MexicanFirecracker Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @mothasucca · 9M Why are her leaves turning yellow? Does she need more room? I was thinking of giving her a wider pot. Any help is appreciated! #MexicanFirecracker #plantmom #PlantProblems 1 3 Comments @ThePlantMomLife · 1Y This has been a very busy time of the year at my house so today I decided to extend my weekend to three days instead of two and soak up some plant therapy. Pascal has been stretching for awhile so until I can obtain a grow light this is what happened today. He is now in the propagation stage. Belle and Ariel responded well to this and are still thriving in the sunshine ☀️ Honestly, it seemed like it was no time and Ariel was already sprouting roots. My Mexican Firecracker has blooms! Duke enjoyed a photo shoot today lol 📸 He’s gotten so big and fluffy! And last but not least Miss Pixie is sprouting out more leaves after JUST giving me three a couple of weeks ago 😱 This child is on the move! Lol #PlantMom #Ruby #Ficus #Succulents #Propagation #PlantTherapy #NewGrowth #MexicanFirecracker #PowderPuff #Relaxation #Fall2023 #MerryChristmas #PlantChores 5 2 Comments
MexicanFirecracker Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 1 3 Why are her leaves turning yellow? Does she need more room? I was thinking of giving her a wider pot. Any help is appreciated! #MexicanFirecracker #plantmom #PlantProblems @mothasucca posted 9M ago 5 2 This has been a very busy time of the year at my house so today I decided to extend my weekend to three days instead of two and soak up some plant therapy. Pascal has been stretching for awhile so until I can obtain a grow light this is what happened today. He is now in the propagation stage. Belle and Ariel responded well to this and are still thriving in the sunshine ☀️ Honestly, it seemed like it was no time and Ariel was already sprouting roots. My Mexican Firecracker has blooms! Duke enjoyed a photo shoot today lol 📸 He’s gotten so big and fluffy! And last but not least Miss Pixie is sprouting out more leaves after JUST giving me three a couple of weeks ago 😱 This child is on the move! Lol #PlantMom #Ruby #Ficus #Succulents #Propagation #PlantTherapy #NewGrowth #MexicanFirecracker #PowderPuff #Relaxation #Fall2023 #MerryChristmas #PlantChores @ThePlantMomLife posted 1Y ago