Community #NotSoHappyPlants


@MusicalRedmint avatar @MusicalRedmint 路 1M
It's time. I'm about to lose the killer fungus fight trying to rescue my one special orchid. Not special per see, but inherited from my grandmother, so very special to me. Two more are in the ICU after I cut away almost all of their remaining stem and leaves - the same treatment the special one got. I had to act because finally I was brave enough to just cut on suspicion - something I never thought I'd do - and saw the damage inside. The Orchid was strong a few weeks ago. With 5 leaves. 2 yellowed from the bottom, which is nothing to cause me alarm, but since it was about that time that I discovered the fungus, I monitored it more closely... but without seeing something particularly suspicious apart from a small blackened spot where one of the roots entered. Nothing else. No yellowing, nothing. Well, I've taken a look at that tiny spot, and I felt like a dentist, opening up a seemingly fine tooth with a small blemish just to discover mayhem within. The whole stem inside the lowest leaf was affected. Cutting the rot away meant losing one more leaf. And even after that, the rot went through the center of the stem further up. So. Basically, I now have a rootless weakened orchid with a big wound in the stem in a contaminated grow space and maybe no place left on the stem to grow roots. Even if, thank goodness, the crown is still intact, there seems to be no rot left and she still has two leaves. The other two didn't fare half as well. I'll keep them until they are 100%dead, but that is just a formality at this point. Please send some positive thoughts ur way. We'll need it. #orchidlovers #notsohappyplants #phalaenopsisorchid

@MusicalRedmint avatar @MusicalRedmint 路 1M
Still in time for my Sunday (almost) death post (not under the inremembrance tag. I am too worn out to remember it properly.) It's just one more among the very very #notsohappyplants and brings with it portents for the rest of my collection. It's my first confirmed sympodial-death-by-killer-fungus. I had hoped, hoped, hoped against reason that that fungus really would just destroy all my phals, and that's that. I had been on the lookout how it would affect the sympodials and apart from some suspicious stunted growth and thrown leaves on two very tiny ones, as of yet, I hadn't been sure. Well, one healthy laelia seedling has just shown me how it works. Basically, it's the same as with the phals. Enters through the roots basically invisibly, none of the plant shows damage on the outside. Rotting the inside, where the roots first touch and working itself silently through the plant. (I've removed the outer layer in the photo. All that rot had been hidden before) As of yet, the plant is still alive but small as it is, it's more or less beyond hope. I hate this fungus so much. And since it got to one, I do not even want to imagine how many other sympodials are affected. (Best guess already one oncidium and one cattleya and one dendrobium keiki at the very least, from what I see). And in the meantime, the Liodoro and the Sogo Bianca have also died on me by now, and four more phals are struggling, though I treat them with all I've got. I'm so tired of this. #orchidlovers