Rattlesnake Plant

Rattle Shaker

window-distance 1.5ft to light
window-orientation East
12.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Calathea Discussion

My plant was beautiful & thriving. The skewers were to keep my dogs out of the soil. They knocked the pot over & the plants roots were out of the soil with a few leaves broken. I cut the broken leaves and replanted it. What else can I do to help it?

How to save

Helpppppo please!! This plant has been giving me trouble for a year now she’s in her last leg and the other mini rattle shaker is also dying. Any tips???

My rattlesnake snake plant has what looks like burnt leaves or a disease on some leaves. Please help. I noticed this happened after I repotted it in miracle grow soil. And or too much Sun? Please help this is my favorite plant. #NewPlantMom

What is the best size and kind of pot for this plant?

My rattlesnake plant has a ton of new leaves since I bought it 7 months ago but there are a few brown spots here and there, should I do anything? Also, the soil still feels slightly damp but it says to water it- should I wait? Thank you!

I've had this Rattlesnake plant since January and it's not happy...it had been over watered and then underwatered, now all of the leaves have browned and curled up, there are a couple of new shoots but I'm at a loss what to do

My Calathea was purchased from Easy Plant. It's been very healthy but I recently moved. I have it in a southwestern facing window, about 2 feet away. The lower leaves are starting to yellow. The rest are fine. Is it OK?

My rattlesnake plants leaves are curling. I've made sure it is watered as I read this is often a symptom of underwatering however this was a couple of days ago and the leaves are still the same..any help

Medusa keeps going downhill! She has yellowing leaves. What can I do? #helpneeded #RattlesnakePlant