Duke Friendship Plant 0.5ft to light East 6.0" pot Drainage Plastic Succulent Indoor View @XtalMayhem's Oasis #Pilea Discussion Is it dieing Happy fresh leaf Friday! 🍃 so adorable #FreshLeafFriday #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #PlantCorner #Seymour #PLANTMAFIA #brunchataudreys Just not doing well and I’m afraid there’s nothing to do for it —- how do I remove it from Greg? Is this a flower? Help….. what did I do wrong? I’ve had this plant for about a week and it’s already dead. It’s in a nursery pot with regular potting soil. In a north facing window, with grow lights and a humidifier. Meet Harry. Found this exotic looking plant at Lowe’s today. I had to get him. He came as a ‘wick and grow’ plant. I have other plants from Lowe’s with that and i removed the strings. Does anyone use the ‘wick and grow’ system? My plant is loosing its vibrant green color. Any suggestions for what I should do to remedy that? My friendship plants leave are limp but also crispy on the edges whats going on This is my “Friendship plant” that was gifted to me as just a cutting back in May. I’m so excited that it has rooted, grown, and giving me flowers!! And this is my very first post on here! #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #moonvalleypilea My happy Friendship plant! I didn't even realize these guys bloomed! I am always so surprised and excited when one of my babies blooms! I'm starting to feel like I'm developing a green thumb from this community... or I can follow instructions/advice well! 🤪 #friendshipplant #firstbloom Similar Plants in the Community Dolores Bonham JPJ Ivy Learn more about Friendship Plant 🌱 Overview