HappPlants Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @Araceae · 3d If you know this herb, you're a champion 👑🏆🥇🎖️ Meet the Rice Paddy Herb. Limnophila aromatica. For those who aquascape, this plant should be familiar. Under high light underwater, it turns a brilliant reddish-purple. In its native country [Vietnam], it's common in rice paddies. This aquatic plant has a marvellous citrusy taste with earthy notes. [for the haters, a soapy taste]. It has a slight grassy fragrance too. Traditionally it's served raw with other vegetables as an accompaniment for curries, stew and soups like pho, or cooked with meat and fish dishes. Supposedly a tea made with its leaves can relieve fevers and mucous decoction. The aroma of its leaves can help to destress too. Propagation is easy with stem cuttings. It tolerates overwatering and waterlogged soil, and prefers higher humidity, although it's not essential. Partial sun is best, but again it's not fussy. If you keep it happy it might give purple blooms. FUN FACT: during the Vietnam War [American War in Vietnam], American troops brought some of this herb back. Now, some Michelin chefs use this herb for garnish or cooking, particularly those specialising in Asian cuisine. It's not in the Greg database, help? 2nd photo copyrights belong to The 2Hr Aquarist, 2hraquarist.com 3rd photo copyrights belong to u/Bruney500 on Reddit #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewPlants #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #Herbs #EdiblePlants #AquaticPlants 4 1 Comments @Shells_Garden · 3w #WhatTheSuccWednesday #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappPlants #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove sorry for the early post but it’s the end of quarter at my work so it’s chaotic. I just wanted to show the purpley pink vibes I’ve got going on this week. I can’t get over Luna my creeping inch plant. She’s creeped more than an inch!!!How am I going to repot it? I can barely see the pot!!! Happy Wednesday when you get to it everyone! 15 26 Comments @Shells_Garden · 1M #PlantID #help #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy Hello my planty friends. I need some help to correctly identify this beautiful plant. My husband brought this beauty home for me today. He complains I have too many most days but then when he sees one I don’t already have when he’s at the store, he buys it for me. He is so sweet that way. I just love it and he’s right, I don’t have one and I’ve never seen one like this. Now if I could only properly identify, I’d be set. I think it a Calathea louisae Thai Beauty but I can’t be sure because I am getting conflicting species results back from all my plant identification apps. Help please. #CalatheaCrew thanks in advance! #brunchataudreys 14 12 Comments @theloveofplants · 1M Okay…I need help. Option one…(photo one) OR Option two…(photo two) *UPDATE - there is another option in the comments 🤭 This is fun! 🤩 I have been going back and forth and I need help! Let me know what you think in the comments! 🤗😬🤔 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PothosPack #Pothos #SwissCheeseVine #PrayerPlant #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #PlantCorner #PlantMoms #MossPole #PlantLove 21 62 Comments @theloveofplants · 2M Y’all I can’t. I just can’t. (I mean I can) but I just can’t. 🥹 I did NOT think I would EVER have any luck with an orchid. Let alone an orchid from Walmart. Y’all. An orchid. From Walmart. WALMART. I took this girl under my wing and I have just been winging it this whole time! Waverly is the first orchid I have ever owned. She had one shoot of blooms when I first bought her. About a month ago I saw a SECOND shoot coming out of her leaves. A second shoot of blooms!!!!! What did I do to deserve this?! Here she is today! I can count at least seven more buds on the way. We don’t deserve plants. They are just so beautiful 🤩 It has been such a pleasure to watch this gal grow! #HappPlants #HappyPlace #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #OrchidLovers #Orchid #NewGrowth 49 38 Comments @Shells_Garden · 2M #FreshLeafFriday is my favorite day of week! I noticed some new growers this week! #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappPlants 4 0 Comments @theloveofplants · 4M #MonicatheMonstera got an upgrade in lighting today! I am eager to see how this pans out since Sadie - my Jade pothos - is LOVING her grow light so much (her growth pictures are included below 👇🏼)! #GrowLights #HappPlants #HappyPlace #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #Monstera #PlantTherapy #PlantLove 31 26 Comments @theloveofplants · 4M In case you missed it - and you would like to be entertained (maybe have a giggle or two) - check out my recent plant mail video on YouTube! 👇🏼🤭😆😂 https:// #LetsTalkAboutPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappPlants #PlantAddict #PothosPack #Philodendron #PlantTherapy #PlantMail #PlantSwap #PlantLove Thank you again Shannon! @BabeVila 💜 8 6 Comments @Plantsandpeace · 4M Happy Tuesday! My new Baby I just got! And my last one for now 🤣🤣. Love the Snake Plant Family! #SnakePlant #WhaleFinSnakePlant #WhaleFinSansevieria #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantTherapy 15 2 Comments @theloveofplants · 5M #FunFactFriday DID YOU KNOW!? ZZ Plants can produce flowers!?!? If your answer is no, neither did I…until this week. I got so excited - I may have screamed! If your answer is yes, do you own a ZZ Plant that has bloomed? Or do you just have the knowledge that they bloom? The first picture is the “pod” holding the flower (the right shoot). The second picture shows the back of the flower starting to open up. I was hoping the flower would be all the way open for this post - but I couldn’t contain my excitement anymore! #HappPlants #HappyPlace #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #FloweringPlants #ZzPlant #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #PlantLove 19 13 Comments @Shells_Garden · 5M #PurpleHeart #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy I ordered this Purple Heart plant after someone had posted photos of their beautiful plant. Two weeks in and I already have a baby forming! #NewGrowth 3 1 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 6M How many awesome succulents can I fit in one post ?! 🤔🪴 Not enough.. so there will be more in the comments 😅 I have had a hectic plant phase lately with all my moving & then moving my plants back due to poor lighting. (I prefer to keep them outside if it will allow it).. So now that they are finally back to normal here’s updates on my babies. They have gotten so big. 🥰 Photo 1 is my new Haworthia Mundula 🌿, I went plant crazy & finally got some new babies! , & will be showing my new plants in a separate post. ➡️ so look out for that! I’m still getting them all presentable 😂 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GrowingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #Succulents #Succulent #Echeveria #Graptopetalum #Haworthia #Sedeveria #Jade #Sedum 12 17 Comments @debbiedo · 7M Just want to celebrate with plant-y people who will understand … First the N’Joy that hangs above our kitchen sink is SO happy this summer ☀️ And second, look at the AMAZING Sansevaria I was gifted today! 😮 #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #theamigos #PothosPack #Sansevieria #SnakePlant 59 56 Comments @YammieOf3 · 7M #GregGang #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy I’m not sure if all H-E-B’s have these but OMG, the one here in Waxahachie, TX is selling these plants in a 5” terracotta pot for only $5. The 4” pots of succulents are $5 too. And this beautiful dracaena “Marley” in a 6” pot for $14.99. The 4 succulents and Marley did come home with me. These make great beginner plants for the new plant parent. 5 5 Comments @JenniferNoel · 7M Plant Parent Explained…..😍❤️😍 #gotalotgoingon #plantparent #NewGrowth #growlightsdowonders #HappPlants 7 0 Comments @AmusingRedhill · 8M Happy #FreshLeafFriday 🌿 So much #NewGrowth going on here, it’s always so hard to narrow it down to show! Y’all throw some #Calathea suggestions my way because I am falling in love with the ones I impulsively bought 😍😂 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Philodendron #PhiloFlock #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #PrayerPlant #FiddleLeafFig #Monstera #ThaiConstellationMonstera #StaghornFern #Diffenbachia #Syngonium #SyngoniumSquad #MonsteraMob #PlantAddict 12 10 Comments @debbiedo · 8M Biggest repot of the season so far! I bought this big old umbrella plant off FB marketplace last fall and have been slowly shaping it and waiting for spring. I felt pretty confident its pot was too big because the soil dried very inconsistently. With spring here for real I felt ready to repot it, and sure enough the pot was much bigger than it needed. I’m so happy with how it looks!!! Please send no-transplant-shock vibes my way 😁 (First photo is now, the rest go back in time…) #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappPlants #RepotSeason #Schefflera #theamigos 10 4 Comments @Keysgirl0179 · 9M #MemeItUpMonday #HappPlants #PlantAddict #GregGang # 9 1 Comments @NativeTigerfern · 9M found white glue like/cobweb like substance under my calathea 0 4 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 9M Finds from today’s nursery trip. It was my first time visiting A&A nursery in Guilford county NC. 📍 The plant selection was amazing, they had quart sized pots, (succulents) for 7.99$! I got an Echeveria ‘Blue Elf’ that has lots of offsets, and even a huge bloom stalk! And then I also found a Super Donkey Tail! It was super fun to visit a new place, my boyfriend went with me and he got a strawberry plant 🍓 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #SucculentSaturday #PlantHaul #NewPlants #HappPlants #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #OutdoorGrowing #HangingPlants #SuperDonkeyTail #Echeveria #Elfstone 14 11 Comments See 20 more posts
HappPlants Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 4 1 If you know this herb, you're a champion 👑🏆🥇🎖️ Meet the Rice Paddy Herb. Limnophila aromatica. For those who aquascape, this plant should be familiar. Under high light underwater, it turns a brilliant reddish-purple. In its native country [Vietnam], it's common in rice paddies. This aquatic plant has a marvellous citrusy taste with earthy notes. [for the haters, a soapy taste]. It has a slight grassy fragrance too. Traditionally it's served raw with other vegetables as an accompaniment for curries, stew and soups like pho, or cooked with meat and fish dishes. Supposedly a tea made with its leaves can relieve fevers and mucous decoction. The aroma of its leaves can help to destress too. Propagation is easy with stem cuttings. It tolerates overwatering and waterlogged soil, and prefers higher humidity, although it's not essential. Partial sun is best, but again it's not fussy. If you keep it happy it might give purple blooms. FUN FACT: during the Vietnam War [American War in Vietnam], American troops brought some of this herb back. Now, some Michelin chefs use this herb for garnish or cooking, particularly those specialising in Asian cuisine. It's not in the Greg database, help? 2nd photo copyrights belong to The 2Hr Aquarist, 2hraquarist.com 3rd photo copyrights belong to u/Bruney500 on Reddit #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewPlants #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #Herbs #EdiblePlants #AquaticPlants @Araceae posted 3d ago 15 26 #WhatTheSuccWednesday #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappPlants #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove sorry for the early post but it’s the end of quarter at my work so it’s chaotic. I just wanted to show the purpley pink vibes I’ve got going on this week. I can’t get over Luna my creeping inch plant. She’s creeped more than an inch!!!How am I going to repot it? I can barely see the pot!!! Happy Wednesday when you get to it everyone! @Shells_Garden posted 3w ago 14 12 #PlantID #help #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy Hello my planty friends. I need some help to correctly identify this beautiful plant. My husband brought this beauty home for me today. He complains I have too many most days but then when he sees one I don’t already have when he’s at the store, he buys it for me. He is so sweet that way. I just love it and he’s right, I don’t have one and I’ve never seen one like this. Now if I could only properly identify, I’d be set. I think it a Calathea louisae Thai Beauty but I can’t be sure because I am getting conflicting species results back from all my plant identification apps. Help please. #CalatheaCrew thanks in advance! #brunchataudreys @Shells_Garden posted 1M ago 21 62 Okay…I need help. Option one…(photo one) OR Option two…(photo two) *UPDATE - there is another option in the comments 🤭 This is fun! 🤩 I have been going back and forth and I need help! Let me know what you think in the comments! 🤗😬🤔 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PothosPack #Pothos #SwissCheeseVine #PrayerPlant #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #PlantCorner #PlantMoms #MossPole #PlantLove @theloveofplants posted 1M ago 49 38 Y’all I can’t. I just can’t. (I mean I can) but I just can’t. 🥹 I did NOT think I would EVER have any luck with an orchid. Let alone an orchid from Walmart. Y’all. An orchid. From Walmart. WALMART. I took this girl under my wing and I have just been winging it this whole time! Waverly is the first orchid I have ever owned. She had one shoot of blooms when I first bought her. About a month ago I saw a SECOND shoot coming out of her leaves. A second shoot of blooms!!!!! What did I do to deserve this?! Here she is today! I can count at least seven more buds on the way. We don’t deserve plants. They are just so beautiful 🤩 It has been such a pleasure to watch this gal grow! #HappPlants #HappyPlace #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #OrchidLovers #Orchid #NewGrowth @theloveofplants posted 2M ago 4 0 #FreshLeafFriday is my favorite day of week! I noticed some new growers this week! #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappPlants @Shells_Garden posted 2M ago 31 26 #MonicatheMonstera got an upgrade in lighting today! I am eager to see how this pans out since Sadie - my Jade pothos - is LOVING her grow light so much (her growth pictures are included below 👇🏼)! #GrowLights #HappPlants #HappyPlace #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #Monstera #PlantTherapy #PlantLove @theloveofplants posted 4M ago 8 6 In case you missed it - and you would like to be entertained (maybe have a giggle or two) - check out my recent plant mail video on YouTube! 👇🏼🤭😆😂 https:// #LetsTalkAboutPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappPlants #PlantAddict #PothosPack #Philodendron #PlantTherapy #PlantMail #PlantSwap #PlantLove Thank you again Shannon! @BabeVila 💜 @theloveofplants posted 4M ago 15 2 Happy Tuesday! My new Baby I just got! And my last one for now 🤣🤣. Love the Snake Plant Family! #SnakePlant #WhaleFinSnakePlant #WhaleFinSansevieria #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantTherapy @Plantsandpeace posted 4M ago 19 13 #FunFactFriday DID YOU KNOW!? ZZ Plants can produce flowers!?!? If your answer is no, neither did I…until this week. I got so excited - I may have screamed! If your answer is yes, do you own a ZZ Plant that has bloomed? Or do you just have the knowledge that they bloom? The first picture is the “pod” holding the flower (the right shoot). The second picture shows the back of the flower starting to open up. I was hoping the flower would be all the way open for this post - but I couldn’t contain my excitement anymore! #HappPlants #HappyPlace #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #FloweringPlants #ZzPlant #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #PlantLove @theloveofplants posted 5M ago 3 1 #PurpleHeart #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy I ordered this Purple Heart plant after someone had posted photos of their beautiful plant. Two weeks in and I already have a baby forming! #NewGrowth @Shells_Garden posted 5M ago 12 17 How many awesome succulents can I fit in one post ?! 🤔🪴 Not enough.. so there will be more in the comments 😅 I have had a hectic plant phase lately with all my moving & then moving my plants back due to poor lighting. (I prefer to keep them outside if it will allow it).. So now that they are finally back to normal here’s updates on my babies. They have gotten so big. 🥰 Photo 1 is my new Haworthia Mundula 🌿, I went plant crazy & finally got some new babies! , & will be showing my new plants in a separate post. ➡️ so look out for that! I’m still getting them all presentable 😂 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GrowingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #Succulents #Succulent #Echeveria #Graptopetalum #Haworthia #Sedeveria #Jade #Sedum @TidyTigerpear posted 6M ago 59 56 Just want to celebrate with plant-y people who will understand … First the N’Joy that hangs above our kitchen sink is SO happy this summer ☀️ And second, look at the AMAZING Sansevaria I was gifted today! 😮 #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #theamigos #PothosPack #Sansevieria #SnakePlant @debbiedo posted 7M ago 5 5 #GregGang #HappPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy I’m not sure if all H-E-B’s have these but OMG, the one here in Waxahachie, TX is selling these plants in a 5” terracotta pot for only $5. The 4” pots of succulents are $5 too. And this beautiful dracaena “Marley” in a 6” pot for $14.99. The 4 succulents and Marley did come home with me. These make great beginner plants for the new plant parent. @YammieOf3 posted 7M ago 7 0 Plant Parent Explained…..😍❤️😍 #gotalotgoingon #plantparent #NewGrowth #growlightsdowonders #HappPlants @JenniferNoel posted 7M ago 12 10 Happy #FreshLeafFriday 🌿 So much #NewGrowth going on here, it’s always so hard to narrow it down to show! Y’all throw some #Calathea suggestions my way because I am falling in love with the ones I impulsively bought 😍😂 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Philodendron #PhiloFlock #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #PrayerPlant #FiddleLeafFig #Monstera #ThaiConstellationMonstera #StaghornFern #Diffenbachia #Syngonium #SyngoniumSquad #MonsteraMob #PlantAddict @AmusingRedhill posted 8M ago 10 4 Biggest repot of the season so far! I bought this big old umbrella plant off FB marketplace last fall and have been slowly shaping it and waiting for spring. I felt pretty confident its pot was too big because the soil dried very inconsistently. With spring here for real I felt ready to repot it, and sure enough the pot was much bigger than it needed. I’m so happy with how it looks!!! Please send no-transplant-shock vibes my way 😁 (First photo is now, the rest go back in time…) #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappPlants #RepotSeason #Schefflera #theamigos @debbiedo posted 8M ago 9 1 #MemeItUpMonday #HappPlants #PlantAddict #GregGang # @Keysgirl0179 posted 9M ago 0 4 found white glue like/cobweb like substance under my calathea @NativeTigerfern asked 9M ago 14 11 Finds from today’s nursery trip. It was my first time visiting A&A nursery in Guilford county NC. 📍 The plant selection was amazing, they had quart sized pots, (succulents) for 7.99$! I got an Echeveria ‘Blue Elf’ that has lots of offsets, and even a huge bloom stalk! And then I also found a Super Donkey Tail! It was super fun to visit a new place, my boyfriend went with me and he got a strawberry plant 🍓 #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #SucculentSaturday #PlantHaul #NewPlants #HappPlants #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #OutdoorGrowing #HangingPlants #SuperDonkeyTail #Echeveria #Elfstone @TidyTigerpear posted 9M ago See 20 more posts