillering3 @CyberSpider @Corbalicious @Chelleree @Carlyallison @Dgracieh @DudeNamedDaniel @Dcook @danikabananika @Danib22 @Danielluh @Ellasoasis89 @eyeleash @Eschmeltz @emitchell @ejm1048 @Emmylou22 @FitSedum @Foxifly @Fabiha5 @GiftofGabby @Garrbog @grace.gillum @Hop @Indi29 @isaaaaa @isasgarden @JenHowell @Jilliebeanstalk @Jordankp2001 @jojoplants @Karaboo93 @kraigparkinson @LovingSunnyAZ @PeacefulBohoBby @lilygerow @Laureninportland @megsplants @Noodleslikesbutter @Nixon214 @Nicobenge @Olli.exe_ @izziemac @owenpolz @PlantyGoddess @pdubs55 @prisgoh @paigedelaney @QueenLaureen @Queenofthecows @QueenKandice @Rawaterman @rileycoleman @reiplants @swizzles @stephnicole @SilasOwO @TinaRedchic @Tewiewiora @ShibaSunroom @teebeetbh @userc8bc3b45 @uyeend @user7e582c5e @UnspoiltAster @user20f7cf44 @user7f4f3c63 @UtherPendragon @ungreenthumb @vvvelo @VvMiMivV @Veedoe22 @volakojo @vanevega @valmccauley56 @vanity @vanity @Lynnelovzplantz @Lynn775 @Camron @Nachogirl @PoisonIvy2 @aaronpeter @plantingideas @jaysjungle @FitSedum @AnewSnowflower @gerardo @yogijos @superblylilac @eringrins @laugravity @geniusramsons @kimtownsend686 @mrsfarrington @wingeddionysos @kingjuiiceart @ChummyPlantMum @Lovelyyuniverse @Breathepeace @BlairBear @willbur @reiplants @PlantyGoddess @PeacefulBohoBby @Katrinabrown86 @HeartyRhombus @VvMiMivV @xellaluvsplants @ShibaSunroom @Ellasoasis89 @ccrocco @gcilluffo @quinnprice @Quan @rubyvee @AwakeRaspfern @Queenlerica @CalmTobacco @Mossflowerwood @Teapott73 @TexanExpat @TheGoodWench @Yvonneplant @YamilC @uwakidris @Inggy101 @iveecandelaria @FoxyWarnockia @faethisx @ImmenseTrextoes @ziarauhh @vanessaledezmaa @Vantoune @Alfredsplanet @HumblePeperomia @clairsheart @GratefulPNWgirl @DeliberateIvy @CivicHorminum @GuruSatinwood @QuietButterwort @CopiousBeans @OrganicBonsai @tereasa7 @PeppyKale @YokeStingray @CoolHorsemint @MarvelMonstera @SnakePerson9 @FullBetel @CapCarter @ForrealMedeola @AbleLilliput @SelflessSaguaro @KnowingCapeweed @HappyBluepearl @WinTitoki @WiseWychelm @GoldPeanut @VividSilktree @MJplants @GenialEllisia @ChampTreeheath @YummySkyplant @BrilliantChisme @DreamyGasteria @UberRuby @PredominantMum @FetchingMakura @SizzlingBoneset @GutsyMiro @BlamelessEndive @ReveredPeanut @MarkedBoxholly @SaluteHeartleaf @SizableLuscious @YardBrownbirch @UniqueAcajou @Justa @BonusSweetsop @FacileKeylime @LikableMarjoram @RoundIronweed @TalentedIvy @HolySunstar @YummyBeech @AmberEhle @UntroubledHoya @YiftNapaea @PeppyOregonash @CrucialChosmo @MasterOlivetree @LoyallyLuronium @DinkumAjídulce @Amyupnorth @FoxyBluepearl @Theowood27 @FabMeadowflax @BoldLovevine @EarlySkyplant @HighCentro @NotJustAny @Natural @CozyNannyberry @RationalAnacua @TopLimebasil @HipBuffalonut @KeenAjwain @ZealHoyarosita @tcvg @TastefulBlusher @ModelSeagrape @AmazingOrchid @AlwaysSagebush @PureRadish @SugarValleyoak @DeanPaparazzi @OpulentPhalsa @OKIEgrnthmb @FullTreespurge @FabMoneytree @SmartMondograss @TryPalmgrass @YokeGrandfir @PeakCalendula @ComfortableMint @ClassicRaintree @LiteraryBonsi @SuccinctFanmoss @TutorTorgrass @SoulmateNapaea @PunchySedum @SubstantCowvine @PrizeRedpine @HotshotMum @SportCornbind @BigtimeRose @PlantyLady @vosswata @GardenGirl104 @RadCloudberry @TenableCocoplum @UrbaneAtom @CalmOxtongue @ZealOxlip @iTryandTheyDie @BreezyScrubpine @WanderingJew @MermaidGarden @ThoroughWorm @SubstantialTawa @planthoe40 @dreamlettuce @Breathepeace @CalmTobacco @Katrinabrown86 @Natural @Joedestefano @macysplants @pixieandpepper @4AuntTracie @MightyAssamtea @HonoredBluebill @ExactBullmallow @SavantRubberfig @RighteousTule @PrizeBibi @NaturalGlueseed @KindTutsan @Teak-Tree @YardBigfoot @GreenPower @FieryOgreears @NeatBrushbox @ClassyErophaca @HoorayRhodotus @KeenSpanishelm @Mcara825 @GutsyMelittis @YummyVelvetweed @DefiantBetel @FancyGoldenmoss @MightyLemon @BigwigSagopalm @jennysblessed @HuckleBerry @PristineCorncob @BrainyNoognug @HypnoticTukauki @Tella @MorePlants13 @saarrrr82 @AwesomeJuniper @TheLoneWulff @Junglefever @NightBloom @ImmenseKohekohe @SmartAglaonema @HaveABall717 @AdvisableWaxivy @HandyDeerberry @ChicChinarose @miraculousships @J0Y @RefinedKale @CuddlyAvocado @JessSchafer @NiftyFanpalm @UpfrontDisphyma @NodeAbode @Silverpriest135 @BodaciousAgboy @karmynsprops @BambooLover @ZsCoven @izlevi14 @AltruisticTule @KookyCowbane @DivineRose @Moira44george @xadarah @CoreyWindsor @ClubbyRutabaga @StablePersia @Tawnyglowworm @DandyHarebarley @LargeSilktree @lysthewisp @PinkOasis @YiftWaxvine @BeatificBegonia @AngelicChaya @DifferentMahoe @E1 @eadams @e.g.0627 @FabPignut @FourstarEllisia @FerventNeem @GoodyNikkofir @GracedCodiaeum @HealthySkimmia @HortonEarsAWho @iadisonepps @i11279pag @i.likeplants @j0rd4n @j3sslouise @J.Gradient @k0n0pka @K1kayla @k1tty_c0rps3 @k.rdlr @Luvinlife @mad @MaximalDamsii @MellowSunstar @N @n3lli33 @N8 @N.Griesemer1117 @o0alessandra @OarPalace @OasisdeChristy @O.h.p @PeppyFilbert @PurelyEdelweiss @Q @qh06st @qkka @Qtpiestevenson @RadRiberry @roesposy @SavvyHollyfern @SnazzyPalmier @SweetRimu @TactfulJubaea @TraveledHautree @TryComet @ThrilledWinika @UberDewberry @user8caa7fd7 @user77c12a69 @user77c12a69 @usere864cad7 @v0id.the_frog @Vaalrei @V.paquette43 @w0nderstruck13 @w0rmslut @W1ll @WadePlants @Waffle @WaffleButteredGarden @xanhasplants @zachtheplantdaddy @Z0mbieM0uth @zachmicah @13KerrILynn @404beth @7ohdubs @9Liacelestial6 @80twenty @6m1lfLover9 @420pennylane @57gremlinz @333jasiah @2020 @224_dssm @007plantlover @0LC @0nyx @WildlingWitch @SeamlessCat @MyriadMind @Jilliebeanstalk @Ezah @Caffinatedleaf @RadDevilsclub @FastApplemoss @YoungFreesia @JungleDreamer @OpenlyPhlox @Adamas @TotalMostii @Jagfuneral @plantmamma @CalmingRedflax @BabyLeaf @Addicted2plants @GreenHemoglobin @StellarPeanut @mommaky @Hilly99 @SisterLuscious @Shipshapeplants @NeatClusia @bunnyisplanting @Hypsie @Earlsweatpants @DirectRiberry @SilkyCoralbell @budoy @ChosenBulrush @Jessicab @LoyallyMiro @SoulfulMelittis @RichlyBluerose @QueenSunflower @haleyshhmaley @CreativeChisme @FunWaterfern @emmiev123 @ProLuckycoin @DanaLou @Mockmatter @SilentRunning @SwiftKale @ForrealPokaka @ChampBaneberry @TutorTorgrass @JinnysPlants @WhizPeyote @MariaOraliaC @alltheplantsplz @SvelteNeslia @PrudentFicus @GrownCobnut @PertinentLilac @CosmicNeslia @CivilHoupara @RousingCaladium @ETXScrunchyAF @DoyenneBearcorn @HeroicTauhinu @UniquelyJicaro @DashingLichen @PetLagunaria @LaurieJean @CConklin2010 @SpiffyKudulily @Ginasplants @YardHawkswing @theplantkween @NimbleKawakawa @UpholderCobnut @PlayfullyGollum @FunnyCalendula @theplantmama @theplantmami @theplantymammy @tatortot38 @SubstantialTawa @ohellkites @Earlsweatpants @NewBushpoppy @SmartSeaoats @SoulfulMelittis @pelssy @StandupYuzutree @myplantjournal @SteadfastBalsam @JungleDreamer @PlantParentz @BonusChickpea @Inertia40 @LuvinLithops @thingsNstuff @GrandeeTawapou @Urfavplantmom @urfaveplantmami @Lizerbeem @stansrikusland @LucyOasis @WorthyWoreya @RealCogongrass @FunRattleweed @GaietyStarburst @SilkyFanpalm @VehementMangeao @CompleteAlmond @SavvyWildlime @LogicalBluebean @ShiningChaya @WhizWharangi @SavoryTwister @DrivenGreenash @FairGrugrupalm @CourtlyHope @PalpableViszsla @YeahFynbosaloe @GiddyCosmo @RadCineraria @clairsheart @VibrantOrpine @GracedInchworm @PetiteBibi @Plantmomrea @LushColtsfoot @TrustingLukiwan @LeisuredAgboy @MaximalClusia @SunnyAspen @Cnjohnson @ChummyAdelinia @JocundRedsword @QueenCowshorn @SilkyBroom @PurelyRamshorn @PeppyParsley @TiptopMelittis @LivelyKawaka @AnewAnthora @LadyTanekaha @BossWaterlily @LightJade @UrbaneSunbright @allysonwonderland @shopofhorrors @BestWormplant @DirectTawapou @Grandma2nine @BabeVila @SharpKhakiweed @HeyLillie @potsoverplants @UrbaneStomatium @JovialMungbeans @LuckyDamaskrose @ModernGinger @HonestAloevera @lunacat @FastChia @FineDodder @BackupVaseyoak @BackupVaseplant @AngelTobacco @PrimalBasil @SpunkyFuchsia @WillGreenice @CommendableLime @ChampLizardtail @PrizedAppletree @CourtlyTropical @ProlificAgboy @RealTearose @BrightLychee @SilveryOtanthus @HeroPokaka @Juliabelle17 @JocularChichipe @FastWoodvetch @SteadyHopsage @HeadCrassula @UberOrrisroot @PlaygrndLegend @HipGooseberry @ModernDevilsivy @WolfK @TidyBeachplum @GracedMangotree @Heyitsianb @BuffTaciveria @Kip @RousingSilktree @YesScolochloa @GreatQuenepa @PumpedupTwister @FullCamphor @PrinceWoreya @FullMizuna @FabulousKaraka @SturdySeaoxeye @AppealingFicus @ValidPinkcactus @CopiousLacealoe @GrowingPokaka @MajorOakfern @AvidTurkeytail @GoodAloevera @FragrantJubaea @SapientMystax @AbleFlapjacks @SteadyOrchid @SteadyOrchids @SteadyOricad @MelissaPPlants @MatureLungwort @YesStarcactus @SirCoffeetree @SirCoffeebush @AngelPothos @DreamyVaseyoak @HotHeketara @UptodateOlneya @SisterInchworm @SuperbBokchoi @VitalHouseleek @LucidBreadnut @MadiMonstera @silvershasta @PrimaryPlanty @HeirOgreears @HeirBogwillow @GermaneSandwort @MaestroCassava @SupportiveFern @learydarrel @LimberDracaena @LydiaConroy @SherryBerry @QuirkyBluebean @junglejames99 @PoetJunglevine @salami @Gingyhouse @TimelySunburst @Churritosplants @Houseofplants @HonestRadish @pelssy @VividSpinysenna @JoyfulOakmoss @Bplants @haleymae02 @plantstate @Plantstalk @debbiedo @ForeverMandarin @MuscularAgave @Sapphire9 @boldcowparsnip @sdubplanty05 @holybaylaurel @bellamiafarm @deftespostoa @truebluebogarum @richanthora @tiffc0922 @sunshiney121 @uberbeachrose @srarcoralcactus @salienthoya @luxuryjuneplum @hiparticrose @perkyrrdwood @earthymedeola @glossyfreesia @younglemon @hardypinkpoui @herojellycup @aestheticchosmo @plantbeach @sassyarecapalm @officialbulrush @uncommonredvein @traveledredlog @pumpeduplettuce @whizceratiola @socialtorgrass @alicebtokeless @profusepigfern @receptivecactus @yiftscrubpine @yummychiotilla @heylillie @adroitlynoognug @premiercuttings @calmcurlyheads @gentletawa @shrewdwatermint @ericaislife @starredbetel @divineredpagoda @quotablekatsura @astafford @trailingvines @likelyneslia @lucentdeerbrush @dynamicseastock @contentredvein @funwoollythyme @masterdigitfern @concreteguayule @unequivocalpuka @approvingtupeia @quaintlambsear @abundantalbo @perfectborage @blessedswampbay @yiftwormplant @freekapoktree @bigskinny @gorgeouslukiwan @intenseacajou @ebullientblue @tiptopsaguaro @puregasplant @wordsmithkaro @ladyliberal @karadione @jovialbrooklime @brunobarn @calatheachic @undividedrose 47 63 Comments @AwesomePlants · 1Y @Stall54Jo , you are the new WINNER of the #PlantyBoxofGoodies !!! Congrats!! Please send us your address info or fill out the form below. Please submit your shipping info by next 2/2. Gmail email: greggersgive Form: https:// Unfortunately, for the 1st time in the history of #greggivesback #giveaway , we had to select 1 new winner because we hadn't received shipping info in 2 weeks. We'll be adding a deadline in future giveaways to receive address information. Thank ALL y'all #GregGang for participating. 💚 #GregGivesBackGiveaway #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GreggersSupportingGreggers #PlantAddict 20 16 Comments @AwesomePlants · 1Y Checking in again @LoyalCowvine @RootedHardpine ... ...time is running out! ⏳... don't miss out on your #PlantyBoxofGoodies Please send your info to us at by next Tuesday, 1/30, by 12pm EDT otherwise we'll be selecting new winners. TIA 🪴💚 #greggivesback #giveaway 11 17 Comments @AwesomePlants · 1Y @RootedHardpine and @LoyalCowvine Can you please fill out the form so we can get your #greggivesback #PlantyBoxofGoodies packages sent out to you? Or send us your info at https:// 5 6 Comments @AwesomePlants · 1Y New year, who dis'? 🤭 Time to enter #GregGivesBackGiveaway #GregGivesBack #Giveaway for a #PlantBoxofGoodies ! 👩🏿🌾 WHAT: 👩🏿🌾 2 (TWO) boxes will be given on behalf of the Giveaway Squad and the #GregGivesBack project! 🎉 ⏰ WHEN TO ENTER: ⏰ The #giveaway is open NOW, Saturday, January 13, 2024 and will close Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT. 🎉 CHOOSING A WINNER: 🎉 2 names will RANDOMLY be selected for all those that entered the giveaway and announced 1/16!🎉 #Greggers outside the 48 states may not receive a physical box, but will receive some goodies nonetheless. 🤷🏿♀️ HOW TO ENTER: 🤷🏿♀️ How to enter the January 2024 giveaway? ‼️Reply to this post and share: Share some items on your vision board for 2024; it doesn't have to be plant related. So what's IN for 2024 for you?! 🗺️ WHERE: 🗺️ Remember, your official entry must include a reply in this post. Be sure to tag some #GregGang so they know to enter as well!💖 Don't know anyone? Type @ and randomly select someone! ((tagging someone is NOT needed to enter the giveaway)) 💚 How to donate: 💚 The GregGivesBackSquad consists of a few volunteers that love sharing with our fellow Greggers! Want to help out and contribute? We can always use monetary donations as shipping for each box and the contents are fonated by just a few so any donation you'd like to give helps! Please send a note to us at . Thank you! 💚 --- #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #EcoTherapy #crazyplantlady #DealAlert #PlantAddict #PlantingOnABudget #PlantTherapy #GreggersSupportingGreggers #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #FreshLeafFriday #Monstera #Philodendron #HoyaHangout #Hoya --- 🙋🏿♀️ Hiya Plant Friend! Don't miss out on your chance to win a #PlantyBoxofGoodies in the #GregGivesBack #Giveaway !! --- @ManyLime @MrsSmith @LatiTish84 @Indoorgreens @ChummyJadeplant @AliveFishhooks @FunGaillardia @PrimoTauhinu @BrotherlyBlinks @LoyalApplerose @user4871 @GreenGeek @TopDutch @LushRubbervine @greenhouse @SavantEspicia @TricksterAngel @Sanalovesplants @Plant-mom @Maalylondon @NewbieJess @collardamon @PiquantDodder @sopjoew @FieryMexico @ArticulateMoss @Brisleaves @PlantedApart @BotanicalNovice @WiredDaisy @LovablyFittonia @MightyMelon @GaietyOnion @FlexibleFuchsia @Sashby @BonusOnion @MaturePinkball @AssiduousLovage @SuccinctWavycap @AbleCorkelm @HeiressSalsa @AboundingBlue @clairsheart14 @LoyalApplerose @ForeverOcotillo @WinPrenanthes @MoneyedAgboy @AuthenticLoquat @BriskEmoryoak @LovablySeaaster @GemCrabapple @ReallyAster @GnarlyRadish @AdonicTurkshead @MightyCidergum @PioneerRedvein @GracefulMum @PrimalRosarypea @Monicanais @GrowingLentil @RefinedGollum @NimbleSmokebush @TrueCucumber @racheyj02 @ResoluteIvy @ComicArrowroot @KinglyBaibua @PractisedSalad @ChiefGalega @VividMatgrass @OriginalCoccoon @OlympianIvy @Dunksparadise @JoyousMullein @Bejoty1 @NobleCandytuft @MotivatedKaramu @FourstarElkweed @LoyallyOregano @SummeryCowvine @OrganicCobnut @DynamiteMangeao @BackupSweetmint @AffluentialMoss @PerfectPeyote @Positano @NewHawkswing @HelpfulLantana @LithePinebush @LithePineviolet @Plantdaddy1980 @LadyDandelion @FinestHouseleek @AdroitlyCat @WholeCoconut @CurrentMira @ProOakfern @BuddingFivespot @KeyTigerjade @AlertRedbetel @SightlyBlackpea @hollyelaine8 @FacileSedge @LeadWaiuatua @WillAngelmoss @GuruAirpotato @JollyRosilla @wunderkindpeony @silkenstinkhorn @barninja @sizablealbo @topdogveilwort @modeltamarack @vibrantlilac @genuinejicaro @gentletallsedge @statelychamise @vividflax @inspoiltcatnip @alwayskaramu @modeldodder @holylargethyme @strappingmahoe @bentonstarburst @freeruby @zesttamarack @politepigsqueak @heartycornplant @fairyofthevalley @tastyredvein @fastflamelily @funnyworm @dapperbonsai @yernjuniper @persistentchaya @movingblackgem @sharpagavenova @aficionadoplain @jewelledcoleus @joyousbearsear @j_willoughby2 @nguerre @kingpinveilwort @queenie @curiousavacado @zanyhorseapple @leadlemonbalm @kactuskrump @yeahpeacelily @moneyeyedlettuce @flyingnoognug @cheerfullettuce @genialmajoram @studiousbibi @jazzypatchouli @finestzzplant @unerringpepper @affluentquince @champcowpea @tastyhoyajade @foxybogbeam @radsilkvine @neatrhubarb @designersalsaify @copiousgrapeivy @sultrycomet @brawnychinotto @fineluckyjade @darlingcassava @unshakenchamisa @manychickpea @pintsizedfarm @marvelheather @sportyfern @macey @knightlypukatea @mentorcilantro @cuddlygreenash @sapienteggplant @fortunatechaya @caredforalula @exultantkale @melanie78 @funcrowndaisy @whizcrossberry @stoutchojubai @dashinghawthorn @shinysunbright @paulin @healthyprasium @nubs @topredclover @cuddlycentella @boxmonkey @niel777 @dynamicbarley @yeslemonfern @smashingsalal @megongreg @classicaloricad @niceweed @wholehoyalisa @mamat @perfectpinkpoui @maturegray @prominentnoni @brawnycapemay @totallychickpea @breezyfanmoss @crystallicious @goodysweetbasil @jesbeplantin @frost92 @worthymarimo @fastcilantro @famedcoralpea @questerzelkova @stylishoxtongue @soignepegaropa @precisewhitefir @lamsunrize @forrealchia @plant4us @cosmicyellowgum @busykanono @healthybegonia @plantznbirdz @lucentsnowdrop @lightworm @stablewaiuatua @exemplarylithop @sportcorkoak @cleangollum @aproposagarito @keyalmondtree @keenblueberry @preciseseastock @idolmyrtleoak @starchilli @athleticoakfern @exoticphlox @jrebels @contentpilea @prizedwhitefir @fierylakespur @honeyherbs @assuredasterium @dearearthball @savorystrapwort @vastcebense @everlastinglace @richreginairis @braverazorsedge @peacefulblusher @wingedflaxsilk @artistepignut @toadspring @impishseaaster @propermingthing @monstrea @academicpinoak @trywhiterose @deaoneytree @hardyrichweed @immensetrextoes @hunkycidergum @sirjellypalm @plentifulmahoe @rockingarrow @bigtimerichweed @zestfulapple @imposhwolfsmilk @gururedginger @growingblackash @adorablegreen @plantzaddyb @sultryguzmania @brightlecanora @spunkyradish @validwildpansy @juicyonion @directcapeweed @balancedhopsage @eminemtcowbane @corvidfan @perfectpinkpoui @small_ginge @botanistbabe @sillygoose @veryaloe @jrebels @superkma75 @jennaswitz @sarledi @fabrubbercup @a.j. @planthoe40 @promptmullein @fitbrowallia @boymom-plantmom @classroomjungle @ted @sunnyw @laneylemelhaz @poshcardoon @analoou @mrgncrch @andymm146 @planthippie00 @greeneryaddict @plantladychar @hotbreadnut @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @TwistedThreads @Hypsie @dreamlettuce @melodey @Teapott73 @meggy @tmbryant37 @OKIEgrnthmb @ManyLime @Sassylimey @ccrocco @Katrinabrown86 @Theplantypony @Kaleyeeaah @Ellasoasis89 @LatiTish84 @TJphilobsessed @Vjunc @CalmTobacco @ForFoxSake @Breathepeace @Natural @SoothingBogbean @suppptate @zay @lorenski3600 @Joedestefano @Blau_Ozean @AggroResting @malobee @silverlinings @AnnMarie420 @macysplants @MrsSmith @Indoorgreens @Cerberusofmars @Megongreg @planthoe40 @TruthfulApricot @Plantasencasita @EvocativePalqui @TexanExpat @Beeps @FoxyWarnockia @WickedValkyrie @tango @clairsheart @RinnyK @SpikeKing19 @BunnyBooty @Plantmom100 @SublimeCorncob @Plantmomma3 @PlantLoverLily @PetLovage @CuteDewberry @UnblemishedAtom @starly @ModernBoxholly @SoigneLettuce @ProbableYuzu @AroidApothecary @HeartyRhombus @heartleigh @Heartling @HeartyNeslia @PeachBlossoms @PunchyKalopanax @RadArrowhead @itsfabiii @ChosenBlueberry @ChosenBaybean @JocularLovevine @SilkenSaguaro @TrustingRedcap @GodlyChia @PreciseOrchids @PreciseCorkelm @Hilly99 @PlantEuphoria @Cheella @MuttWubur @GatherandGrow @TitanicMyagrum @TrichomeKing @PlantNerds @allsnn @abigailbrianne @AidanD @BlairBear @BeesZenGarden @Bev1026 @willbur @brynsome @brook.davis @brandtygreen @Bsquared @Camillering3 @CyberSpider @Corbalicious @Chelleree @Carlyallison @Dgracieh @DudeNamedDaniel @Dcook @danikabananika @Danib22 @Danielluh @Ellasoasis89 @eyeleash @Eschmeltz @emitchell @ejm1048 @Emmylou22 @FitSedum @Foxifly @Fabiha5 @GiftofGabby @Garrbog @grace.gillum @Hop @Indi29 @isaaaaa @isasgarden @JenHowell @Jilliebeanstalk @Jordankp2001 @jojoplants @Karaboo93 @kraigparkinson @LovingSunnyAZ @PeacefulBohoBby @lilygerow @Laureninportland @megsplants @Noodleslikesbutter @Nixon214 @Nicobenge @Olli.exe_ @izziemac @owenpolz @PlantyGoddess @pdubs55 @prisgoh @paigedelaney @QueenLaureen @Queenofthecows @QueenKandice @Rawaterman @rileycoleman @reiplants @swizzles @stephnicole @SilasOwO @TinaRedchic @Tewiewiora @ShibaSunroom @teebeetbh @userc8bc3b45 @uyeend @user7e582c5e @UnspoiltAster @user20f7cf44 @user7f4f3c63 @UtherPendragon @ungreenthumb @vvvelo @VvMiMivV @Veedoe22 @volakojo @vanevega @valmccauley56 @vanity @vanity @Lynnelovzplantz @Lynn775 @Camron @Nachogirl @PoisonIvy2 @aaronpeter @plantingideas @jaysjungle @FitSedum @AnewSnowflower @gerardo @yogijos @superblylilac @eringrins @laugravity @geniusramsons @kimtownsend686 @mrsfarrington @wingeddionysos @kingjuiiceart @ChummyPlantMum @Lovelyyuniverse @Breathepeace @BlairBear @willbur @reiplants @PlantyGoddess @PeacefulBohoBby @Katrinabrown86 @HeartyRhombus @VvMiMivV @xellaluvsplants @ShibaSunroom @Ellasoasis89 @ccrocco @gcilluffo @quinnprice @Quan @rubyvee @AwakeRaspfern @Queenlerica @CalmTobacco @Mossflowerwood @Teapott73 @TexanExpat @TheGoodWench @Yvonneplant @YamilC @uwakidris @Inggy101 @iveecandelaria @FoxyWarnockia @faethisx @ImmenseTrextoes @ziarauhh @vanessaledezmaa @Vantoune @Alfredsplanet @HumblePeperomia @clairsheart @GratefulPNWgirl @DeliberateIvy @CivicHorminum @GuruSatinwood @QuietButterwort @CopiousBeans @OrganicBonsai @tereasa7 @PeppyKale @YokeStingray @CoolHorsemint @MarvelMonstera @SnakePerson9 @FullBetel @CapCarter @ForrealMedeola @AbleLilliput @SelflessSaguaro @KnowingCapeweed @HappyBluepearl @WinTitoki @WiseWychelm @GoldPeanut @VividSilktree @MJplants @GenialEllisia @ChampTreeheath @YummySkyplant @BrilliantChisme @DreamyGasteria @UberRuby @PredominantMum @FetchingMakura @SizzlingBoneset @GutsyMiro @BlamelessEndive @ReveredPeanut @MarkedBoxholly @SaluteHeartleaf @SizableLuscious @YardBrownbirch @UniqueAcajou @Justa @BonusSweetsop @FacileKeylime @LikableMarjoram @RoundIronweed @TalentedIvy @HolySunstar @YummyBeech @AmberEhle @UntroubledHoya @YiftNapaea @PeppyOregonash @CrucialChosmo @MasterOlivetree @LoyallyLuronium @DinkumAjídulce @Amyupnorth @FoxyBluepearl @Theowood27 @FabMeadowflax @BoldLovevine @EarlySkyplant @HighCentro @NotJustAny @Natural @CozyNannyberry @RationalAnacua @TopLimebasil @HipBuffalonut @KeenAjwain @ZealHoyarosita @tcvg @TastefulBlusher @ModelSeagrape @AmazingOrchid @AlwaysSagebush @PureRadish @SugarValleyoak @DeanPaparazzi @OpulentPhalsa @OKIEgrnthmb @FullTreespurge @FabMoneytree @SmartMondograss @TryPalmgrass @YokeGrandfir @PeakCalendula @ComfortableMint @ClassicRaintree @LiteraryBonsi @SuccinctFanmoss @TutorTorgrass @SoulmateNapaea @PunchySedum @SubstantCowvine @PrizeRedpine @HotshotMum @SportCornbind @BigtimeRose @PlantyLady @vosswata @GardenGirl104 @RadCloudberry @TenableCocoplum @UrbaneAtom @CalmOxtongue @ZealOxlip @iTryandTheyDie @BreezyScrubpine @WanderingJew @MermaidGarden @ThoroughWorm @SubstantialTawa @planthoe40 @dreamlettuce @Breathepeace @CalmTobacco @Katrinabrown86 @Natural @Joedestefano @macysplants @pixieandpepper @4AuntTracie @MightyAssamtea @HonoredBluebill @ExactBullmallow @SavantRubberfig @RighteousTule @PrizeBibi @NaturalGlueseed @KindTutsan @Teak-Tree @YardBigfoot @GreenPower @FieryOgreears @NeatBrushbox @ClassyErophaca @HoorayRhodotus @KeenSpanishelm @Mcara825 @GutsyMelittis @YummyVelvetweed @DefiantBetel @FancyGoldenmoss @MightyLemon @BigwigSagopalm @jennysblessed @HuckleBerry @PristineCorncob @BrainyNoognug @HypnoticTukauki @Tella @MorePlants13 @saarrrr82 @AwesomeJuniper @TheLoneWulff @Junglefever @NightBloom @ImmenseKohekohe @SmartAglaonema @HaveABall717 @AdvisableWaxivy @HandyDeerberry @ChicChinarose @miraculousships @J0Y @RefinedKale @CuddlyAvocado @JessSchafer @NiftyFanpalm @UpfrontDisphyma @NodeAbode @Silverpriest135 @BodaciousAgboy @karmynsprops @BambooLover @ZsCoven @izlevi14 @AltruisticTule @KookyCowbane @DivineRose @Moira44george @xadarah @CoreyWindsor @ClubbyRutabaga @StablePersia @Tawnyglowworm @DandyHarebarley @LargeSilktree @lysthewisp @PinkOasis @YiftWaxvine @BeatificBegonia @AngelicChaya @DifferentMahoe @E1 @eadams @e.g.0627 @FabPignut @FourstarEllisia @FerventNeem @GoodyNikkofir @GracedCodiaeum @HealthySkimmia @HortonEarsAWho @iadisonepps @i11279pag @i.likeplants @j0rd4n @j3sslouise @J.Gradient @k0n0pka @K1kayla @k1tty_c0rps3 @k.rdlr @Luvinlife @mad @MaximalDamsii @MellowSunstar @N @n3lli33 @N8 @N.Griesemer1117 @o0alessandra @OarPalace @OasisdeChristy @O.h.p @PeppyFilbert @PurelyEdelweiss @Q @qh06st @qkka @Qtpiestevenson @RadRiberry @roesposy @SavvyHollyfern @SnazzyPalmier @SweetRimu @TactfulJubaea @TraveledHautree @TryComet @ThrilledWinika @UberDewberry @user8caa7fd7 @user77c12a69 @user77c12a69 @usere864cad7 @v0id.the_frog @Vaalrei @V.paquette43 @w0nderstruck13 @w0rmslut @W1ll @WadePlants @Waffle @WaffleButteredGarden @xanhasplants @zachtheplantdaddy @Z0mbieM0uth @zachmicah @13KerrILynn @404beth @7ohdubs @9Liacelestial6 @80twenty @6m1lfLover9 @420pennylane @57gremlinz @333jasiah @2020 @224_dssm @007plantlover @0LC @0nyx @WildlingWitch @SeamlessCat @MyriadMind @Jilliebeanstalk @Ezah @Caffinatedleaf @RadDevilsclub @FastApplemoss @YoungFreesia @JungleDreamer @OpenlyPhlox @Adamas @TotalMostii @Jagfuneral @plantmamma @CalmingRedflax @BabyLeaf @Addicted2plants @GreenHemoglobin @MagicTurtle @mommaky @Hilly99 @SisterLuscious @Shipshapeplants @NeatClusia @bunnyisplanting @Hypsie @Earlsweatpants @DirectRiberry @SilkyCoralbell @budoy @ChosenBulrush @Jessicab @LoyallyMiro @SoulfulMelittis @RichlyBluerose @QueenSunflower @haleyshhmaley @CreativeChisme @FunWaterfern @emmiev123 @ProLuckycoin @DanaLou @Mockmatter @SilentRunning @SwiftKale @ForrealPokaka @ChampBaneberry @TutorTorgrass @JinnysPlants @WhizPeyote @MariaOraliaC @alltheplantsplz @SvelteNeslia @PrudentFicus @GrownCobnut @PertinentLilac @CosmicNeslia @CivilHoupara @RousingCaladium @ETXScrunchyAF @DoyenneBearcorn @HeroicTauhinu @UniquelyJicaro @DashingLichen @PetLagunaria @LaurieJean @CConklin2010 @SpiffyKudulily @Ginasplants @YardHawkswing @theplantkween @NimbleKawakawa @UpholderCobnut @PlayfullyGollum @FunnyCalendula @theplantmama @theplantmami @theplantymammy @tatortot38 @SubstantialTawa @ohellkites @Earlsweatpants @NewBushpoppy @SmartSeaoats @SoulfulMelittis @pelssy @StandupYuzutree @myplantjournal @SteadfastBalsam @JungleDreamer @PlantParentz @BonusChickpea @Inertia40 @LuvinLithops @thingsNstuff @GrandeeTawapou @Urfavplantmom @urfaveplantmami @Lizerbeem @stansrikusland @LucyOasis @WorthyWoreya @RealCogongrass @FunRattleweed @GaietyStarburst @SilkyFanpalm @VehementMangeao @CompleteAlmond @SavvyWildlime @LogicalBluebean @ShiningChaya @WhizWharangi @SavoryTwister @DrivenGreenash @FairGrugrupalm @CourtlyHope @PalpableViszsla @YeahFynbosaloe @GiddyCosmo @RadCineraria @clairsheart @VibrantOrpine @GracedInchworm @PetiteBibi @Plantmomrea @LushColtsfoot @TrustingLukiwan @LeisuredAgboy @MaximalClusia @SunnyAspen @Cnjohnson @ChummyAdelinia @JocundRedsword @QueenCowshorn @SilkyBroom @PurelyRamshorn @PeppyParsley @TiptopMelittis @LivelyKawaka @AnewAnthora @LadyTanekaha @BossWaterlily @LightJade @UrbaneSunbright @allysonwonderland @shopofhorrors @BestWormplant @DirectTawapou @Grandma2nine @BabeVila @SharpKhakiweed @HeyLillie @potsoverplants @UrbaneStomatium @JovialMungbeans @LuckyDamaskrose @ModernGinger @HonestAloevera @lunacat @FastChia @FineDodder @BackupVaseyoak @BackupVaseplant @AngelTobacco @PrimalBasil @SpunkyFuchsia @WillGreenice @CommendableLime @ChampLizardtail @PrizedAppletree @CourtlyTropical @ProlificAgboy @RealTearose @BrightLychee @SilveryOtanthus @HeroPokaka @Juliabelle17 @JocularChichipe @FastWoodvetch @SteadyHopsage @HeadCrassula @UberOrrisroot @PlaygrndLegend @HipGooseberry @ModernDevilsivy @WolfK @TidyBeachplum @GracedMangotree @Heyitsianb @BuffTaciveria @Kip @RousingSilktree @YesScolochloa @GreatQuenepa @PumpedupTwister @FullCamphor @PrinceWoreya @FullMizuna @FabulousKaraka @SturdySeaoxeye @AppealingFicus @ValidPinkcactus @CopiousLacealoe @GrowingPokaka @MajorOakfern @AvidTurkeytail @GoodAloevera @FragrantJubaea @SapientMystax @AbleFlapjacks @SteadyOrchid @SteadyOrchids @SteadyOricad @MelissaPPlants @MatureLungwort @YesStarcactus @SirCoffeetree @SirCoffeebush @Classyamy @DreamyVaseyoak @HotHeketara @UptodateOlneya @SisterInchworm @SuperbBokchoi @VitalHouseleek @LucidBreadnut @MadiMonstera @silvershasta @PrimaryPlanty @HeirOgreears @HeirBogwillow @GermaneSandwort @MaestroCassava @SupportiveFern @learydarrel @LimberDracaena @LydiaConroy @SherryBerry @QuirkyBluebean @junglejames99 @PoetJunglevine @salami @Gingyhouse @TimelySunburst @Churritosplants @Houseofplants @HonestRadish @pelssy @VividSpinysenna @JoyfulOakmoss @Bplants @haleymae02 @plantstate @Plantstalk @debbiedo @ForeverMandarin @MuscularAgave @Sapphire9 @givingstingray @youthfulransoms @groovygreenbark @KeenHeketara @peachdust @snappywormseed @highpalafoxia @yokewavecactus @wyn @limberkohleria @dandybucaneve @sonoransonora @overseerpuka @fancywaxplant @beefyjavamoss @exuberantpansy @peacefulclusia @puregabisan @keensalsify @providermelon @primarycatbrier @promisingcosmo @mydoggies2 @chicgalingale @blazingramarama @busyironweed @hardysedge @realtorheidi @newbottlesedge @validtigeraloe @masterhoupara @fleshclubcoral @petpoisonbulb @goldenwhitefir @cordialmangeao @famedchayote @gideon @bbeckers @hotwodyetia @aleenatudahl @breezyyuztree @quicklsepepper @centralredash @goddessrockfig @goldoxlip @hotshotramarama @wellmeaningbibi @beefyonionweed @coollenophyllum @bluebladeliger @supernalcobnut @lehhliee @gladsilversage @abundantasarina @ambassadorcat @monsteramaniac @coherenthoupara @bentonrosemoss @galadwhen @masterfivespot @ladymarigold @zanybacchus @facilemaitake @godlypincherry @smoothficusruby @anonmilya @innocentwavycap @showyotanhus @wingedorchids @toprattleweed @matchlesscashew @eternalkawaka @indoorfaegarden @modestwormseed @kerstypoo @mdov @raylgard @bunnydtazzy @tropicaldesert @fairlacefern @bullishgreenash @naturedood @zingybogwillow @humanepersia @LavishCatpalm @HeadWhitegenepì @KookyVelvetleaf @HoorayWaxflower @ballondusoleil @RefinedSandwort @symmetricAlbibi @joysomeredbush @bookishgarden @RegalChilli @Themyscira @love4plants @curses @plantergal @coox @babevila @firstmahoe @IdealGermanivy @justplaindee @AboundingLlavea @rainbowfairy @directmaylily @moreplants13 @giftedpeyote @radcherryred @plantergal @CaitlinWatson00 @silkycamphor @StunningRedhill @bunny413 @peachdust @pachyfaeria 53 143 Comments @AwesomePlants · 1Y Do you need #PlantyAdultSupervision when you see something #Planty in the store? ~~> 🙋🏿♀️ <~~ apparently this #crazyplantlady does. Checkout your #DollarTree for planty tablecloths. I may have bought all the ones in store to stock up for next year. 🤭🤷🏿♀️ #EcoTherapy #PlantyBoxofGoodies #PlantingOnABudget #PlantAddict #DealAlert #PlantsMakePeopleHappy 7 1 Comments @AwesomePlants · 1Y #GregGivesBackGiveaway #GregGivesBack #Giveaway Winners 🎉 http:// Thank you to everyone that participated and submitted #PlantJokes and #plantmemes ! We used Wheel of names to randomly select 4 entry usernames. ...and the winners are...🥁🥁🥁 @KDkat3 @Nathaliezyx4 (Int'l-giftcard) @Carebears @Little_Dude @Propa Congrats!!! 🎉 Please use this link so we can send you your #PlantyBoxofGoodies ! https:// --- Original Entry Post: https:// #plantfriendsarethebestfriends #PlantAddict #CactusClique #PhiloFlock #Philodendron #PlantsMakePeopleHappy 26 39 Comments @AwesomePlants · 1Y FREE #PlantyBoxofGoodies ! Did you enter the #GregGivesBackGiveaway #GregGivesBack #Giveaway yet?! We're giving away 4 (FOUR) #PlantyBoxofGoodies !! Reply to the original post to enter: https:// Entries for the May Giveaway close 11:59 pm EDT, Sunday, 5/14 #PlantingOnABudget #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #HappyPlants #CactusClique #Philodendron #PhiloFlock #plantfriendsarethebestfriends #DealAlert 8 4 Comments See prior posts
PlantyBoxofGoodies Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 33 29 I was so excited to be one of the #GregGivesBackWinners for Greg’s 18 month birthday #GiveAway. I appreciate @AwesomePlants and all the #GregGivesBack team for the #PlantyBoxOfGoodies yesterday, it was wonderful. So many great things in one box, amazing. I can’t wait to use it all; thank you so much!! Note: the plant inside the mug is mine and of course I popped her inside the mug, because that is now her home. 😂 💚💚🌿🌱🌵💚💚 #BestAppOnTheInternet #PlantMafia #GregGang #PlantMail #EZLenny #CateKills #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict @EZLennyLance posted 8M ago 19 18 It’s here!!!! My #greggivesback #PlantyBoxofGoodies came today from the #HalfBirthday #giveaway 🤩💚🌿 Y’all, this box has SO MUCH GOOD STUFF! I love every single bit of it and am so unbelievably thankful!! From the Monstera growing kit, to the different substrates to try and sprayer, to the planty earrings and pop socket, perfect planty stickers and adorable mug! I can’t wait to use the trellises as well. And the garden flag is totally going by my potting work station my husband built me 🤗 I am so excited to try out and use all of this! Thank you so much!! And look at @AwesomePlants packaging on this! How freaking adorable!🥰💚🌿 #GregGivesBackWinners @AmusingRedhill posted 8M ago 21 11 OMG what a lovely surprise to receive a beautiful #plantyboxofgoodies today 🤩 I'm so thrilled and excited, it took me an hour to unpack all the wonderful gifts #giveaway 🎁 my sofa was covered with cool plant gifts 🙃 I feel very blessed and privileged to be one of #greggivesbackwinners Thank you so much to all of the Greg Gives Back Squad ❤️ Y'all are AWESOME 🥰 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #greggers #greggerssupportinggreggers #sarahsgrove #crazyplantlady @Sassylimey posted 8M ago 47 63 It's #GregGivesBack #GIVEAWAY TIME! Sometimes I look around and I realize that I have certain plants that tell MY STORY! For instance: I have a Florida Ghost. In 2022, IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! It was a plant to be envied; it was a single, dainty stem with mint green leaves and COMPLETELY WHITE LEAVES. It seemed like the perfect #Wishlist plant. (First Picture) Then, I had a TOTAL life-change. I’m not gonna lie: 2023 was ROUGH. (Second Picture) Some days, I felt like death warmed over and I felt very bare. No beautiful leaves, no perfect foliage … just an ugly stem. Finally, I decided to do some pruning in my life. Pruning can hurt. I took the ugly stem of my once beautiful Ghost and I cut it in half. I gave my plant new soil and a new location. Now, (Picture Three) I have SEVEN new points of growth and the beginnings of EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL LEAVES! Sometimes when it seems that all is lost, it’s just time to do some pruning so you have a chance to grow even more! If you would like to enter the February #Giveaway let us know about a plant that tells YOUR story. Comment below so we can all be inspired by your #HappyPlant and feel good or even partner with you for some #PlantTherapy if you are in a tough season #NotSoHappyPlant) You can get others involved by tagging them because we all know that we are all a part of the #GregFam and #PlantsMakePeopleHappy! Don’t know anyone? Just hit the “@” and select a name or twelve!! The #giveaway is open NOW, Wednesday, February 14, 2024 and will close Thursday, February 15 at 5:00 CST. A #GregGivesBackWinner will be drawn at random and announced on Thursday. Be sure to follow our #GregGivesBack and #GregGivesBackWinners and #GregGivesBackWinner tags to stay posted! WHO CAN ENTER: any #PlantAddict and EVERYONE, including our international friends and #TimeTravelers! #Greggers outside the 48 States may not receive a physical box, but will definitely receive some goodies nonetheless. We ask that if you have won in the past, please tag as many other people as you can so they have a chance to win as well. WHEN TO ENTER: NOW!! HURRY! HOW TO ENTER: Drop a comment below with a picture of your plant that tells YOUR story. CHOOSING A WINNER: A winner will be chosen at random by our Magic Wheel with all the usernames from the completed entries. Previous winners cannot win this time, but we would still love to see your comments! The selected winner will have seven days to get his or her information to us by email: If we do not receive a response, another winner will be chosen. This #Giveaway has been put together by the Giveaway Squad and donations from Y’ALL!! Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in spreading joy and smiles and plants! Please email us to find out how you can participate in the NEXT giveaway! Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to reach out to the Giveaway Squad anytime by shooting us an email at Thanks #plantamigos! We love you and we love #HappyPlants and even #NotSoHappyPlants 😉 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #PetsAndPlants #NewPlantMom #OrchidLovers #PlantCorner #RarePlants #OutdoorGrowing #PlantGraveyard #PlantLove #WeirdPlants #BestAppEver #PlantFriendsAreTheBestFriends #GregGiveaway #HappyPlants #NotSoHappyPlants #GreggersSupportingGreggers Don't miss out on your chance to win a #PlantyBoxofGoodies in the #GregGivesBack #Giveaway !! --- @ManyLime @MrsSmith @LatiTish84 @Indoorgreens @ChummyJadeplant @AliveFishhooks @FunGaillardia @PrimoTauhinu @BrotherlyBlinks @LoyalApplerose @user4871 @GreenGeek @TopDutch @LushRubbervine @greenhouse @SavantEspicia @TricksterAngel @Sanalovesplants @Plant-mom @Maalylondon @NewbieJess @collardamon @PiquantDodder @sopjoew @FieryMexico @ArticulateMoss @Brisleaves @PlantedApart @BotanicalNovice @WiredDaisy @LovablyFittonia @MightyMelon @GaietyOnion @FlexibleFuchsia @Sashby @BonusOnion @MaturePinkball @AssiduousLovage @SuccinctWavycap @AbleCorkelm @HeiressSalsa @AboundingBlue @clairsheart14 @LoyalApplerose @ForeverOcotillo @WinPrenanthes @MoneyedAgboy @AuthenticLoquat @BriskEmoryoak @LovablySeaaster @GemCrabapple @ReallyAster @GnarlyRadish @AdonicTurkshead @MightyCidergum @PioneerRedvein @GracefulMum @PrimalRosarypea @Monicanais @GrowingLentil @RefinedGollum @NimbleSmokebush @TrueCucumber @racheyj02 @ResoluteIvy @ComicArrowroot @KinglyBaibua @PractisedSalad @ChiefGalega @VividMatgrass @OriginalCoccoon @OlympianIvy @Dunksparadise @JoyousMullein @Bejoty1 @NobleCandytuft @MotivatedKaramu @FourstarElkweed @LoyallyOregano @SummeryCowvine @OrganicCobnut @DynamiteMangeao @BackupSweetmint @AffluentialMoss @PerfectPeyote @Positano @NewHawkswing @HelpfulLantana @LithePinebush @LithePineviolet @Plantdaddy1980 @LadyDandelion @FinestHouseleek @AdroitlyCat @WholeCoconut @CurrentMira @ProOakfern @BuddingFivespot @KeyTigerjade @AlertRedbetel @SightlyBlackpea @hollyelaine8 @FacileSedge @LeadWaiuatua @WillAngelmoss @GuruAirpotato @JollyRosilla @wunderkindpeony @silkenstinkhorn @barninja @sizablealbo @topdogveilwort @modeltamarack @vibrantlilac @genuinejicaro @gentletallsedge @statelychamise @vividflax @inspoiltcatnip @alwayskaramu @modeldodder @holylargethyme @strappingmahoe @bentonstarburst @freeruby @zesttamarack @politepigsqueak @heartycornplant @fairyofthevalley @tastyredvein @fastflamelily @funnyworm @dapperbonsai @yernjuniper @persistentchaya @movingblackgem @sharpagavenova @aficionadoplain @jewelledcoleus @joyousbearsear @j_willoughby2 @nguerre @kingpinveilwort @queenie @curiousavacado @zanyhorseapple @leadlemonbalm @kactuskrump @yeahpeacelily @moneyeyedlettuce @flyingnoognug @cheerfullettuce @genialmajoram @studiousbibi @jazzypatchouli @finestzzplant @unerringpepper @affluentquince @champcowpea @tastyhoyajade @foxybogbeam @radsilkvine @neatrhubarb @designersalsaify @copiousgrapeivy @sultrycomet @brawnychinotto @fineluckyjade @darlingcassava @unshakenchamisa @manychickpea @pintsizedfarm @marvelheather @sportyfern @macey @knightlypukatea @mentorcilantro @cuddlygreenash @sapienteggplant @fortunatechaya @caredforalula @exultantkale @melanie78 @funcrowndaisy @whizcrossberry @stoutchojubai @dashinghawthorn @shinysunbright @paulin @healthyprasium @nubs @topredclover @cuddlycentella @boxmonkey @niel777 @dynamicbarley @yeslemonfern @smashingsalal @megongreg @classicaloricad @niceweed @wholehoyalisa @mamat @perfectpinkpoui @maturegray @prominentnoni @brawnycapemay @totallychickpea @breezyfanmoss @crystallicious @goodysweetbasil @jesbeplantin @frost92 @worthymarimo @fastcilantro @famedcoralpea @questerzelkova @stylishoxtongue @soignepegaropa @precisewhitefir @lamsunrize @forrealchia @plant4us @cosmicyellowgum @busykanono @healthybegonia @plantznbirdz @lucentsnowdrop @lightworm @stablewaiuatua @exemplarylithop @sportcorkoak @cleangollum @aproposagarito @keyalmondtree @keenblueberry @preciseseastock @idolmyrtleoak @starchilli @athleticoakfern @exoticphlox @jrebels @contentpilea @prizedwhitefir @fierylakespur @honeyherbs @assuredasterium @dearearthball @savorystrapwort @vastcebense @everlastinglace @richreginairis @braverazorsedge @peacefulblusher @wingedflaxsilk @artistepignut @toadspring @impishseaaster @propermingthing @monstrea @academicpinoak @trywhiterose @deaoneytree @hardyrichweed @immensetrextoes @hunkycidergum @sirjellypalm @plentifulmahoe @rockingarrow @bigtimerichweed @zestfulapple @imposhwolfsmilk @gururedginger @growingblackash @adorablegreen @plantzaddyb @sultryguzmania @brightlecanora @spunkyradish @validwildpansy @juicyonion @directcapeweed @balancedhopsage @eminemtcowbane @corvidfan @perfectpinkpoui @small_ginge @botanistbabe @sillygoose @veryaloe @jrebels @superkma75 @jennaswitz @sarledi @fabrubbercup @a.j. @planthoe40 @promptmullein @fitbrowallia @boymom-plantmom @classroomjungle @ted @sunnyw @laneylemelhaz @poshcardoon @analoou @mrgncrch @andymm146 @planthippie00 @greeneryaddict @plantladychar @hotbreadnut @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @TwistedThreads @Hypsie @dreamlettuce @melodey @Teapott73 @meggy @tmbryant37 @OKIEgrnthmb @ManyLime @Sassylimey @ccrocco @Katrinabrown86 @Theplantypony @Kaleyeeaah @Ellasoasis89 @LatiTish84 @TJphilobsessed @Vjunc @CalmTobacco @ForFoxSake @Breathepeace @Natural @SoothingBogbean @suppptate @zay @lorenski3600 @Joedestefano @Blau_Ozean @AggroResting @malobee @silverlinings @AnnMarie420 @macysplants @MrsSmith @Indoorgreens @Cerberusofmars @Megongreg @planthoe40 @TruthfulApricot @Plantasencasita @EvocativePalqui @TexanExpat @Beeps @FoxyWarnockia @WickedValkyrie @tango @clairsheart @RinnyK @SpikeKing19 @BunnyBooty @Plantmom100 @SublimeCorncob @Plantmomma3 @PlantLoverLily @PetLovage @CuteDewberry @UnblemishedAtom @starly @ModernBoxholly @SoigneLettuce @ProbableYuzu @AroidApothecary @HeartyRhombus @heartleigh @Heartling @HeartyNeslia @PeachBlossoms @PunchyKalopanax @RadArrowhead @itsfabiii @ChosenBlueberry @ChosenBaybean @JocularLovevine @SilkenSaguaro @TrustingRedcap @GodlyChia @PreciseOrchids @PreciseCorkelm @Hilly99 @PlantEuphoria @Cheella @MuttWubur @GatherandGrow @TitanicMyagrum @TrichomeKing @PlantNerds @allsnn @abigailbrianne @AidanD @BlairBear @BeesZenGarden @Bev1026 @willbur @brynsome @brook.davis @brandtygreen @Bsquared @Camillering3 @CyberSpider @Corbalicious @Chelleree @Carlyallison @Dgracieh @DudeNamedDaniel @Dcook @danikabananika @Danib22 @Danielluh @Ellasoasis89 @eyeleash @Eschmeltz @emitchell @ejm1048 @Emmylou22 @FitSedum @Foxifly @Fabiha5 @GiftofGabby @Garrbog @grace.gillum @Hop @Indi29 @isaaaaa @isasgarden @JenHowell @Jilliebeanstalk @Jordankp2001 @jojoplants @Karaboo93 @kraigparkinson @LovingSunnyAZ @PeacefulBohoBby @lilygerow @Laureninportland @megsplants @Noodleslikesbutter @Nixon214 @Nicobenge @Olli.exe_ @izziemac @owenpolz @PlantyGoddess @pdubs55 @prisgoh @paigedelaney @QueenLaureen @Queenofthecows @QueenKandice @Rawaterman @rileycoleman @reiplants @swizzles @stephnicole @SilasOwO @TinaRedchic @Tewiewiora @ShibaSunroom @teebeetbh @userc8bc3b45 @uyeend @user7e582c5e @UnspoiltAster @user20f7cf44 @user7f4f3c63 @UtherPendragon @ungreenthumb @vvvelo @VvMiMivV @Veedoe22 @volakojo @vanevega @valmccauley56 @vanity @vanity @Lynnelovzplantz @Lynn775 @Camron @Nachogirl @PoisonIvy2 @aaronpeter @plantingideas @jaysjungle @FitSedum @AnewSnowflower @gerardo @yogijos @superblylilac @eringrins @laugravity @geniusramsons @kimtownsend686 @mrsfarrington @wingeddionysos @kingjuiiceart @ChummyPlantMum @Lovelyyuniverse @Breathepeace @BlairBear @willbur @reiplants @PlantyGoddess @PeacefulBohoBby @Katrinabrown86 @HeartyRhombus @VvMiMivV @xellaluvsplants @ShibaSunroom @Ellasoasis89 @ccrocco @gcilluffo @quinnprice @Quan @rubyvee @AwakeRaspfern @Queenlerica @CalmTobacco @Mossflowerwood @Teapott73 @TexanExpat @TheGoodWench @Yvonneplant @YamilC @uwakidris @Inggy101 @iveecandelaria @FoxyWarnockia @faethisx @ImmenseTrextoes @ziarauhh @vanessaledezmaa @Vantoune @Alfredsplanet @HumblePeperomia @clairsheart @GratefulPNWgirl @DeliberateIvy @CivicHorminum @GuruSatinwood @QuietButterwort @CopiousBeans @OrganicBonsai @tereasa7 @PeppyKale @YokeStingray @CoolHorsemint @MarvelMonstera @SnakePerson9 @FullBetel @CapCarter @ForrealMedeola @AbleLilliput @SelflessSaguaro @KnowingCapeweed @HappyBluepearl @WinTitoki @WiseWychelm @GoldPeanut @VividSilktree @MJplants @GenialEllisia @ChampTreeheath @YummySkyplant @BrilliantChisme @DreamyGasteria @UberRuby @PredominantMum @FetchingMakura @SizzlingBoneset @GutsyMiro @BlamelessEndive @ReveredPeanut @MarkedBoxholly @SaluteHeartleaf @SizableLuscious @YardBrownbirch @UniqueAcajou @Justa @BonusSweetsop @FacileKeylime @LikableMarjoram @RoundIronweed @TalentedIvy @HolySunstar @YummyBeech @AmberEhle @UntroubledHoya @YiftNapaea @PeppyOregonash @CrucialChosmo @MasterOlivetree @LoyallyLuronium @DinkumAjídulce @Amyupnorth @FoxyBluepearl @Theowood27 @FabMeadowflax @BoldLovevine @EarlySkyplant @HighCentro @NotJustAny @Natural @CozyNannyberry @RationalAnacua @TopLimebasil @HipBuffalonut @KeenAjwain @ZealHoyarosita @tcvg @TastefulBlusher @ModelSeagrape @AmazingOrchid @AlwaysSagebush @PureRadish @SugarValleyoak @DeanPaparazzi @OpulentPhalsa @OKIEgrnthmb @FullTreespurge @FabMoneytree @SmartMondograss @TryPalmgrass @YokeGrandfir @PeakCalendula @ComfortableMint @ClassicRaintree @LiteraryBonsi @SuccinctFanmoss @TutorTorgrass @SoulmateNapaea @PunchySedum @SubstantCowvine @PrizeRedpine @HotshotMum @SportCornbind @BigtimeRose @PlantyLady @vosswata @GardenGirl104 @RadCloudberry @TenableCocoplum @UrbaneAtom @CalmOxtongue @ZealOxlip @iTryandTheyDie @BreezyScrubpine @WanderingJew @MermaidGarden @ThoroughWorm @SubstantialTawa @planthoe40 @dreamlettuce @Breathepeace @CalmTobacco @Katrinabrown86 @Natural @Joedestefano @macysplants @pixieandpepper @4AuntTracie @MightyAssamtea @HonoredBluebill @ExactBullmallow @SavantRubberfig @RighteousTule @PrizeBibi @NaturalGlueseed @KindTutsan @Teak-Tree @YardBigfoot @GreenPower @FieryOgreears @NeatBrushbox @ClassyErophaca @HoorayRhodotus @KeenSpanishelm @Mcara825 @GutsyMelittis @YummyVelvetweed @DefiantBetel @FancyGoldenmoss @MightyLemon @BigwigSagopalm @jennysblessed @HuckleBerry @PristineCorncob @BrainyNoognug @HypnoticTukauki @Tella @MorePlants13 @saarrrr82 @AwesomeJuniper @TheLoneWulff @Junglefever @NightBloom @ImmenseKohekohe @SmartAglaonema @HaveABall717 @AdvisableWaxivy @HandyDeerberry @ChicChinarose @miraculousships @J0Y @RefinedKale @CuddlyAvocado @JessSchafer @NiftyFanpalm @UpfrontDisphyma @NodeAbode @Silverpriest135 @BodaciousAgboy @karmynsprops @BambooLover @ZsCoven @izlevi14 @AltruisticTule @KookyCowbane @DivineRose @Moira44george @xadarah @CoreyWindsor @ClubbyRutabaga @StablePersia @Tawnyglowworm @DandyHarebarley @LargeSilktree @lysthewisp @PinkOasis @YiftWaxvine @BeatificBegonia @AngelicChaya @DifferentMahoe @E1 @eadams @e.g.0627 @FabPignut @FourstarEllisia @FerventNeem @GoodyNikkofir @GracedCodiaeum @HealthySkimmia @HortonEarsAWho @iadisonepps @i11279pag @i.likeplants @j0rd4n @j3sslouise @J.Gradient @k0n0pka @K1kayla @k1tty_c0rps3 @k.rdlr @Luvinlife @mad @MaximalDamsii @MellowSunstar @N @n3lli33 @N8 @N.Griesemer1117 @o0alessandra @OarPalace @OasisdeChristy @O.h.p @PeppyFilbert @PurelyEdelweiss @Q @qh06st @qkka @Qtpiestevenson @RadRiberry @roesposy @SavvyHollyfern @SnazzyPalmier @SweetRimu @TactfulJubaea @TraveledHautree @TryComet @ThrilledWinika @UberDewberry @user8caa7fd7 @user77c12a69 @user77c12a69 @usere864cad7 @v0id.the_frog @Vaalrei @V.paquette43 @w0nderstruck13 @w0rmslut @W1ll @WadePlants @Waffle @WaffleButteredGarden @xanhasplants @zachtheplantdaddy @Z0mbieM0uth @zachmicah @13KerrILynn @404beth @7ohdubs @9Liacelestial6 @80twenty @6m1lfLover9 @420pennylane @57gremlinz @333jasiah @2020 @224_dssm @007plantlover @0LC @0nyx @WildlingWitch @SeamlessCat @MyriadMind @Jilliebeanstalk @Ezah @Caffinatedleaf @RadDevilsclub @FastApplemoss @YoungFreesia @JungleDreamer @OpenlyPhlox @Adamas @TotalMostii @Jagfuneral @plantmamma @CalmingRedflax @BabyLeaf @Addicted2plants @GreenHemoglobin @StellarPeanut @mommaky @Hilly99 @SisterLuscious @Shipshapeplants @NeatClusia @bunnyisplanting @Hypsie @Earlsweatpants @DirectRiberry @SilkyCoralbell @budoy @ChosenBulrush @Jessicab @LoyallyMiro @SoulfulMelittis @RichlyBluerose @QueenSunflower @haleyshhmaley @CreativeChisme @FunWaterfern @emmiev123 @ProLuckycoin @DanaLou @Mockmatter @SilentRunning @SwiftKale @ForrealPokaka @ChampBaneberry @TutorTorgrass @JinnysPlants @WhizPeyote @MariaOraliaC @alltheplantsplz @SvelteNeslia @PrudentFicus @GrownCobnut @PertinentLilac @CosmicNeslia @CivilHoupara @RousingCaladium @ETXScrunchyAF @DoyenneBearcorn @HeroicTauhinu @UniquelyJicaro @DashingLichen @PetLagunaria @LaurieJean @CConklin2010 @SpiffyKudulily @Ginasplants @YardHawkswing @theplantkween @NimbleKawakawa @UpholderCobnut @PlayfullyGollum @FunnyCalendula @theplantmama @theplantmami @theplantymammy @tatortot38 @SubstantialTawa @ohellkites @Earlsweatpants @NewBushpoppy @SmartSeaoats @SoulfulMelittis @pelssy @StandupYuzutree @myplantjournal @SteadfastBalsam @JungleDreamer @PlantParentz @BonusChickpea @Inertia40 @LuvinLithops @thingsNstuff @GrandeeTawapou @Urfavplantmom @urfaveplantmami @Lizerbeem @stansrikusland @LucyOasis @WorthyWoreya @RealCogongrass @FunRattleweed @GaietyStarburst @SilkyFanpalm @VehementMangeao @CompleteAlmond @SavvyWildlime @LogicalBluebean @ShiningChaya @WhizWharangi @SavoryTwister @DrivenGreenash @FairGrugrupalm @CourtlyHope @PalpableViszsla @YeahFynbosaloe @GiddyCosmo @RadCineraria @clairsheart @VibrantOrpine @GracedInchworm @PetiteBibi @Plantmomrea @LushColtsfoot @TrustingLukiwan @LeisuredAgboy @MaximalClusia @SunnyAspen @Cnjohnson @ChummyAdelinia @JocundRedsword @QueenCowshorn @SilkyBroom @PurelyRamshorn @PeppyParsley @TiptopMelittis @LivelyKawaka @AnewAnthora @LadyTanekaha @BossWaterlily @LightJade @UrbaneSunbright @allysonwonderland @shopofhorrors @BestWormplant @DirectTawapou @Grandma2nine @BabeVila @SharpKhakiweed @HeyLillie @potsoverplants @UrbaneStomatium @JovialMungbeans @LuckyDamaskrose @ModernGinger @HonestAloevera @lunacat @FastChia @FineDodder @BackupVaseyoak @BackupVaseplant @AngelTobacco @PrimalBasil @SpunkyFuchsia @WillGreenice @CommendableLime @ChampLizardtail @PrizedAppletree @CourtlyTropical @ProlificAgboy @RealTearose @BrightLychee @SilveryOtanthus @HeroPokaka @Juliabelle17 @JocularChichipe @FastWoodvetch @SteadyHopsage @HeadCrassula @UberOrrisroot @PlaygrndLegend @HipGooseberry @ModernDevilsivy @WolfK @TidyBeachplum @GracedMangotree @Heyitsianb @BuffTaciveria @Kip @RousingSilktree @YesScolochloa @GreatQuenepa @PumpedupTwister @FullCamphor @PrinceWoreya @FullMizuna @FabulousKaraka @SturdySeaoxeye @AppealingFicus @ValidPinkcactus @CopiousLacealoe @GrowingPokaka @MajorOakfern @AvidTurkeytail @GoodAloevera @FragrantJubaea @SapientMystax @AbleFlapjacks @SteadyOrchid @SteadyOrchids @SteadyOricad @MelissaPPlants @MatureLungwort @YesStarcactus @SirCoffeetree @SirCoffeebush @AngelPothos @DreamyVaseyoak @HotHeketara @UptodateOlneya @SisterInchworm @SuperbBokchoi @VitalHouseleek @LucidBreadnut @MadiMonstera @silvershasta @PrimaryPlanty @HeirOgreears @HeirBogwillow @GermaneSandwort @MaestroCassava @SupportiveFern @learydarrel @LimberDracaena @LydiaConroy @SherryBerry @QuirkyBluebean @junglejames99 @PoetJunglevine @salami @Gingyhouse @TimelySunburst @Churritosplants @Houseofplants @HonestRadish @pelssy @VividSpinysenna @JoyfulOakmoss @Bplants @haleymae02 @plantstate @Plantstalk @debbiedo @ForeverMandarin @MuscularAgave @Sapphire9 @boldcowparsnip @sdubplanty05 @holybaylaurel @bellamiafarm @deftespostoa @truebluebogarum @richanthora @tiffc0922 @sunshiney121 @uberbeachrose @srarcoralcactus @salienthoya @luxuryjuneplum @hiparticrose @perkyrrdwood @earthymedeola @glossyfreesia @younglemon @hardypinkpoui @herojellycup @aestheticchosmo @plantbeach @sassyarecapalm @officialbulrush @uncommonredvein @traveledredlog @pumpeduplettuce @whizceratiola @socialtorgrass @alicebtokeless @profusepigfern @receptivecactus @yiftscrubpine @yummychiotilla @heylillie @adroitlynoognug @premiercuttings @calmcurlyheads @gentletawa @shrewdwatermint @ericaislife @starredbetel @divineredpagoda @quotablekatsura @astafford @trailingvines @likelyneslia @lucentdeerbrush @dynamicseastock @contentredvein @funwoollythyme @masterdigitfern @concreteguayule @unequivocalpuka @approvingtupeia @quaintlambsear @abundantalbo @perfectborage @blessedswampbay @yiftwormplant @freekapoktree @bigskinny @gorgeouslukiwan @intenseacajou @ebullientblue @tiptopsaguaro @puregasplant @wordsmithkaro @ladyliberal @karadione @jovialbrooklime @brunobarn @calatheachic @undividedrose @sarahsalith posted 1Y ago 20 16 @Stall54Jo , you are the new WINNER of the #PlantyBoxofGoodies !!! Congrats!! Please send us your address info or fill out the form below. Please submit your shipping info by next 2/2. Gmail email: greggersgive Form: https:// Unfortunately, for the 1st time in the history of #greggivesback #giveaway , we had to select 1 new winner because we hadn't received shipping info in 2 weeks. We'll be adding a deadline in future giveaways to receive address information. Thank ALL y'all #GregGang for participating. 💚 #GregGivesBackGiveaway #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GreggersSupportingGreggers #PlantAddict @AwesomePlants posted 1Y ago 11 17 Checking in again @LoyalCowvine @RootedHardpine ... ...time is running out! ⏳... don't miss out on your #PlantyBoxofGoodies Please send your info to us at by next Tuesday, 1/30, by 12pm EDT otherwise we'll be selecting new winners. TIA 🪴💚 #greggivesback #giveaway @AwesomePlants posted 1Y ago 5 6 @RootedHardpine and @LoyalCowvine Can you please fill out the form so we can get your #greggivesback #PlantyBoxofGoodies packages sent out to you? Or send us your info at https:// @AwesomePlants posted 1Y ago 53 143 New year, who dis'? 🤭 Time to enter #GregGivesBackGiveaway #GregGivesBack #Giveaway for a #PlantBoxofGoodies ! 👩🏿🌾 WHAT: 👩🏿🌾 2 (TWO) boxes will be given on behalf of the Giveaway Squad and the #GregGivesBack project! 🎉 ⏰ WHEN TO ENTER: ⏰ The #giveaway is open NOW, Saturday, January 13, 2024 and will close Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT. 🎉 CHOOSING A WINNER: 🎉 2 names will RANDOMLY be selected for all those that entered the giveaway and announced 1/16!🎉 #Greggers outside the 48 states may not receive a physical box, but will receive some goodies nonetheless. 🤷🏿♀️ HOW TO ENTER: 🤷🏿♀️ How to enter the January 2024 giveaway? ‼️Reply to this post and share: Share some items on your vision board for 2024; it doesn't have to be plant related. So what's IN for 2024 for you?! 🗺️ WHERE: 🗺️ Remember, your official entry must include a reply in this post. Be sure to tag some #GregGang so they know to enter as well!💖 Don't know anyone? Type @ and randomly select someone! ((tagging someone is NOT needed to enter the giveaway)) 💚 How to donate: 💚 The GregGivesBackSquad consists of a few volunteers that love sharing with our fellow Greggers! Want to help out and contribute? We can always use monetary donations as shipping for each box and the contents are fonated by just a few so any donation you'd like to give helps! Please send a note to us at . Thank you! 💚 --- #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #EcoTherapy #crazyplantlady #DealAlert #PlantAddict #PlantingOnABudget #PlantTherapy #GreggersSupportingGreggers #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #GrowLights #FreshLeafFriday #Monstera #Philodendron #HoyaHangout #Hoya --- 🙋🏿♀️ Hiya Plant Friend! Don't miss out on your chance to win a #PlantyBoxofGoodies in the #GregGivesBack #Giveaway !! --- @ManyLime @MrsSmith @LatiTish84 @Indoorgreens @ChummyJadeplant @AliveFishhooks @FunGaillardia @PrimoTauhinu @BrotherlyBlinks @LoyalApplerose @user4871 @GreenGeek @TopDutch @LushRubbervine @greenhouse @SavantEspicia @TricksterAngel @Sanalovesplants @Plant-mom @Maalylondon @NewbieJess @collardamon @PiquantDodder @sopjoew @FieryMexico @ArticulateMoss @Brisleaves @PlantedApart @BotanicalNovice @WiredDaisy @LovablyFittonia @MightyMelon @GaietyOnion @FlexibleFuchsia @Sashby @BonusOnion @MaturePinkball @AssiduousLovage @SuccinctWavycap @AbleCorkelm @HeiressSalsa @AboundingBlue @clairsheart14 @LoyalApplerose @ForeverOcotillo @WinPrenanthes @MoneyedAgboy @AuthenticLoquat @BriskEmoryoak @LovablySeaaster @GemCrabapple @ReallyAster @GnarlyRadish @AdonicTurkshead @MightyCidergum @PioneerRedvein @GracefulMum @PrimalRosarypea @Monicanais @GrowingLentil @RefinedGollum @NimbleSmokebush @TrueCucumber @racheyj02 @ResoluteIvy @ComicArrowroot @KinglyBaibua @PractisedSalad @ChiefGalega @VividMatgrass @OriginalCoccoon @OlympianIvy @Dunksparadise @JoyousMullein @Bejoty1 @NobleCandytuft @MotivatedKaramu @FourstarElkweed @LoyallyOregano @SummeryCowvine @OrganicCobnut @DynamiteMangeao @BackupSweetmint @AffluentialMoss @PerfectPeyote @Positano @NewHawkswing @HelpfulLantana @LithePinebush @LithePineviolet @Plantdaddy1980 @LadyDandelion @FinestHouseleek @AdroitlyCat @WholeCoconut @CurrentMira @ProOakfern @BuddingFivespot @KeyTigerjade @AlertRedbetel @SightlyBlackpea @hollyelaine8 @FacileSedge @LeadWaiuatua @WillAngelmoss @GuruAirpotato @JollyRosilla @wunderkindpeony @silkenstinkhorn @barninja @sizablealbo @topdogveilwort @modeltamarack @vibrantlilac @genuinejicaro @gentletallsedge @statelychamise @vividflax @inspoiltcatnip @alwayskaramu @modeldodder @holylargethyme @strappingmahoe @bentonstarburst @freeruby @zesttamarack @politepigsqueak @heartycornplant @fairyofthevalley @tastyredvein @fastflamelily @funnyworm @dapperbonsai @yernjuniper @persistentchaya @movingblackgem @sharpagavenova @aficionadoplain @jewelledcoleus @joyousbearsear @j_willoughby2 @nguerre @kingpinveilwort @queenie @curiousavacado @zanyhorseapple @leadlemonbalm @kactuskrump @yeahpeacelily @moneyeyedlettuce @flyingnoognug @cheerfullettuce @genialmajoram @studiousbibi @jazzypatchouli @finestzzplant @unerringpepper @affluentquince @champcowpea @tastyhoyajade @foxybogbeam @radsilkvine @neatrhubarb @designersalsaify @copiousgrapeivy @sultrycomet @brawnychinotto @fineluckyjade @darlingcassava @unshakenchamisa @manychickpea @pintsizedfarm @marvelheather @sportyfern @macey @knightlypukatea @mentorcilantro @cuddlygreenash @sapienteggplant @fortunatechaya @caredforalula @exultantkale @melanie78 @funcrowndaisy @whizcrossberry @stoutchojubai @dashinghawthorn @shinysunbright @paulin @healthyprasium @nubs @topredclover @cuddlycentella @boxmonkey @niel777 @dynamicbarley @yeslemonfern @smashingsalal @megongreg @classicaloricad @niceweed @wholehoyalisa @mamat @perfectpinkpoui @maturegray @prominentnoni @brawnycapemay @totallychickpea @breezyfanmoss @crystallicious @goodysweetbasil @jesbeplantin @frost92 @worthymarimo @fastcilantro @famedcoralpea @questerzelkova @stylishoxtongue @soignepegaropa @precisewhitefir @lamsunrize @forrealchia @plant4us @cosmicyellowgum @busykanono @healthybegonia @plantznbirdz @lucentsnowdrop @lightworm @stablewaiuatua @exemplarylithop @sportcorkoak @cleangollum @aproposagarito @keyalmondtree @keenblueberry @preciseseastock @idolmyrtleoak @starchilli @athleticoakfern @exoticphlox @jrebels @contentpilea @prizedwhitefir @fierylakespur @honeyherbs @assuredasterium @dearearthball @savorystrapwort @vastcebense @everlastinglace @richreginairis @braverazorsedge @peacefulblusher @wingedflaxsilk @artistepignut @toadspring @impishseaaster @propermingthing @monstrea @academicpinoak @trywhiterose @deaoneytree @hardyrichweed @immensetrextoes @hunkycidergum @sirjellypalm @plentifulmahoe @rockingarrow @bigtimerichweed @zestfulapple @imposhwolfsmilk @gururedginger @growingblackash @adorablegreen @plantzaddyb @sultryguzmania @brightlecanora @spunkyradish @validwildpansy @juicyonion @directcapeweed @balancedhopsage @eminemtcowbane @corvidfan @perfectpinkpoui @small_ginge @botanistbabe @sillygoose @veryaloe @jrebels @superkma75 @jennaswitz @sarledi @fabrubbercup @a.j. @planthoe40 @promptmullein @fitbrowallia @boymom-plantmom @classroomjungle @ted @sunnyw @laneylemelhaz @poshcardoon @analoou @mrgncrch @andymm146 @planthippie00 @greeneryaddict @plantladychar @hotbreadnut @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @TwistedThreads @Hypsie @dreamlettuce @melodey @Teapott73 @meggy @tmbryant37 @OKIEgrnthmb @ManyLime @Sassylimey @ccrocco @Katrinabrown86 @Theplantypony @Kaleyeeaah @Ellasoasis89 @LatiTish84 @TJphilobsessed @Vjunc @CalmTobacco @ForFoxSake @Breathepeace @Natural @SoothingBogbean @suppptate @zay @lorenski3600 @Joedestefano @Blau_Ozean @AggroResting @malobee @silverlinings @AnnMarie420 @macysplants @MrsSmith @Indoorgreens @Cerberusofmars @Megongreg @planthoe40 @TruthfulApricot @Plantasencasita @EvocativePalqui @TexanExpat @Beeps @FoxyWarnockia @WickedValkyrie @tango @clairsheart @RinnyK @SpikeKing19 @BunnyBooty @Plantmom100 @SublimeCorncob @Plantmomma3 @PlantLoverLily @PetLovage @CuteDewberry @UnblemishedAtom @starly @ModernBoxholly @SoigneLettuce @ProbableYuzu @AroidApothecary @HeartyRhombus @heartleigh @Heartling @HeartyNeslia @PeachBlossoms @PunchyKalopanax @RadArrowhead @itsfabiii @ChosenBlueberry @ChosenBaybean @JocularLovevine @SilkenSaguaro @TrustingRedcap @GodlyChia @PreciseOrchids @PreciseCorkelm @Hilly99 @PlantEuphoria @Cheella @MuttWubur @GatherandGrow @TitanicMyagrum @TrichomeKing @PlantNerds @allsnn @abigailbrianne @AidanD @BlairBear @BeesZenGarden @Bev1026 @willbur @brynsome @brook.davis @brandtygreen @Bsquared @Camillering3 @CyberSpider @Corbalicious @Chelleree @Carlyallison @Dgracieh @DudeNamedDaniel @Dcook @danikabananika @Danib22 @Danielluh @Ellasoasis89 @eyeleash @Eschmeltz @emitchell @ejm1048 @Emmylou22 @FitSedum @Foxifly @Fabiha5 @GiftofGabby @Garrbog @grace.gillum @Hop @Indi29 @isaaaaa @isasgarden @JenHowell @Jilliebeanstalk @Jordankp2001 @jojoplants @Karaboo93 @kraigparkinson @LovingSunnyAZ @PeacefulBohoBby @lilygerow @Laureninportland @megsplants @Noodleslikesbutter @Nixon214 @Nicobenge @Olli.exe_ @izziemac @owenpolz @PlantyGoddess @pdubs55 @prisgoh @paigedelaney @QueenLaureen @Queenofthecows @QueenKandice @Rawaterman @rileycoleman @reiplants @swizzles @stephnicole @SilasOwO @TinaRedchic @Tewiewiora @ShibaSunroom @teebeetbh @userc8bc3b45 @uyeend @user7e582c5e @UnspoiltAster @user20f7cf44 @user7f4f3c63 @UtherPendragon @ungreenthumb @vvvelo @VvMiMivV @Veedoe22 @volakojo @vanevega @valmccauley56 @vanity @vanity @Lynnelovzplantz @Lynn775 @Camron @Nachogirl @PoisonIvy2 @aaronpeter @plantingideas @jaysjungle @FitSedum @AnewSnowflower @gerardo @yogijos @superblylilac @eringrins @laugravity @geniusramsons @kimtownsend686 @mrsfarrington @wingeddionysos @kingjuiiceart @ChummyPlantMum @Lovelyyuniverse @Breathepeace @BlairBear @willbur @reiplants @PlantyGoddess @PeacefulBohoBby @Katrinabrown86 @HeartyRhombus @VvMiMivV @xellaluvsplants @ShibaSunroom @Ellasoasis89 @ccrocco @gcilluffo @quinnprice @Quan @rubyvee @AwakeRaspfern @Queenlerica @CalmTobacco @Mossflowerwood @Teapott73 @TexanExpat @TheGoodWench @Yvonneplant @YamilC @uwakidris @Inggy101 @iveecandelaria @FoxyWarnockia @faethisx @ImmenseTrextoes @ziarauhh @vanessaledezmaa @Vantoune @Alfredsplanet @HumblePeperomia @clairsheart @GratefulPNWgirl @DeliberateIvy @CivicHorminum @GuruSatinwood @QuietButterwort @CopiousBeans @OrganicBonsai @tereasa7 @PeppyKale @YokeStingray @CoolHorsemint @MarvelMonstera @SnakePerson9 @FullBetel @CapCarter @ForrealMedeola @AbleLilliput @SelflessSaguaro @KnowingCapeweed @HappyBluepearl @WinTitoki @WiseWychelm @GoldPeanut @VividSilktree @MJplants @GenialEllisia @ChampTreeheath @YummySkyplant @BrilliantChisme @DreamyGasteria @UberRuby @PredominantMum @FetchingMakura @SizzlingBoneset @GutsyMiro @BlamelessEndive @ReveredPeanut @MarkedBoxholly @SaluteHeartleaf @SizableLuscious @YardBrownbirch @UniqueAcajou @Justa @BonusSweetsop @FacileKeylime @LikableMarjoram @RoundIronweed @TalentedIvy @HolySunstar @YummyBeech @AmberEhle @UntroubledHoya @YiftNapaea @PeppyOregonash @CrucialChosmo @MasterOlivetree @LoyallyLuronium @DinkumAjídulce @Amyupnorth @FoxyBluepearl @Theowood27 @FabMeadowflax @BoldLovevine @EarlySkyplant @HighCentro @NotJustAny @Natural @CozyNannyberry @RationalAnacua @TopLimebasil @HipBuffalonut @KeenAjwain @ZealHoyarosita @tcvg @TastefulBlusher @ModelSeagrape @AmazingOrchid @AlwaysSagebush @PureRadish @SugarValleyoak @DeanPaparazzi @OpulentPhalsa @OKIEgrnthmb @FullTreespurge @FabMoneytree @SmartMondograss @TryPalmgrass @YokeGrandfir @PeakCalendula @ComfortableMint @ClassicRaintree @LiteraryBonsi @SuccinctFanmoss @TutorTorgrass @SoulmateNapaea @PunchySedum @SubstantCowvine @PrizeRedpine @HotshotMum @SportCornbind @BigtimeRose @PlantyLady @vosswata @GardenGirl104 @RadCloudberry @TenableCocoplum @UrbaneAtom @CalmOxtongue @ZealOxlip @iTryandTheyDie @BreezyScrubpine @WanderingJew @MermaidGarden @ThoroughWorm @SubstantialTawa @planthoe40 @dreamlettuce @Breathepeace @CalmTobacco @Katrinabrown86 @Natural @Joedestefano @macysplants @pixieandpepper @4AuntTracie @MightyAssamtea @HonoredBluebill @ExactBullmallow @SavantRubberfig @RighteousTule @PrizeBibi @NaturalGlueseed @KindTutsan @Teak-Tree @YardBigfoot @GreenPower @FieryOgreears @NeatBrushbox @ClassyErophaca @HoorayRhodotus @KeenSpanishelm @Mcara825 @GutsyMelittis @YummyVelvetweed @DefiantBetel @FancyGoldenmoss @MightyLemon @BigwigSagopalm @jennysblessed @HuckleBerry @PristineCorncob @BrainyNoognug @HypnoticTukauki @Tella @MorePlants13 @saarrrr82 @AwesomeJuniper @TheLoneWulff @Junglefever @NightBloom @ImmenseKohekohe @SmartAglaonema @HaveABall717 @AdvisableWaxivy @HandyDeerberry @ChicChinarose @miraculousships @J0Y @RefinedKale @CuddlyAvocado @JessSchafer @NiftyFanpalm @UpfrontDisphyma @NodeAbode @Silverpriest135 @BodaciousAgboy @karmynsprops @BambooLover @ZsCoven @izlevi14 @AltruisticTule @KookyCowbane @DivineRose @Moira44george @xadarah @CoreyWindsor @ClubbyRutabaga @StablePersia @Tawnyglowworm @DandyHarebarley @LargeSilktree @lysthewisp @PinkOasis @YiftWaxvine @BeatificBegonia @AngelicChaya @DifferentMahoe @E1 @eadams @e.g.0627 @FabPignut @FourstarEllisia @FerventNeem @GoodyNikkofir @GracedCodiaeum @HealthySkimmia @HortonEarsAWho @iadisonepps @i11279pag @i.likeplants @j0rd4n @j3sslouise @J.Gradient @k0n0pka @K1kayla @k1tty_c0rps3 @k.rdlr @Luvinlife @mad @MaximalDamsii @MellowSunstar @N @n3lli33 @N8 @N.Griesemer1117 @o0alessandra @OarPalace @OasisdeChristy @O.h.p @PeppyFilbert @PurelyEdelweiss @Q @qh06st @qkka @Qtpiestevenson @RadRiberry @roesposy @SavvyHollyfern @SnazzyPalmier @SweetRimu @TactfulJubaea @TraveledHautree @TryComet @ThrilledWinika @UberDewberry @user8caa7fd7 @user77c12a69 @user77c12a69 @usere864cad7 @v0id.the_frog @Vaalrei @V.paquette43 @w0nderstruck13 @w0rmslut @W1ll @WadePlants @Waffle @WaffleButteredGarden @xanhasplants @zachtheplantdaddy @Z0mbieM0uth @zachmicah @13KerrILynn @404beth @7ohdubs @9Liacelestial6 @80twenty @6m1lfLover9 @420pennylane @57gremlinz @333jasiah @2020 @224_dssm @007plantlover @0LC @0nyx @WildlingWitch @SeamlessCat @MyriadMind @Jilliebeanstalk @Ezah @Caffinatedleaf @RadDevilsclub @FastApplemoss @YoungFreesia @JungleDreamer @OpenlyPhlox @Adamas @TotalMostii @Jagfuneral @plantmamma @CalmingRedflax @BabyLeaf @Addicted2plants @GreenHemoglobin @MagicTurtle @mommaky @Hilly99 @SisterLuscious @Shipshapeplants @NeatClusia @bunnyisplanting @Hypsie @Earlsweatpants @DirectRiberry @SilkyCoralbell @budoy @ChosenBulrush @Jessicab @LoyallyMiro @SoulfulMelittis @RichlyBluerose @QueenSunflower @haleyshhmaley @CreativeChisme @FunWaterfern @emmiev123 @ProLuckycoin @DanaLou @Mockmatter @SilentRunning @SwiftKale @ForrealPokaka @ChampBaneberry @TutorTorgrass @JinnysPlants @WhizPeyote @MariaOraliaC @alltheplantsplz @SvelteNeslia @PrudentFicus @GrownCobnut @PertinentLilac @CosmicNeslia @CivilHoupara @RousingCaladium @ETXScrunchyAF @DoyenneBearcorn @HeroicTauhinu @UniquelyJicaro @DashingLichen @PetLagunaria @LaurieJean @CConklin2010 @SpiffyKudulily @Ginasplants @YardHawkswing @theplantkween @NimbleKawakawa @UpholderCobnut @PlayfullyGollum @FunnyCalendula @theplantmama @theplantmami @theplantymammy @tatortot38 @SubstantialTawa @ohellkites @Earlsweatpants @NewBushpoppy @SmartSeaoats @SoulfulMelittis @pelssy @StandupYuzutree @myplantjournal @SteadfastBalsam @JungleDreamer @PlantParentz @BonusChickpea @Inertia40 @LuvinLithops @thingsNstuff @GrandeeTawapou @Urfavplantmom @urfaveplantmami @Lizerbeem @stansrikusland @LucyOasis @WorthyWoreya @RealCogongrass @FunRattleweed @GaietyStarburst @SilkyFanpalm @VehementMangeao @CompleteAlmond @SavvyWildlime @LogicalBluebean @ShiningChaya @WhizWharangi @SavoryTwister @DrivenGreenash @FairGrugrupalm @CourtlyHope @PalpableViszsla @YeahFynbosaloe @GiddyCosmo @RadCineraria @clairsheart @VibrantOrpine @GracedInchworm @PetiteBibi @Plantmomrea @LushColtsfoot @TrustingLukiwan @LeisuredAgboy @MaximalClusia @SunnyAspen @Cnjohnson @ChummyAdelinia @JocundRedsword @QueenCowshorn @SilkyBroom @PurelyRamshorn @PeppyParsley @TiptopMelittis @LivelyKawaka @AnewAnthora @LadyTanekaha @BossWaterlily @LightJade @UrbaneSunbright @allysonwonderland @shopofhorrors @BestWormplant @DirectTawapou @Grandma2nine @BabeVila @SharpKhakiweed @HeyLillie @potsoverplants @UrbaneStomatium @JovialMungbeans @LuckyDamaskrose @ModernGinger @HonestAloevera @lunacat @FastChia @FineDodder @BackupVaseyoak @BackupVaseplant @AngelTobacco @PrimalBasil @SpunkyFuchsia @WillGreenice @CommendableLime @ChampLizardtail @PrizedAppletree @CourtlyTropical @ProlificAgboy @RealTearose @BrightLychee @SilveryOtanthus @HeroPokaka @Juliabelle17 @JocularChichipe @FastWoodvetch @SteadyHopsage @HeadCrassula @UberOrrisroot @PlaygrndLegend @HipGooseberry @ModernDevilsivy @WolfK @TidyBeachplum @GracedMangotree @Heyitsianb @BuffTaciveria @Kip @RousingSilktree @YesScolochloa @GreatQuenepa @PumpedupTwister @FullCamphor @PrinceWoreya @FullMizuna @FabulousKaraka @SturdySeaoxeye @AppealingFicus @ValidPinkcactus @CopiousLacealoe @GrowingPokaka @MajorOakfern @AvidTurkeytail @GoodAloevera @FragrantJubaea @SapientMystax @AbleFlapjacks @SteadyOrchid @SteadyOrchids @SteadyOricad @MelissaPPlants @MatureLungwort @YesStarcactus @SirCoffeetree @SirCoffeebush @Classyamy @DreamyVaseyoak @HotHeketara @UptodateOlneya @SisterInchworm @SuperbBokchoi @VitalHouseleek @LucidBreadnut @MadiMonstera @silvershasta @PrimaryPlanty @HeirOgreears @HeirBogwillow @GermaneSandwort @MaestroCassava @SupportiveFern @learydarrel @LimberDracaena @LydiaConroy @SherryBerry @QuirkyBluebean @junglejames99 @PoetJunglevine @salami @Gingyhouse @TimelySunburst @Churritosplants @Houseofplants @HonestRadish @pelssy @VividSpinysenna @JoyfulOakmoss @Bplants @haleymae02 @plantstate @Plantstalk @debbiedo @ForeverMandarin @MuscularAgave @Sapphire9 @givingstingray @youthfulransoms @groovygreenbark @KeenHeketara @peachdust @snappywormseed @highpalafoxia @yokewavecactus @wyn @limberkohleria @dandybucaneve @sonoransonora @overseerpuka @fancywaxplant @beefyjavamoss @exuberantpansy @peacefulclusia @puregabisan @keensalsify @providermelon @primarycatbrier @promisingcosmo @mydoggies2 @chicgalingale @blazingramarama @busyironweed @hardysedge @realtorheidi @newbottlesedge @validtigeraloe @masterhoupara @fleshclubcoral @petpoisonbulb @goldenwhitefir @cordialmangeao @famedchayote @gideon @bbeckers @hotwodyetia @aleenatudahl @breezyyuztree @quicklsepepper @centralredash @goddessrockfig @goldoxlip @hotshotramarama @wellmeaningbibi @beefyonionweed @coollenophyllum @bluebladeliger @supernalcobnut @lehhliee @gladsilversage @abundantasarina @ambassadorcat @monsteramaniac @coherenthoupara @bentonrosemoss @galadwhen @masterfivespot @ladymarigold @zanybacchus @facilemaitake @godlypincherry @smoothficusruby @anonmilya @innocentwavycap @showyotanhus @wingedorchids @toprattleweed @matchlesscashew @eternalkawaka @indoorfaegarden @modestwormseed @kerstypoo @mdov @raylgard @bunnydtazzy @tropicaldesert @fairlacefern @bullishgreenash @naturedood @zingybogwillow @humanepersia @LavishCatpalm @HeadWhitegenepì @KookyVelvetleaf @HoorayWaxflower @ballondusoleil @RefinedSandwort @symmetricAlbibi @joysomeredbush @bookishgarden @RegalChilli @Themyscira @love4plants @curses @plantergal @coox @babevila @firstmahoe @IdealGermanivy @justplaindee @AboundingLlavea @rainbowfairy @directmaylily @moreplants13 @giftedpeyote @radcherryred @plantergal @CaitlinWatson00 @silkycamphor @StunningRedhill @bunny413 @peachdust @pachyfaeria @AwesomePlants posted 1Y ago 7 1 Do you need #PlantyAdultSupervision when you see something #Planty in the store? ~~> 🙋🏿♀️ <~~ apparently this #crazyplantlady does. Checkout your #DollarTree for planty tablecloths. I may have bought all the ones in store to stock up for next year. 🤭🤷🏿♀️ #EcoTherapy #PlantyBoxofGoodies #PlantingOnABudget #PlantAddict #DealAlert #PlantsMakePeopleHappy @AwesomePlants posted 1Y ago 26 39 #GregGivesBackGiveaway #GregGivesBack #Giveaway Winners 🎉 http:// Thank you to everyone that participated and submitted #PlantJokes and #plantmemes ! We used Wheel of names to randomly select 4 entry usernames. ...and the winners are...🥁🥁🥁 @KDkat3 @Nathaliezyx4 (Int'l-giftcard) @Carebears @Little_Dude @Propa Congrats!!! 🎉 Please use this link so we can send you your #PlantyBoxofGoodies ! https:// --- Original Entry Post: https:// #plantfriendsarethebestfriends #PlantAddict #CactusClique #PhiloFlock #Philodendron #PlantsMakePeopleHappy @AwesomePlants posted 1Y ago 8 4 FREE #PlantyBoxofGoodies ! Did you enter the #GregGivesBackGiveaway #GregGivesBack #Giveaway yet?! We're giving away 4 (FOUR) #PlantyBoxofGoodies !! Reply to the original post to enter: https:// Entries for the May Giveaway close 11:59 pm EDT, Sunday, 5/14 #PlantingOnABudget #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #HappyPlants #CactusClique #Philodendron #PhiloFlock #plantfriendsarethebestfriends #DealAlert @AwesomePlants posted 1Y ago See prior posts