Community #PitcherPlant


@Merranda avatar @Merranda · 1M
Hey y'all! I've been busy the past few days, so first off happy (late) holidays to everybody 😀 Aside from family stuff, I've been primarily busy with plant stuff. This past Thursday I spent a while dividing 2 of my venus fly traps! Goodness, they had really multiplied in those pots!! I decided to split them up into several tiny venus fly traps instead of leaving bigger clumps so I didn't have to repot them again for a bit. They do look a bit sad at the moment, and that's mainly because they're all pretty dormant at the moment. Majority of them do have larger traps, they just shed them for the winter :) I now have a crazy amount of venus fly traps, but it'll be fun watching them all grow over summer! 😆 I've also managed to keep my Heliamphora Minor alive so far. I made a little mistake with the watering (didn't realize it in fact is not watered like a Nepenthes) but it has recovered since then luckily. Another little update is on my Sarracenia seedling!! It's definitely one of my favorite plants at the moment just because of how absolutely adorable the little baby pitcher is! It's so tiny too!! It's grown a lot since it first sprouted roughly 2 weeks ago. And, my Nepenthes Alata is also growing super well! I don't post my nepenthes often, but they are up there with my fav plants. The pitcher pictured is from my Nepenthes Alata. :) #cpclubthursday #venusflytrap #nepenthes #sarracenia #seedling #pitcherplant #carnivorousclub #carnivorousplants #merranda #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #seedlings