Community #LowMaintenance


@Corinne avatar @Corinne · 4M
YALLLLLLL. I had a huge post typed and I hit the back button on accident. Links and everything 😭 #GregFeedback can we get an “are you sure” prompt? PRETTY PLEASE!! Anyway, now you’ll all be thankful for my condensed new version. For anyone who wants a way to automate your outdoor watering where hoses are involved, take a look at this! It’s a smart hose control from Orbit BHyve. There’s a phone app it links to, you tell them pertinent details of each zone (4 available), and you can enable smart watering where it factors in soil, rain, land slope, type of plants, etc. I’m using this for my drip emitters in my planters! Now I don’t have to fuss with a big hose that potentially takes out flowers in its path. My body and my plants are grateful 😉 Also, highly recommend their Smart Control panel for inground systems. It’s just as thorough and easy to use! If you aren’t familiar with drip systems for outdoor planters, here’s a quick rundown. You attach an adapter to a hose bib, and from the adapter run thin tubing. From that tubing you attach connectors that join the tubing and emitters (the little sprinklers that water the pots). It’s fairly inexpensive and very customizable. The water flows more gently too so you don’t risk damaging delicate plants or roots. I’ll link some components in the comments. #GrowRecs #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #Corinne #OutdoorGrowing #PLANTMAFIA #LowMaintenance #GreggersSupportingGreggers