Community #ArrowheadPlant


@SnailDiva avatar @SnailDiva Ā· 5M
Just wanted to speak to someone who would understandā€¦ Tonight, I feel defeated. Iā€™ve treated my Alocasias less than a week ago for first signs of spider mites. Thatā€™s commun occurrence, I clean everything, treat everything, no biggy. I feel that kinda comes with it and I have now a dedicated ā€œplant jailā€ for this. I moved my arrowhead recently from a window to my greenhouse and it wasnā€™t looking too hot. Lighting change could be responsible, it does not like its new neighbour, I donā€™t know but again, no big deal. Tonight, I go to water it and it is clinging onto life. Barely. I check and see a bunch of rust spots. Hmmm. This is not normal. Well folks, I have thrips. I feel so defeated. I have no new plants, nothing has changed, I just have new undesirable roommates. I just spent the last 2 hours washing leaves, cutting trimming down and honestly, shedding a few tears. I know itā€™s part of the game and the hobby, but what was supposed to be a week of vacation, maybe even plant shopping at a few spots i always wanted to check out just transformed in pest control/management. How can I go look at new plants when I canā€™t even handle the ones I have? Anyway, sorry for that rambling, I just wanted to write to someone who would get it. I know there is much worst going on in general. I also dedicate this post to spike leaves, the fallen hero. Iā€™m sure the 40 other plants are thank you for your sacrifice. #PestControl #ArrowheadPlant #SadPlantDay