
Dancing Bones

window-distance 1.6ft to light
6.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
soil-type Regular

#DancingBones Discussion


My dancing bones cactus is blooming! 😍 #HappyPlants #BloomingSuccs #CactusClique

I picked up this awesome beauty at a HUGE discount today at a local nursery. 😍πŸ₯° #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #CactusClique #DancingBones

I need help identifying the 20 succulent cuttings I got from Greg in the #SpringIntoSummer contest. I just added them all as separate plants. They are all planted in the same pot right now until they grow roots. Greg identified some but I’m not sure if they are right. And many it didn’t identify. So any help in identifying them would be greatly appreciated! Sorry for all the posts but I have to post each one of the 20 individually. Let me know what you think they are. #SucculentSquad

Some "no pot" succs.....a little #sciencewithgreg ....add #pothoswater for good luck and strong roots. Take some #rootporn shots for the people....annnnddd DONE! Got 4 new babies up and running. @theplantymammy Thanks for the tip! They finally got here!! I think I like this no pot many planty chores I love came in this box! Are these weird enough....since I picked my own "weirdo box"?? πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ #succulentsquad #succulentlove #pickleplant #stringoftears #crassula (green bean) #dancingbones

more pics from today 🌱 Star cactus- two new (slow growing) leaves in the middle, they have slowly been getting taller, there is even a new 3rd leaf under the two but you can’t see it just yet. πŸͺ΄ Haworthia β€˜savanna’- she wasn’t loving it too much under my grow lights (haworthia prefer less light) so I moved her to the top shelf, with no grow light, & it seems to be liking it better. Lifesaver cactus- after the bloom, she started going down hill, (my own fault) because of a lack of water for too long. It’s doing a little better now, & has put some new growth out. 🌱 Dancing bones cactus- prickles is pretty chill, but tends to like a bit more water these days. She does have some new growth but I’m still learning his habits. πŸ‘€ Calico kitten crassula- new growth, & cool colors 🌈 I love the leaf shape it’s like little hearts πŸ’• and the colors are stunning also. #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #NewGrowth #GrowLights #GrowingSuccs #HappyPlants #Haworthia #StarCactus #Crassula #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #LifesaverCactus #Succulents #DancingBones

Updates on plants you guys haven’t seen in a while! πŸŒΏπŸ€— 1. Pickle plant πŸ₯’- probably needs a repot, it was growing super fast but slowed down, not sure if it’s in dormancy, but it still is an awesome plant, & super tall. I still would like to measure it. πŸ“ 2. Graptosedum bronze- this one was damaged by freezing temps during the winter, but has completely recovered since! It’s grown back & filled out. 🌿 3. Coral Cactus πŸͺΈ- lots of new growth, I’ve been keeping this one outside right now. 4. Tillandsia Funckiana- new growth at the top, it’s pretty noticeable. I love the colors, and texture of this airplant. 🌱 5. Sunsparkler sedum- my grandma gave me these cuttings yesterday, they already had some roots, I put them in a bright windowsill in some somewhat damp dirt, and a pot with drainage. πŸ€ #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #NewGrowth #GrowingSuccs #AirPlant #airplantarmy #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Sedum #Graptosedum #PicklePlant #Sunsparkler #PropagationStation #succulentsaturday

How long do the blooms last on the Easter Cactus? I purchased Coco with lots of beautiful blooms, but now they seem to be closing and drying up. Am I supposed to pick off the dead blooms?


#WhatTheSuccWednesday Check out my #DancingBones cactus growing like a little champ! πŸ’š